Hurrah! @MissEmmeline has a curry on the go in my shiny new kitchen ;) pic.twitter.com/x6I245Hx
TwopTwips GIVE your photos that James Bond feel, by taking them through a toilet roll tube. yfrog.com/j2qubhxj
(via @JayParsonsMagic)
@chris_j_hughes But it’s mostly the fact I can’t prepare long playlist of arbitrary stuff for long car journeys that’s annoying.
@chris_j_hughes I just mourn the lack of playlists. Plus it won’t work with my car’s stereo (looks for playlists named MINI1, MINI2, etc.)
jonmbutterworth personally I’m glad we have intrusive media. Otherwise Jimmy Savile would just have gotten away with it all his life.
@charlesarthur Rubbernet. Works a treat. Free trial. rubbernetapp.com
Right. Off-to-work time.
@guriben Hush, youngster.