@hayles Yup, it’s Budokan. Love it, but haven’t been for ages. Then again, so many restaurants, so little time…
@hayles You are forgiven. Mostly because people tell me that I’ve walked straight past them about every other day.
Apparently I now own Georgina’s left thigh. It’s an odd world. @sowerbyandluff
@hayles That reminds me. Saw you walking down Park Street again this afternoon, Little Miss Oblivious.
@joy_james welcome!
@rabidbee heh. Tempting to buy one for my dad. But only because I’m jealous that he bought the 450D when I’d just got my 400 :)
@bananza how long will it take you to get to a zebra and zucchini wrap?
Anyone else having problems with @evernote? Sync failing, and evernote.com homepage is blank in Firefox…
@geekpop Clearly at some point, you’re going to host a pop song so good that the world will pass out for 2 minutes 17 seconds…
@geekpop I blame the LHC.
@piosthyn morning! Nice to wake up to something other than torrential rain, isn’t it?
@Playleimagery yup. Can cope with mild technobabble when unimportant. Week before last’s Spooks had entire plot dependent on total BS :(
Yowch. It’s scarf weather. Be warned.
@ilovetypography True. In Waitrose it would have been an organic lamb.
Might see if I can struggle in on the early ferry today. Need to make up some hours at work.
@philsherry @zeldman’s Blue Beanie Day is all very well, but has he considered colour-blind headless users? I think not.
@Playleimagery NCIS technobabble does seem to have been near someone technical at some point. Unlike Spooks’.
Just installed Greasekit. Hurrah, now have Flickr icon reply in Safari. That was the only Firefox-jealousy I was experiencing.
Just when I think @evernote’s web clipper is behaving itself again… http://twitpic.com/rhuug
RIP another part of my childhood. Rob Holdstock wrote novella _The Dark Wheel_, which came with Elite. Age-11-me must have read it 30 times.
Hmm. Apparently I witter on about “time”, “morning”, and “home”. Here’s my #TweetCloud thing: http://bit.ly/5kgISc
@KaveyF never seen him on TV. Had him pointed out to me a couple of times in cafés, though. Seems inoffensive enough when drinking tea.
http://bestc.am/T3kX The walk home
@hayles well, there’s 20% of _everything_ today. Just no extra special business bargains.
Just had my first coffee in Carwardine’s. My last, too. Nothing terrible about the experience, just utterly mediocre from start to finish.
@bananza Yeah, although no connection with US Borders, FWIR. UK bit was sold off ages ago.
In other news, Justin Lee Collins doesn’t seem to be flying from the shelves http://twitpic.com/rgdq3
@DrHairbear filed under crime (oversized.) Fifth place I looked.
@hayles Actually, business action strangely undiscounted. Possible people don’t rush to buy business advice from bankrupt company.
@hayles some of the computer stuff us 70% off. Much dross; some real bargains. Guess similar in business.
Score! That’s the thing about Chris Fowler; you’ve got to check all the genres! http://twitpic.com/rgazw
Guess that answers my question about Borders, then :( http://twitpic.com/rgadm
Right. Off to see if I can get to Boston Tea Party without drowning.
@mattgemmell Stanza will do that on Mac. May work well, depending on your PDF; should be great if you’re reading an actual book.
Oh, God, will Loud Upstairs Neighbours ever get bored with playing the same song whenever they wake up? Well, not so far *sigh*
So, the best time today to nip out and buy lunch would be… Yesterday. http://twitpic.com/rg1pf
@DrHairbear Bugger. Hmm. Wonder if Blackwell’s might have it? There’s always Amazon, but then I’d have to wait, like, a whole day :)
@DrHairbear The characters are just fantastic. I can never wait. Shame Borders is endangered; it’s where I normally buy my copy :(
Wonder how long it’ll be before Desert Island Discs has to rebrand as Desert Island Downloads?
Oooh! New Chris Fowler Bryant & May novel out. Might be worth braving the rain to see if Borders (a) is still trading, (b) has it in stock.
I’d just like to congratulate @MitchBenn for rhyming “Thomas Aquinas” with “vaginas” in this week’s _Now Show_.
@hayles Is that what you call them?
Hmm. I appear to have just run 10K. http://bit.ly/6nOF5z (Warning: this blog entry contains language. And mild peril.) #getrunning
@caffeinebomb All I’m hearing is, “blah blah blah.” But that’s okay, because I feel great today.
My morning commute has mostly looked like this for the last two weeks: http://vimeo.com/7862129/
@tweeny4 I think it’ll be sunnier then, too.
Right. Time for a nice long bath, then some graphics work, then a jog, then lunch, then some flat-tidying, then a videoconference.
@tweeny4 So, there’s still time to go back to bed, then?
@bertpalmer You’re a very bad man.
@Jorence My deductive reasoning is at its sharpest when I’ve just woken up, see.
@Jorence Well, that’s how I worked out it was probably thunder.
@TheLloydClan Seems to have gone away now. Never know, maybe it’s headed in your direction…
@Jorence I didn’t see the lightning, so I was just left wondering whether it was thunder or a nearby oil refinery catching fire…
Wow, that was movie-soundtrack thunder, wasn’t it? #bristol
Hmm. Sure Spinvox used to work better than this.
@robinince Always keep a frozen one handy. I find Kellogg’s Pop-Toads very useful for occasions like that.
@ahnlak No, nobody switched the internet off. It’s just that the Americans are still recovering from Thanksgiving, dear.
Feeling grumpy and antisocial. Skipping works reunion thing at pub. Heading home, hopefully for lots of sleep.
@ps3cakes Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
@chris_j_hughes @scottejames Mostly for TV. Plus Boxee hack to get iPlayer ;). Have no great use for PS3.
Vaguely considering buying an Apple TV.
@undermanager’s views on music versus age. I appear to be stuck at age 17-25. http://bit.ly/8Cp8EH
@mikeotaylor Think us amateurs could do with a blog post about how to run in the rain ;)
Very glad of my new waterproof boots this morning.
Right. Think I might need to go get me some of this: http://flic.kr/p/7iAwW6
RT @zeldman: I <3 this SO MUCH. “Please design a logo for me. With pie charts. For free.” http://j.mp/81RcNB
Hmm. Think I shall cast stones to see what the future brings. #getruneing
@hayles That’s so sad. I really like Speech Debelle.
Time to trim my beard. Considering trying the goatee look for five minutes between now and it all disappearing.
Lounge looking slightly tidier. Maybe I’ll have a flat that doesn’t look like the inside of a trash compactor by the end of the year.
@hayles Glad I got the bus up there tonight. That’s a conversation no boy needs to overhear.
Just listeing to @neilhimself’s reading of his _Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar_. Had trouble not wetting myself on the way home.
@robinince ah, an encounter with the Twilliterati.
Gah! Just ate too much for lunch, only to find someone’s bought a box of Celebrations. Might need to up my exercise regime if this keeps up!
I really like this fragment of my morning commute http://flic.kr/p/7iseTj
Loud Upstairs Neighbours currently playing something that sounds like a cross between drum & bass and the samba demo on a Bontempi organ.
@bertpalmer Yes, but I’d have died before I managed to tweet about it :)
This is all @bertpalmer’s fault :) My fastest 5K so far: http://bit.ly/8btkFN #getrunning #runkeeper
@ahnlak ? Your client prevents you from typing a “D”?
@theagilmore Never! Always thought you were younger than I was! Loved the Bristol gig on Saturday, by the way :)
You know when there’s enough cereal in the box for one-and-a-half servings, so you pour it all out, eat it, then regret it? #me #now #bloat
@lorenmorris I think I’ll stop watching it. I saved an hour or so of my life the other day by doing that with Swordfish. No regrets so far!
hotdogsladies Y’know, it’s okay to learn new things; even after you graduate and don’t have to.
Can that maybe be a “meme” or a thing to be the mayor of?
@hayles On the plus side, that’s a fantastic name for an album.
@lorenmorris Was wondering if the series airing in the UK right now was written during the writers’ strike… Really gone downhill.
@bertpalmer You’re definitely faster than I am. If we ever do run together, remind me to tread on your toes first.
@hayles I could try my best northern accent on you. Would that help?
@Jorence I think after the third layer it’s probably a little too salty for me.
@benjohnbarnes Get something you’re roughly happy with, and we can always run it through a few filters.
@chrismarquardt so did mine. It worked perfectly up to the next firmware update, which it refused to install! Had to re-partition!
@chrismarquardt Tell me you made sure to partition it with GUID partition scheme.
@benjohnbarnes watches are hard to record. Look for clocks being wound & see if any sound right.
Having black tea with unspecified amour of sugar. Office out of both milk and teaspoons. #fail
@benjohnbarnes Sure I found one. Maybe it was somewhere else. Can’t look now; I’m at work.
@benjohnbarnes Think I pointed you at http://www.soundscalpel….
@njj4 I think it must need some kind of critical mass along with an actual problem to solve. So far, found Gopher more useful.
Bonus! Literally. Got £100 of John Lewis vouchers with December’s paycheque.
@talkie_tim That sounds like it should be the set-up for a terrible joke…
There are so many things in life that you get down to a fine art just in time to never need to do them again.
@rabidbee That could have been a reply to several things I’ve said recently… Anyway, thank you for sharing, dear.
@johnfbraun *sharpens axe*
@zeldman Spend enough time around women, dear, and you’ll realise that getting your hear coloured & cut _is_ therapy.
@chrisphin Jeeves. That’s what I need.
There’s nowt like Babyshambles’ “Fuck Forever” to get you fired up for stuff. But it came up on shuffle. Now am all fired up & nowhere to go
@realbillbailey yeah, but check your credit card for a £10 fanfare surcharge!
@TheLloydClan if weather there’s like weather here, don’t bother with the ironing. My trousers need wringing out & ironing again now.
Woke up feeling surprisingly good following my late night. Then realised it was twenty to nine. #panic
@hayles no, that was yesterday’s 22:35 running a bit late.
@AndyCarolan Yes, but I wasn’t for the last hour and a half. Instead I was wondering the same thing while in bed.
Grr. Why aren’t I asleep?
@waugaman Really don’t think that will be worth the pain of the rest.
Am fifteen minutes into _Swordfish_. Think I may stop now and keep some remaining minutes of my life.
@KaveyF Or view your page source, & check the “link” elements in the header with rel=”alternate”. That’s what drives the browser feed links.
@KaveyF You want the “Atom” link in that list. Atom is the preferred blogspot feed format; equivalent to RSS.
@KaveyF Erm, it’s the one that has the RSS icon next to “Posts” in the “Subscribe to Kavey Eats” bit on your sidebar?
@hayles Mmm. I feel a bit cruddy today, too. Not in mood for doing anything, really.
Pretty sure I don’t want to try the new Colgate. According to the advert I just saw, it whitens your teeth, but makes you badly-dubbed.
@KaveyF Huh?
@tweeny4 Well, this one will be in sunshine rather than dark and rain, and will end with vanilla latte & lunch. Which is quite motivational!
@tweeny4 Yes, looks lovely here, too. Want to get out for jog, but having to wait for other stuff to happen first *grr*.
@bertpalmer Well, my car could technically be described as a BMW. And there ends the resemblance.
This is the same girl who left her debit card in Co-op checkout machine yesterday morning. Am gong to start tying stuff to her with string.
Gah! Foolish girl I went to concert with last night left phone in my car. Now have to get dressed to go retrieve it.
*yawn* *stretch* Wow! How did it get to be 11am? Must’ve needed that. Hmm. So, my full day of getting stuff done is going to be a bit short.
Cynical heart officially melted by Thea Gilmore’s Christmas show :)
About to watch Thea Gilmore at the Folk House :)
@Lillput Notepad++ is excellent, multi-document, and free.
@bananza That’s because there is no way of doing that right. There’s only the way you finally figure out after six failed attempts.
Back home. Had huge suspicious-looking sausage from the pretty German stall in Broadmead for dinner.
Mmm. Bacon, brie & cranberry at Emmeline’s place in St Nicholas Market#lunchunch
@TheLloydClan cool. Should be!-
Ooh, there’s a kingfisher flying around the harbour today. I’d need much more lens on my camera to catch him, though.
@tweeny4 [Legal disclaimer: Matt Gibson is not a qualified medical professional. Side effects may include hyperactivity and tremors.]
@tweeny4 You have my sympathy. Still happens to me too often, and I don’t even drink. My remedy is coffee, painkillers & fresh air. YMMV.
More to the point: who are you, and what have you done with our @hayles ?
@Jorence I’m taking my camera with me; if I go in (not sure what my plans are) I’ll try to get some pictures up.
@Jorence I’m going into town in an hour or so; I’ll at least check that it’s actually opened! Was meant to open yesterday.
@Jorence They seem to be pretty awful at publicity! Yes, in the @ -Bristol complex, where WildWalk used to be, next to IMAX.
Anyone been to the new aquarium yet? #bristol
Morning all! Had a surprisingly good night’s sleep. Don’t know how long my wakefulness will last, but might spend it in town if I can.
Cool. They used the Cowboy Junkies cover of Sweet Jane in this week’s True Blood. Love that song.
I notice from LHC pictures in today’s Big Picture (http://bit.ly/7JeI0o) that, unlike Bowie Base 1, _they_ have bicycles. #doctorwho
@rabidbee Perhaps you should try rolling with it, and Doing Nothing in style. I do; it’s fab.
Must say, I do love @big_ben_clock .
@rabidbee Make sure you do it properly.
@Glinner polish the DVD and try again!
@youngandfoodish it’s a trick question. One’s nutmeg, one’s chili flakes.
Oh, sod off, bigresource.com, you twatty add-nothing search results hijacker! Why isn’t my greasemonkey Google filter removing you?
Mmmmmm. #coffee #croissant
@hayles mm. For the same reason, think this morning is a Baristas coffee morning.
Hmm. Looks like some of GoDaddy’s MySQL servers are having problems. Oh well. If my sites were that important I wouldn’t use GoDaddy anyway.
@bananza if you hate them on principle, liberal. If you hate them when you get caught, conservative ;)
@hayles £24 return? Is that via Paris?
Have just munched through bag of chocolate coins I bought while waiting for prescription in Boots. Am 12 going on 40.
@chrismarquardt Hmm. Looking for replacement for Lineform right now, since FreeVerse seem to have mostly given up on fixing it :(
Odd how photos bounce in and out of Explore. I’ve got two in there at the moment, but not the two that were in there last time I looked…
@rabidbee Aha! Ta. Oooh, cool pic. And informative about hills, too :)
@rabidbee No, I mean I wanted a link to _your_ picture, dear. Where’s your shameless self-promotion, man?
Result: run quick & easy, Roses Kings Castles lovely little album so far. My only criticism is it’s not 4 kilometres long#getrunningning
@rabidbee Linky! We demand linky!
@barneyc Would you like a side-order of sarcasm with your Twitter bile, sir?
With the beard, the belly, the blue running top and the hoody, it’s difficult for me not to think “Papa Smurf” when I pass a mirror.
‘Kay. Bored with the Portway. Out for a jog around the harbourside. Will give @adamficek’s album a first listen while I run! #getrunning
Enjoying the Big Picture’s “on the shoreline” set today. http://bit.ly/2nMHP5
@r4Today Doesn’t look much like Jeff Bezos to me…
@CasJam Hmm. And that is some of the ugliest table-and-image-based HTML I’ve seen in a long time, too…
@hayles You know, that’s just begging to be re-tweeted. But I shall resist. Especially as I should be in bed by now.
Really very tired indeed. Think I may go to bed now in the hope of banking some energy for the rest of the week.
Not sure that running should tone my arms as much as it seems to be doing. Odd.
Oh, how I love thee, Psychonaut. Thank you, Mr. McCoy.
@rabidbee Wish I had the space. Possible I need to jettison several hundred books, too.
@rabidbee I’d agree with you if I had a spare room or an attic :)
@rabidbee but in majority of cases, never look at CD box again. And hundreds of ‘em take up space in 1-bedroom flat!
@jacrats You’ll go insane, though, as it’s fiddly and only a handful of CDs have them!
@jacrats run-out messages were cool. CD version was message hidden in spine under inlay. Now check all your CDs :)
This is why CDs are still sometimes better than downloads. Lovely inlay, @adamficek! http://twitpic.com/pz7ep
@hayles ahh. That may explain it.
@hayles Body con? Serena? Youngsters. It’s a different language…
@floyduk On second set of iPhone headphones, and they’ve gone buzzy in one ear. Mighty mouse horrible. No more benefit of doubt from me!
@hayles if you arranged it on here, presumably it would be a “tweedup”?
@R2UK Google Wave is like Java: I’m sure it’s really useful, but I don’t have a problem I could use it to solve right now.
@hayles *poke* *prod* *alarm-clock-impersonation* *promise of tea* *hint of breakfast*
@majicDave Why would that cause you a problem? This is Unix, dammit!
@dressjunkie Shh.
God, I’ve been eating this cola lollipop for hours now. My tongue is aching, but I can’t put it down.
@hayles I’m tempted to see if I can add you to my “Internet Gossip Flirts” list twice over.
On boat home. Harbour lovely in the dark. Hope heavier rain holds off until I’ve done tonight’s run!
@hayles heh. For that, I’ll give you a honorary BTEC in tact & diplomacy.
@MrsPBoutique Too little focus, damn it. This week, it’s “novelist”, then it’ll be “musician”, then “designer”… I can’t settle on a goal.
Yay! Just got some healthy green tea (Harvey Nicks, darling!) and a very unhealthy lollipop as a “thank you” for a print I did for someone!
A quick snap from my morning commute. Emily is my favourite commuter ferryboat. http://flic.kr/p/7gjwuz
@shezza_t Yurp. Really not sure I’d enjoy that. Pretty certain my colleagues wouldln’t, either.
@floyduk I’m also a huge sucker for new gadgets, but the desire for Apple mice (and headphones!) wore off very quickly indeed.
@shezza_t Hmm. Tuna?
@MrsPBoutique Novelist.
Got my camera out on the ferry this morning. It’s halfway through the month and I’ve hardly taken any photos!
I particularly like “Compilers don’t warn Bruce Schneier, Bruce Schneier warns compilers.”
Heh. Why did nobody tell me about Bruce Schneier Facts before? http://www.schneierfacts…
@talkie_tim Don’t tell me: you were just cleaning your credit card, and it went off?