Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 2007

Just off to sit in a cafe and rewrite the start of my novel, then add a “search” facility to the website

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Sitting in the Watershed writing a Search page for Unique Sentence

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Stunningly, think I might go to bed before midnight :)

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Have now had some decent sleep. Off to the garden centre to buy some nice pots while nice weather lasts.

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Ugh. Still have sleep-deprivation headache. Have bought nice pots and got my car washed and done some writing, so not too bad a day so far

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Meh. At work, running on four hours sleep and an extra shot in my morning latte.

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Getting excited about going to see Fields of the Nephilim tonight :)

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At the Astoria waiting for the Nephilim to come on!

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Just added “circumstances/context” recording to http://www.uniquesentenc…

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Just got back from a barbecue at Hal and Rowly’s place. Now must get sleep in preparation for return to work tomorrow (Booo!)

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Ahh. Back home and ready for a weekend of doing some more nothing :) Bliss!

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At Bletchley Park looking at Enigma machine!

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Playing Wii in Lincolnshire :)

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Finally out of work at the start of a week and a bit off! Hurrah! Sitting in Boston Tea Party geeking.

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Fiddling with website in between work and novel-writing course.

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Making final changes for alpha release of!

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Taking the car in for its MOT. Working on website while I’m there :)

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