dusttodigital Remembering Reverend Gary Davis, born on this day in 1896 in Laurens, South Carolina. Here he is playing “If I Had My Way” in 1966. pic.twitter.com/tes0IxAEDW
cgpgrey Spaceship You: youtube.com/watch?v=snAhsX…

samaracello It was only a matter of time before I did one of these #sorrynotsorry pic.twitter.com/bMu23N4iFr
Had a sudden urge to listen to the Snapdragons’ _Dawn Raids on Morality_ for the first time in a decade or two. Still a damn fine album.
cstross Having a crisis of confidence in the novel I’m currently working on because to make it thematically relevant post-COVID19 (it can’t be published before October 2021) requires such horrifyingly alienating adornments that Aztec skull-racks might as well be IKEA wallpaper.
@cstross (To be fair, TZOMPÄNTLI already seems like it should be some kind of IKEA underwear drawer.)
@cstross I’m curious as to what else will be in the 2021 IKEA range.
Since about 2013, I’d say. twitter.com/ChuckWendig/st…
zachheltzel What idiot named him Jesus and not Charisma Carpenter?
@JShahryar Life Is Beautiful.

tedgeoghegan A subtle, incredible moment: That’s not a mirror, it’s a window into a duplicate set where Schwarzenegger was sitting with Linda Hamilton’s twin sister Leslie. That this whole moment - all the way into the T-101’s head - is one practically-created shot is a marvel of filmmaking. pic.twitter.com/UC25EO3ILC
Immediate image: Seven steps into her regeneration alcove, sighs, steps out, turns around, and steps back in. twitter.com/RikerGoogling/…
rhodri My favourite twitter account at the moment. Howling. The replies are a magnificent mixture of angry people, people who are playing along with the joke and people who think they’re actually seeing optical illusions twitter.com/crazyiIIusions…
flashboy I mean fair play, taking something from another country and then claiming it’s uniquely British is definitely very British twitter.com/theJeremyVine/…

theJeremyVine How utterly British this is pic.twitter.com/2dDSEmnU3Q
Sigh. I was only wondering the other day if car alarms would start going off due to low batteries from not having been driven. I believe I now HOOT have HOOT the HOOT answer HOOT to HOOT my HOOT question HOOT
@Dru_Marland It’s definitely not the dawn chorus waking me up, then. Sigh.
@atpfm Has @caseyliss ever tried to push-start a modern, heavy car with power-assist steering? You can barely turn the damn steering wheel with both hands and all your strength, so make sure you’ve got a lot of very straight road!
@Dru_Marland I thought it was those little buggers waking me up this week, so I’ve started sleeping with earplugs in. Apparently it was not. #0535

J69Music The final boss at topman pic.twitter.com/w9MYF0yy9n
@dangusset The real question, though: why are you labelling your plugs with my stripper name?
Nigella_Lawson I haven’t left the house since mid March, and I’ve just had a card put through my letter box saying “We tried to deliver your parcel but you were out.” 🤷🏻♀️
@boagworld See also: “Oh my God! You’ve completely unexpectedly separated your credit card number into groups of four digits separated by spaces when typing them in and now I’m going to whine at you until you manually take them out.”

FloraEGill Ah crap… pic.twitter.com/P4NNc95cgf

everycolorbot 0x0fa1bc pic.twitter.com/2eroWq1eai

notDcfcBoss Born on this day 1959: Robert Smith - The Cure. pic.twitter.com/QxSeHtPojp
TheTimDickinson Have you ever wondered what chair Avon kicked over in ‘Animals’?
Well, here’s the V2 of The Chairs of Blake’s 7 - with 24 more chairs!
The perfect blog post, for those who have difficulty sleeping.
watchingblakes7.wordpress.com/2019/06/18/the… #Blakes7
@RamonWrites @MelGow @UrsulaWJ @porthjess @stillawake @LisaSmartass *waves*

pinkrocktopus Look at this.
I installed an LED strip under the arm of my zillion-year-old sewing machine.
TOTAL. GAME. CHANGER. pic.twitter.com/3p8xMK8y8j

@UrsulaWJ This week I have mostly been writing out quotable bits of a book longhand in a commonplace book with a fountain pen and enjoying it thoroughly. pic.twitter.com/lwzhvXbxF2
I’m not entirely sure that Clovis Sangrail has a job, other than professional mischief-making among the upper classes. I think I’m going to enjoy this curse… twitter.com/2ndhandbookery…
Personally I’m just glad of my first desire in about a year to use my Times subscription for something other than the crossword 😂
georgeciveris I love scrolling in bed until 1am and then angrily reading one page of my book.

NicholasPegg Okay, here’s a little lockdown game for all my #Blakes7 friends out there. I’ve taken 40 Blake’s 7 episode titles, and rendered them in emoji form. Some are quite literal, others decidedly lateral. So launch the pursuit ships and set a course for Xenon Base. Maximum power! pic.twitter.com/tThZ3EwghD

The characters in Saki’s short stories have AMAZING names. He perfectly pitches it just beyond the plausible every time: James Cushat-Prinkley; Basset Harrowcluff; Groby Lington… pic.twitter.com/DaPUGGHxui

holdmyale Hold my beer while I rob this store. pic.twitter.com/QimF5wq68b
jayrayner1 Obv a vital message but I’m concerned about the black sleeved hand on the calf of the woman on the right. It can’t be hers because she has her left hand in the bowl. The other woman’s left hand couldn’t reach that far. THERE IS A 3rd WOMAN UNDER THE DOG. twitter.com/10downingstree…

MattNavarra what’s the number pic.twitter.com/eN9PI89hUE
@MattNavarra 3246
alexlindsay Genius…

humorandanimals when you actually have 2 cats
(captians_adventure IG) pic.twitter.com/3SOVz13kQI

stu_bot3000 Imagine getting the brief to write some copy on a fucking bin bag and then smashing it out of the park like this. Sensational effort. pic.twitter.com/TBXjnUaWsT

Large lockdown loaf. pic.twitter.com/DOGyKvh5OL

Mustang. pic.twitter.com/EBb1gtD4mz
Roadside Picnic is a great novel and this may be a good time to read it, if you won’t be too bummed out by a sense of claustrophobic desolation. twitter.com/thephilippics/…
FelicityMorse REMINDER: you have permission to just ‘be’ - to feel you’re in exactly the right place and where you should be and feeling whatever it is

I suspect this may be a nom de plume. pic.twitter.com/hOjYUsegb1
I hope everyone remembered it’s dress-down Friday today.
megelison Good morning to my neighbor who walked out on to his back porch, did a sun salutation, and then yelled FUUUUUUUUCK so loud that he startled the birds.

PaulNoth My cartoon for the @NewYorker daily today. pic.twitter.com/sszTztDx8H

TPreacher711 If like us, u are trapped in the Dome with even suppressant doses food looking like an attractive option- then check out our two new #blakes7thegame standee sets! Liberator Teleport bay & the endless Liberator Corridor! Guaranteed minutes of fun! Just download and print! #Blakes7 pic.twitter.com/2Ca0FIoOSV

xkcdComic RIP John Conway xkcd.com/2293/ m.xkcd.com/2293/ pic.twitter.com/IZFND4f0CN
@chubbybannister Before I answer: are we watching Discovery or Enterprise?

DickKingSmith Confined but not discouraged, the mighty hunter makes do with alternative prey. pic.twitter.com/1OpVHbkpyz
“There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do. Wasting time is merely an occupation then, and a most exhausting one.” gutenberg.org/ebooks/849

All day long men have been clearing the upstairs garden, untouched for four solid years, I believe, in the care of the tenants who just moved out. All evening long the pile of waste has been visited by nonplussed birds, presumably baffled by the demolition, poor sods. pic.twitter.com/KTJrr38yL8

visagermusic I tweeted ONCE about wanting to lie face first in grass during all this and my mom SENT ME A PATCH OF GRASS IN THE MAIL.
MOM!!!!!! twitter.com/visagermusic/s… pic.twitter.com/KU6OxO4aR4

yorecomputer 1983:
Electron User - Vol. 1 No. 1 (1983-10)(Database Publications)(GB), page 10
Full mag —> archive.org/stream/Electro… pic.twitter.com/c4Ojq1cfbw

twisteddoodles Coronavirus coverage. pic.twitter.com/E5oAzcX9hn

kristinnoeline It’s Easter today which seems like a *great* day to watch Alien. How’s about at 3pm EST?
I’ve somehow never seen any of the Alien franchise so while I am pretty sure this image is relevant… I cannot be sure. pic.twitter.com/2riCWoUQuA
@bexxi Ouch. Those instructions. Wonder if it’s the same setter as did the Guardian Easter special this week… theguardian.com/crosswords/202…
RikerGoogling clear replicator recent items
BillOddie Fifty years and he only got cross with me once… well maybe twice… no quite a lot actually! No one could wear silly costumes or do dangerous stunts like Tim. I know it hurt cos he used to cry a lot. Sorry Timbo. A true visual comic and a great friend x.
veschwab Me in March: Begone, foul month! April and I will get shit done!
Me in April: Well, fuck.

BBCNWT Buxton born Tim Brooke-Taylor, the comedian and actor, has died this morning from COVID-19. pic.twitter.com/4UtaEWrrOI
jimalkhalili That’s numberwang. twitter.com/otto_english/s…
Cavalorn PE teachers can wreck your health. Dr Anne Elliott found that bad experiences in school PE actively deterred people from taking exercise in later life & led to a state of alienation from their own bodies. eprints.mdx.ac.uk/22163/
@AthanSpod @plusnethelp @YouTube Such are the mysterious ways of the browser.
@AthanSpod @plusnethelp @YouTube Odd. Some extension screw-up? Private mode is usually how I figure out an extension is causing <whatever weird behaviour of the month>.

tomwhoscontrary My local shop is limiting the amount of flour you can buy, but it’s four billion bags per customer, which is actually pretty reasonable. pic.twitter.com/J3zv1ORaWB

VickyChandler Today I delivered a food parcel to a flat which is in the old Terry’s chocolate factory and the fountain outside was a giant chocolate orange pic.twitter.com/EQSDgVOMhD
@DrAlakbarov I thought Gregg’s had been praised in the past for actually paying their taxes?
PerfumeAds “Who goes there?” says Leonardo DiCaprio into a sea shell
“It is I” says a glamorous lady, appearing from behind some maroon drapes
They lock eyes
Leo: Have you always been here?
The lady is gone
Leo: (whisper)Arigato
A Porsche
A wasp
Time-lapse clouds
Backwards fox
Annaleen Yep. Accurate. twitter.com/muppetK/status…
When you’re feeling too knackered to exercise and then a reminder saying “Exercise Break Week” pops up in your calendar 😃👍

by Grimwyrd. pic.twitter.com/rH2g9UVXu5
Just had an excellent Google Hangout in lieu of a usual pub meet. The only downside is that I’ve been in the same damn chair all day long now and my back is killing me.
Cor. 13 minutes for the Times cryptic this morning. A personal best, and my first proper Morse-like time, which has been my aim all along :) #cruciverbalism
SeeJaneMarie Tucking sheets in at the foot of the bed is FOOT JAIL. Who’s with me?

coffeeshopjihad Someone in my running group ran a marathon in his driveway. All 26.2. I would literally go insane. pic.twitter.com/67a8L88zeN
thedemontowers Spike from Buffy reacting to the Lockdown - A Thread:
Ghosts by Cowboy Junkies open.spotify.com/album/6X93mLWS… #NowPlaying

Technology stack. pic.twitter.com/1neyomozbE
guardianculture Honor Blackman: a life in pictures theguardian.com/film/gallery/2…
I imagine Bristolians may recognise this type of plan. twitter.com/MrTimDunn/stat…

MrTimDunn In 1796, Willey Reveley proposed to straighten out London’s River Thames. The meanders would have become docks, and crucially, sailing times would be reduced. But a parliamentary committee ruled against it, apparently solely because it was “too difficult an engineering feat.” pic.twitter.com/03MUSKwUvf

Not taking a day off either exercise or Veronica Mars, though. pic.twitter.com/ByTq7j5fTl
chirasul reading some reddit comments and someone was like “what happens if you put a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room” and someone else was like “well that’s just a wireless hose” and i can’t stop thinking about it

My first day off since starting my new job. (Obviously, counting myself very lucky still to *have* a job, but also enjoying a day’s holiday as best I can at home…) pic.twitter.com/SUFRzO7W9C

DavidVidecette This is the moment The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem was closed due to Coronavirus.
Last time this happened was in 1349, during The Black Death, a bubonic plague pandemic.
What’s fascinating about this story is the guy with the keys. pic.twitter.com/9brXHUmeTh

sirinevren My zoom background is me paying attention to the speaker pic.twitter.com/q3bAudEaK0

everycolorbot 0x2d8d6e pic.twitter.com/Sd3UbZnc5j
RikerGoogling can’t turn off yellow alert

petedoherty ‘All At Sea’, a 30-minute film by Roger Sargent documenting the making of ‘Peter Doherty & The Puta Madres’ during the summer of 2018 will be premiering at 8:30pm (BST) tonight.
Set a reminder here to be notified when the premiere begins: smarturl.it/PDAllAtSea pic.twitter.com/TRQHdRJ9bG

Canocola It often seems that the golden age of naval idiocy has disappeared forever.
I’m therefore pleased to note that the Venezuelan patrol vessel Naiguatá has managed to recapture some of this spirit by fighting the dumbest action of the 21st century. pic.twitter.com/FSGAn2iYgY
@KBowBristol I’m favouring Diesel’s Only the Brave at the moment. I’ve not been in the same room as another human being for three weeks now.
If someone could spread a rumour that all home WiFi routers have secretly been 5G for the last decade, I wonder if we could get the bottom half of the internet to turn itself off?
@holly Ah. I did get post today, but knowing what the bloke who used to live upstairs’ gym is doing about the coronavirus didn’t turn out to be terribly useful.

stauffermatt This is your regular reminder that macOS has built-in bulk file renaming and it’s insanely simple to use. 🙌🍎 pic.twitter.com/4w7OiVHt2T
@holly Am I meant to have had one of those?

crawley_mick This is the very best time of year for studying the “bottom of the wall” plant community. It occupies 5-20 cm of pavement or tarmac at the bottom of the wall and hasn’t yet had a chance to be weeded or herbicided. I’ll go through the species in pairs in the following tweets. pic.twitter.com/LALA3XHN0B
stephanieboland Hearing my partner laugh happily with colleagues on a work call, and am confronting the hideous possibility he’s actually quite charismatic

CarolynTweeting This is quite the rebuttal statement from Glasgow City Council to a @Glasgow_Times story about stationery expenditure. Fair play to the comms manager who got that one signed off. pic.twitter.com/u5mpRwojrC
On the plus side, the highest match I know well is Willow Rosenberg, and I’m perfectly happy with that comparison :D
Okay, my top match was Raj Koothrappali. I have no idea if that’s accurate as I don’t watch _Big Bang Theory_. My second match was Georgiana Darcy, so apparently I also need to get around to reading _Pride and Prejudice_… openpsychometrics.org/tests/characte…

Oh, yes, of *course* that’s a perfectly sane thing to have in your “print” stylesheet, The Guardian. pic.twitter.com/ui95LjKUPx

Found some falafel mix in a cupboard so now it’s improv flatbread time :) pic.twitter.com/9Mu1n2PkzA
@djelibeybi_meg I love that scene.
I’m taking Monday off, which at this point means sitting in a different chair in my living room.

@weebservations Hrm. I’m not sure that a list where the first person I knew was Milhouse is really what I was hoping for… pic.twitter.com/RLMbw5KUlz

weebservations This is a fun personality quiz if you’re a pop culture buff! Please judge my results. 🙊 openpsychometrics.org/tests/characte… pic.twitter.com/OVnE1EW2Ty
capnbobfrapples Hey everyone. This is Willis. Bens wife. I regret to have to inform you. But this morning at 9am, Ben, like so many others, made a sourdough starter.
@ahnlak @bufferingcast You have to take the award-winning television masterpieces with the smooth.

Buffy S05E14: Crush. Oh, and popcorn. @bufferingcast pic.twitter.com/KVBbCbzjqT

@matt_fwyalchen Oh! Not only do I have one, but when I was digging it out for an enamel mug solidarity photo I found the US Civil War-era recipe hard tack I made about six months ago. Might come in handy! pic.twitter.com/S4qK8UAa9j

MrAlexWood Everything about this is Oscar-worthy #CoronaLockdown pic.twitter.com/MWstii8oLq

Rachael_Conrad For the love of god UNMUTE THIS pic.twitter.com/MA48mit8MX

xkcdComic Pathogen Resistance xkcd.com/2287/ m.xkcd.com/2287/ pic.twitter.com/E2f4opvsUf