Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 2012

@hayles Yur. I’ve got to get from the Watershed to Victoria Street by 6pm. Hoping to time it so as not to arrive wringing things out.

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@mhoulden Virtually every major company has massive financial dependencies on stuff knocked up in Excel and Access by non-programmers.

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Working in t’@wshed.

via Echofon

@Phooto @derekarridge Hah! Snap. My relegated-to-decorating-and-odd-jobs watch, sadly batteryless at the mo:

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My base instincts are definitely refining with age. Last night I got home pissed and made myself… a peppermint tea.

via Echofon

@foxc Erm. Was the nervous breakdown due to overwork, perchance?

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@chrisphin “Whoop” definitely feels right to me for English English.

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@LegalWeasel I think there are programmes that could help you.

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@benjohnbarnes Heh. There is less chirping this morning, but it’s still a bit like a late dawn chorus. You around?

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@vero Nooooo! That’s a slapping offence in any month but December. @preppeller

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@stebax I think it may be fair to say that *all* internet trolls have mental health issues, by definition…

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@Phooto …that phones are so complex an old one is rarely still that useful, plus very few of them are design classics.

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@Phooto It was heirloom from granddad, who was big boss of engineering firms. Dunno about the phone generation. Problem is…

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@Phooto I know the feeling. This is my “backup”. Bit scared to wear it.

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@skeddy Indeed. The watch was fine with drunken me last night when I took it off. It was sober me this morning that dropped it, too!

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@Phooto Given the mess the guy in Timpsons made of the back of my watch the last time, maybe I should invest…

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@Phooto I love self-winders, but my choice is a bit limited because I have small wrists.

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@hayles Ooopsie. They normally do for me. Is it George? Have you tried deploying sarcasm?

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@Phooto I knew I should, but I dopily thought that meant taking the battery out, which I can’t do myself. Never thought of pulling crown!

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@skeddy Well, if you keep a watch for years and years and years and then finally drop it dopily onto a wooden floor, then yes, apparently :(

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@Phooto (But I also know some extremely good, though pricey, watchmakers. My other watch, very rarely worn, is an Omega Constellation…)

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@Phooto That’s fine; the guys at the “In Time” franchise in Bristol Debenhams were really good last time, so I’ll give them a try.

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@Phooto Definitely trying a repair, not least because I just ordered a new strap for it *yesterday*!

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@Phooto Cool, that’s what I thought. Thanks, have pulled out crown. Will also try to stop bits falling down the date viewer!

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@shezza_t Pork and apple something:… Have more pork for tomorrow. All suggestions gratefully received!

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In Urban Wood, post-gallery, enjoying a rare @BrisBeerFactory Southville Hop _sans_ beer glass on the label :)

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Lovely little exhibition at lovely tiny gallery - well worth putting your head around the door (@Bristol_Culture?)

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“Dangerous Liason”, a piece from this week’s exhibition at 18 Christmas Steps :)

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@bexxi yup. Pork and apple in ginger sauce. Smells nice, at

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@chrisphin Thought I recognised it. Sadly, while I am currently right next to Boston Tea Party, it’s the wrong branch to get you one :)

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Hurrah! New arm for my chair on the way. Bristol Office Furniture giving good long-after-sale service, there. Recommended.

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Dealing with paperwork has just frustrated me enough to put a Doxie Go on my shopping list.

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@MarinaHyde Try doing some unauthorised marketing using Olympic keywords. Sure they’ll throw you out pretty quick.

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@Phooto Not bad. And as I’m doing it mostly to make the flat more saleable, I might “get back” some of the money, in a way…

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@NoWireHangers Very exclusive design, by the way, because Helvetica owners pulled it from my Spreadshirt store for trademark infringement :D

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@NoWireHangers My pleasure. Much rather it was with someone who’ll get use of it than hanging around at back of drawer.

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@Phooto It was only, in the end, about £200 more than my imagined budget. But I may need to add more to get the floor sorted first. Sigh.

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bristol247 Amazing live updated map showing all the planes in the sky - can you see Europe underneath if you zoom out?

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 1:31 PM, Jul 30th, 2012 via Echofon)

Currently having a coffee while Kitchen Man produces a final quote which, I predict, will be a tad more than I was expecting.

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This morning, I will mostly be finalising the details of a new kitchen. It’s needed doing since I moved in. In 1999.

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@sugarenia Somewhere on here:… Probably Underworld/And I Will Kiss?

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@Crackerwax Tell them to turn their phone off and call you back.

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*Dies in deluge of emails and chirping Android devices*

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Ah! That’s why it’s so bad. Importing iCal to Google Calendar adds alert reminders to all appointments, even if they already *had* alerts.

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@nineweeks @Bristol52 @hayles @MissEmmeline Well, I may give it another go now I’ve only got one episode of Dollhouse left :D

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*Slowly tracks down beeping annoyances and looks for “shut the feck up” software settings.*

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Moved from iCal to Google Calendar. Now there are *eight* devices chirping at me that it’s time to call @benjohnbarnes.

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@Bristol52 @nineweeks @hayles I tried the first episode, with @MissEmmeline. We didn’t really get it, I think.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Bristol52

@Bristol52 @hayles Also, because it was cancelled so early, Netflix actually has all the seasons available. Seems sadly rare.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Bristol52

@hayles This is why I’ve been watching Dollhouse on Netflix.

via Twitter for Android in reply to hayles

tomscott Oh boy. If you know your web security, have a look at this conversation between @troyhunt and @UKTesco and cringe:…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:11 PM, Jul 29th, 2012 via Twitter for Android)

@archidave No; he’s the best candidate dollars could buy *him*.

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fmanjoo There are 416 customer images for this Amazon horse mask. They are all hilarious.

via bitly bitlink (retweeted on 2:09 PM, Jul 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@jukesie I’m now imagining @guriben’s Nexus falling apart like a clown car upon the “send” of that tweet.

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@jukesie @guriben It’s the 8GB I’ve got. Started noticing the “unresponsive to touch until screen turned off and on” recently, too. Bah.

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@guriben @jukesie You didn’t even get the Jeffrey Archer novel, did you? Are you sure it’s even a Nexus 7? Maybe it’s an Etch-a-Sketch.

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@jukesie Ah, you have the “coming away at the left-hand-side-a-bit problem too?”

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Watershed. Balcony. Latte. Awaiting falafel.

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@Mouse_House Just found out place I want to go isn’t open on Sunday mornings. Quick flat ride into town beckons. Hurrah!

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@Mouse_House Or possibly cycle! But I want to go to Park Street and that’s a lot of uphill from here…

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Hrm. Wonder if there’s enough gap in the rain to nip out for lunch without getting wet?

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TheFirmOnline “If you haven’t heard of him, we haven’t either.” NBC Olympic anchor on Tim Berners Lee.

Co anchor: “Google him”.


via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 11:27 PM, Jul 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

@rossoh Erm. That does look awfully like a joke account.

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Thank you, ginger-peeling tipsters.

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waiyeehong @gothick peeling ginger easy - espesh if fresh - scrape a knife perpendicular down ginger:

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Kate_Butler @gothick peeling ginger tip: scrape gently with a teaspoon.

via UberSocial for Android (retweeted on 7:30 PM, Jul 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

If we must have GM foods, can someone at least make ginger that grows in cubes?

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@claireellent I imagine the original inventor of the bow was the “What? *Run*? All the way over *there*? There must be a better way.” type.

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@BlackDogDays Sorry. You do go away with this rather fetching “Spot the Bench” chequebook and pen, though…

via Twitter for Android

@BlackDogDays Nope! Alma Vale, Clifton Village end.

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Texture. And a sunny spot to have lunch, too.

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Most interest I’ve seen in the Panasonic Store. Turned out to be people watc @ Clifton Down Shopping Centre

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@chubbybannister I’m just trying that experiment. Result so far: not melt as much as I expected. .

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Eyes and sky. @ Clifton Cathedral

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@BradleyLaw I’ve not used an iPad. Very much like the iPhone, though. Not noticed any problems.

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@BradleyLaw Really good. Good size, great screen, responsive, pretty slick all round, really.

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@Mouse_House Cool. Cheaper alternatives may be available now - old review.

via Twitter for Android in reply to mousedogbaby

@Cookwitch @annecupcake @KaveyF I’ve no problem with being compared to Barry Cryer. *Sweeps back luxuriant locks* *Locks fall in bath*

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@Mouse_House It even floats*! *Don’t try this at home, kids.

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@guriben I’m going for a cheap-arse neoprene sleeve from Amazon marketplace trader.

via Twitter for Android in reply to guriben

hayles @gothick DO NOT INSTAGRAM THIS.

via Echofon (retweeted on 10:43 AM, Jul 28th, 2012 via Twitter for Android)

@hayles It wouldn’t be that bad. No rear camera :D

via Twitter for Android in reply to hayles

So. Does this Nexus 7 fit in my waterproof Kindle case? “Yes, ” he tweeted, from the bath… ;-)

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@Ninja_lynneja Yes, but that’s only because everyone’s still in bed after last night :)

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@MissRacingSnake Oh. Sorry, I didn’t know you were dealing with an actual end-of-the-world-catastrophe-level problem like that. *sympathy*

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@hayles I’m guessing it’s more awkward to carry, too. At least you don’t need to feed it.

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My first thought on the new Nikon 800mm lens: they’d never let you through security with that thing……

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Hah! 2001: The Summer Blockbuster Trailer @asic69…

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themiltonjones They don’t like you playing Ludo in those Games Lanes do they?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:03 AM, Jul 28th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Urgh. That was some rubbish sleep. *peels self from bed*.

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@MissRacingSnake Hope you’ve had breakfast. Never murder on an empty stomach.

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G’night, Twitter.

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@hayles I was just thinking, “Well, if it wasn’t Paul McCartney, it’d be Robbie bloody Williams…”

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@panic Yup. Seven crash logs. Where would you like them sent? Ta!

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psd Fly my horsemen, fly! Brian Blessed to light the torch!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:07 AM, Jul 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

@tyronem You mean I have to go through all this again tomorrow? Gah!

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@guriben Have they been on yet? Remembering that Yes, Minister episode where he was warned not to arrange countries alphabetically…

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I’d have slipped some made-up countries in to keep people on their toes toward the end. “Wherethefuckistan, Xylophonia, Yugoslaviaren’t…”

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benhorsleyco I hope Nigeria make it through the spam filter.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:19 PM, Jul 27th, 2012 via Echofon)

@skeddy @guriben “GURIBENNNN IS INNNNNNOCENT! INNNNNOCENT!” “Hold that man in contem-” “INNNNNNNNNOCENT!”

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@skeddy @guriben The nation’s favourite treasure? In my imagination, that would mean Brian Blessed shouting at the court until they gave in.

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@guriben They’re probably going to ignore the drunks and the dog and nick you for a jokey tweet.

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@jeffrock It’s a great Instapaper app, and it works really well on the Nexus. Being about book-sized is definitely a good form-factor.

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@jukesie From many things I’ve seen, this is a very good product with some piss-poor quality control. Think I was lucky!

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@waiyeehong Mind you, I nearly did. Little less chilli next time, I think…

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In possibly my wisest move of the month, I am going to take my contact lenses out *before* I chop these chillies.

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Search for Balloon Fiesta on Mac. Fire up Google Now on . Shows driving directions to the Fiesta. Mildly spooky.

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@KaveyF Maybe they do sell illicit booze. Elaborate double-bluff! (I have been illegally served alcohol in a coffee shop myself…)

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Typing. Not sure I’d call it writing, just yet. *taptaptap*

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Ihnatko @hodgman Chickens are like ferrets, motorcycles, or law degrees. It’s much smarter to acquire a friend who has one than to get one yourself.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:10 PM, Jul 27th, 2012 via Echofon)

ayiasophia Don’t have opinions, ladies! RT @VagendaMagazine Cosmo’s 9 things you shouldn’t do on Twitter, one ‘anything political’

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:51 PM, Jul 27th, 2012 via Echofon)

@jakepjohnson Hoping the screen will be in the ceiling. I want to watch the stargate sequence from _2001_ while in massive floatation tank.

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@Indiechops Though I’ve got to say that the Magnum Infinity Chocolate I was introduced to last week was luuuuuuuuush.

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@miguelitolj I’m just getting back into it. My power-to-weight ratio is still below par for Bristol’s hills, sadly!

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@Indiechops …apart from having it straight from a van on a sunny day. So it’ll be whatever’s on the Downs this afternoon :D

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@Indiechops Loved the Vee Double Moo I had on Brandon Hill the other day. But not great preference in general.

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Only just recovered from cycling to Easton and back. Now it’s up the hill to the accountant. Think after that it may be ice cream time.

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@talkie_tim Well, I would have got there earlier, but I was feeding a cat.

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julesmattsson Hunt’s flying bell end hits woman: Did that really happen? We live in a world beyond satire……

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:50 AM, Jul 27th, 2012 via Echofon)

@talkie_tim I left just before your tweet, sadly, and Dreadlocks had left before I got there, too…

via Twitter for Mac in reply to talkie_tim

It’s a tough to get to the Notification Centre preferences in if your dock is full.

via Twitter for Mac

The makes for a really good Kindle device. Lovely screen, good size. Hurry up and make colour e-ink screens this fast, science.

via Twitter for Android

Old haunt. @ Baristas Coffee Collective

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@mims: 45% chance NYC will experience hurricane-force winds within four hours. This is not a drill.” <- Fab advice.

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@KaveyF I wonder how many other people are thinking, “Did I arrange to go to dinner with Kavey? Was I drunk? Shit.”

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@chubbybannister Yes. Let’s say “moist”. “Moist”.

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AndriaLindquist long story, I got denied entrance into the UK and now my couple has no one to shoot the wedding. Anyone around London free to shoot sat?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:46 PM, Jul 26th, 2012 via Echofon)

Rescuing bears from a bin. Well done, those folks.…

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@panic (I’ve definitely been telling Coda to send off reports when it dies.)

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@panic Where do they go? Had some “report and continue” in-app ones, and some full-on whole-app crashes; nothing in CrashReporter folder.

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@panic Installed — Coda 2 seems very crashy just editing a simple HTML page (with preview.) Any known issues? Ta!

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@BlackDogDays Yeah, well, mine’s not too fond of me, either…

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: So far, so painless.

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Hurrah! Take-out quiche from @SourdoughCafe, consumed in Castle Park.

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Have installed self in Temple Park with Kindle to await lunch date.

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I wish whoever’s stealing that car would get on with it.

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Glad I was on holiday last week. Hopefully that’ll somewhat make up for the slew of huge downloads updating to .

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@ShaneHudson @rem Does that work well these days? I had all sorts of weirdness when I tried it year or two ago.

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@rem So annoying. Especially if you’re cross-platform. I want my iCal entries magically appearing on my Nexus 7!

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@KaveyF It’s pretty nice out here. Making the most of it while I can :D

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@alfredapp If I have a personal contact who also has a company name, should searching the company name find them? Ta!

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@ahnlak When I say I’m burning the midnight oil, that is not a euphemism.

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@skeddy Ah. Yes. I have probably had rather more practice!

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@mhoulden You may be a little far away for that. They do mail order, mind…

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@skeddy It is, luckily, not *that* deadly. But it is very good.

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RT @petapixel: The 7 levels of awareness in becoming a professional photographer: <— Interesting. No sure where I am!

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So. Will it slay me, or will I slay it?

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@aaronsw (And I can still login to as <me>…)

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@aaronsw All my old mail got auto-redirected to <same> mail, after the interlude that was MobileMe, if that helps?

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@blunt_knives @Bristol_Culture In that case, I’d call Park Street “Upper Hotwells” :D

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@rabidbee Well, it could have been a lot worse than his back, at least.

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@rabidbee Draw a nice shape on yourself with the repellent and at least you’ll get a mozzie tattoo.

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They did *what* with the Korean flag? Sorry, is this the real Olympics, that parody show, or an episode of Yes, Minister?

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Just escorted a daddy long-legs from the premises. Much bigger and I’d have needed to hire a fork-lift.

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@LynnCherylEde I don’t type so well when my head is hurting from the noise. Bah.

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Unless, of course, someone actually *is* trying to steal Hotwells Primary School.

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@nicepaul This is why mine retains the James the Engine sticker over the apple, from the last big group holiday I was on…

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