@Lillput heh. You are in the Park Street BTP sitting next to meeja people, and I claim my £5!
Random. My LiveJournal email just got spammed by some tossers called MotionBox. I get very little crap through that address, normally.
@hayles Actually, that’s a fair point. I rarely see spam; this may just be the first LJ one that slipped through FastMail’s fab filtering.
Right. Time to get dressed and out to work. At which point, DFS will almost certainly call so that I have to come back.
Not a single app I actually want in the latest MacHeist. That’s unusual. Normally irritating combo of stuff I already have & stuff I want.
D’oh. Left porridge in kitchen to cool down. Just remembered. Half hour later. Bugger. #needcoffee #breakfast
Nice ferry people dropping me at unscheduled stop so I can get coffee on way to work :) #itsnotwhatyouknowitswhoyouknow
Just had my flu jab. No sofa news yet.
@missmcq hmm. Did they mention that it’s a bit of a wasteland and that half the new flats next to it haven’t sold?
@waugaman yeah. Post him to your wife.
Eventually, I will have listened to enough of @hotdogsladies and GIl Fronsdal that I’ll be able to stop listening and actually do something.
Right. On boat on way back home, approaching moment of truth.
Sorted. http://twitpic.com/ogz6a
Twitter needs killfiles. And better hashtags. And sometimes 140 chars isn’t enough. Oh: I just invented Usenet.
@BaristasBristol Curses, George! If I’d known I’d have popped in on way back from having my sofa delivered just now ;)
RT @BaristasBristol: All coffee is free till we close! Happy Friday from Baristas.
@mattgemmell Twitter client with regexp-based killfile. You know you want to.
@hayles hmm. Bananas in pyjamas. Seems sensible to me.
My plan is to go running tomorrow morning instead of tonight, to see if it gives my Saturday an energy boost.