@Bristolvor (He said, eyeing up the IKEA pine thing he bought at some point in the 1990s that doesn’t go with anything else in the house…)
@Bristolvor If my experience is anything to go by, rearranging your media cabinet is such a pain in the arse that you just end up keeping whatever you’ve got until it literally falls apart or you move house.

RFJamesUK May circles pic.twitter.com/ZmF2oUQJ4F

Sadly, nobody who lives in the 1980s has passed this way yet, it seems. pic.twitter.com/ipC0zVWz45
Great show about legacy software. bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00…

3liza good morning. /r/Nootropics has invented “the mocha” pic.twitter.com/hpzcNqHHmG

Everywhere I go, I see skulls… #eman_lrs #bristol pic.twitter.com/nZkMlY95LI

Of course, having a pair of these helps :D pic.twitter.com/OAaXjxf4xO

Good light for it. @Insane_51 pic.twitter.com/Ull46xeU2l
pwnallthethings Computer: wow that’s a nice scene made out of 9.3 million triangles, let’s bounce fake light rays around it to generate a 4K picture 60 times a second.
Also computer: sorry you can’t click on outlook right now I am busy thinking
AJemaineClement I will be taking some time away from social media. twitter.com/ellebuh/status…
@chubbybannister I became soggy. I have made a note to look out the picnic blanket.
Just hit that moment in a bit of code development where I’ve screwed it up exactly enough to realise how I should have done it from the start. (Hopefully.)

neilsardesai imo any progress bar that lasts longer than 5 seconds should come with hold music pic.twitter.com/kv2BKL436r

DaveGorman I’ve set today’s Indy cryptic -> puzzles.independent.co.uk/games/cryptic-…
Sample clues:
Daughter in prison revealing bum (5)
Outlaw speed bumps on bendy road (8)
Perhaps Tommy Cooper’s floundering with idea for trick, ultimately (4,5)
No spoilers, ta! pic.twitter.com/hV76ztyZoM
Is there actually some kind of motor racing going on in town?

Surprising how many Georgian houses retain the hoops from the Great Basketball Craze of 1783. pic.twitter.com/huqItEonBK

IamHappyToast Can’t believe they double booked the No 10 Rose Garden for the photos pic.twitter.com/lnRIKW6TzD

Geographical selfie. pic.twitter.com/KYuhznVQJ6
HorrifiedMag Jane Nightshade looks back at possibly the best cinematic ghost story ever made, 1961’s The Innocents…horrifiedmagazine.co.uk/film/the-innoc…I0#Horrifiede#BritishHorroror
@Dru_Marland @tinkyscribble Does “Exercise time, then shower? (5)” fit?

KYPBristol Cumberland Basin before the War c.1939. The Clifton horizon seen in this colour slide by Herbert Postlethwaite is largely unchanged, but Hotwells in the foreground has fared less well, Western Sq having since vanished under the road infrastructure.
maps.bristol.gov.uk/kyp/?edition=b… pic.twitter.com/dVMV5RkfYG
@psidnell I will start practising immediately.
MapsToMyHouse @VindolandaTrust Quis est bonum canem? Quis? Esne bonum canis. Vero es
AlasdairStuart The Goon Show is the frantic jazz band falling downhill and somehow keeping time while also covered in jelly keystone of so much British radio comedy. I love it so twitter.com/bbcradio4/stat…

porthjess Earlier I went to the soft launch of the new @BTPcafes on Whiteladies Rd & what a beautiful space it is! 😍
Stuck to my usual (sweetcorn fritters washed down with a bucket of guest roast latte)👌.
All perfect.
Will be back. Lots. 💙
(not an AD as I paid in full) pic.twitter.com/TvVuATyrAd
YourPalFanton BRB, just working on an origin story for Texas Pete from Superted where it turns out his parents were killed by teddy bears

@YourPalFanton Parallel dimension Manson Family. pic.twitter.com/uGn0jyLUdA
DarmonRichter #Chernobyl’s newest eatery, the “Stalker Grill Bar,” is now serving food and drinks right beside the entrance to the Zone at Dytyatky.
Current status: sidetracked from a passing thought about The OA, now watching astounding videos of a stern guru (and her backing dancers) moving through Castaneda’s Tensegrity forms… youtube.com/watch?v=Td1qx8…
@chubbybannister Sure as heck looks like they do… thomasware.co.uk/about-us/
@chubbybannister Yes. And I love the way that without the road for context it could just as well be in the middle of the countryside.

I’d like to start a list of “this isn’t a listed building but enquiring minds would still like to know how the hell it ended up sandwiched between the C Bond and the tannery or whatever…” pic.twitter.com/QI21K0q1WC

“How do you do, fellow kids?” pic.twitter.com/4Hadwixgo8
nicsigni “can you explain this 5 year gap in your resume?”
“you worked at twitter?”

Revolution pic.twitter.com/PMVaym61sp
@porthjess @BTPcafes @PollyAkielan @VisitBristol @BristolLive @bristol247 Oooh, is that the old River Cottage place?

KYPBristol You might never guess that Bristol produced aeroplanes in the city centre, but here on Park Row, in the old Coliseum roller skating rink, George Parnall set up a factory. Beginning in WWI manufacturing carried on here until 1925, but is seen here in 1922.
maps.bristol.gov.uk/kyp/?edition=b… pic.twitter.com/pwK6csP2CJ
DrShaffopolis Trying to reconcile “don’t spend time on anything that isn’t your core competency” with the fact that we all use a computing cloud from the online book retailer, a front-end framework from an advertising company, and get restaurant tips from the tire company.

So I guess I still haven’t worked out the magical incantation to get Bristol Waste to take shoes for recycling. That was a waste of a perfectly good chicken. pic.twitter.com/edkkjPTTtF
@subtleBreaker @norootcause I work with a sociopath who uses Uppercase First Letter For Keywords.

warandpeass Still better love story than Twilight pic.twitter.com/hfy9d0Ktvb
IanDunt Dominic Cummings’s evidence was a story of liars - told by a liar
Me for @theipaper
mcelhearn If you use Scrivener, you definitely want to listen to this. If not, this is a great interview with a best-selling UK crime fiction author.
@HodderBooks twitter.com/ScrivenerApp/s…
pearlylondon Oh do fuck off with your cryptocurrencies I’ve only just got used to the 2 pound coin.

jessicamdalt I have just discovered Orbis (orbis.stanford.edu), a free resource that estimates how long a journey might have taken in the Roman Empire. You can choose season, modes of transportation, priority (speed, economy etc); it also estimates costs & difficulty. I am SPEECHLESS. pic.twitter.com/Nr0ersh1Mu
@porthjess Though, as with the one that took out those traffic lights, I’m still rather wondering HOW THE HELL
@porthjess Don’t worry; this is from a while back!

Just adding appropriate imagery to the One Mile Matt error pages… pic.twitter.com/j3WkTYSkKk

Ineffable? #hotwells pic.twitter.com/9zJYxeN1fV

WeirdBristol This bar of metal in the grounds of St Mary Redcliffe is a piece of tram line that was thrown there after a WWII bomb exploded several streets away.
The force of the bomb propelled it like a javelin and it’s now preserved as a monument to all that was lost in the Bristol Blitz. pic.twitter.com/NSdVO9ZS0H

dduane Meanwhile, on Tumblr… (yahooanswers-official.tumblr.com/post/648670017…) pic.twitter.com/73FBjGCwnw
Definitely an afternoon for listening to _Sheffield Shanty_ #mstu youtube.com/watch?v=G7JAlP…

Okay, Hotwells: it’s high tide and the Rose of Denmark has hoisted her jib. You know what this means: be prepared for a Plimsoll Bridge swing as soon as she gets the mains’l up. pic.twitter.com/DTM3IZyDzA
@Peculiar That was bloody brilliant. Thanks for giving me the last nudge I needed to get around to it!
@chubbybannister Oh, God, I never even considered that possibility.
@andrewlaughland @rem Yeah, I was going to suggest RapidWeaver. Used it for years before I learned web development myself; nice to see it’s still going.
Someone you’ve never heard of, who you might know, is on Instagram.

One of these kids is doing his own thing. pic.twitter.com/PsP2Nnff8O

EngineMarvelous Finished another zoetrope. This time I wanted to make a tribute to one of the greatest animators, Hayao Miyazaki. #StudioGhibli #totoro #catbus #stopmotionanimation #vfx pic.twitter.com/viMGhFVsEZ

BillieMarten She’s out. I can’t begin to express to you how much I’ve wanted this to be in the world, I am so fucking excited and ready. A totally fresh and untouched slate. Lots more to come so stay with me and thank you @ChrisHawkinsUK for my morning play. X BillieMarten.lnk.to/GardenOfEdenSo pic.twitter.com/sDW4U3FA8Q

I do have a Kindle, but sometimes it’s nice to have a volume that suits its subject. Diamonds is an 1888 first edition; the research book is from Somerset Libraries’ reserve store. They smell *amazing*. pic.twitter.com/uCflVhlOjx
@archidave Befrilled, bewigged and bewildered…

That would be quite a good name for a character. Someone should use that..pic.twitter.com/ZxdGx4Erktkt

ChrisArnoldInc On Monday morning I took a photo of a man eating a fry up. It’s just been shown on Have I Got News For You. pic.twitter.com/Mck8gk36vy

bbcrb WOW - the Six Sisters are complete! 🎨
North Street in #Bedminster is looking BRIGHTER today ☀️
These murals have all been done by female artists 🙌 pic.twitter.com/IO7SUqQQ1V

rhodri Herewith a video in which I go on for TWO MINUTES about a magical chord in a Whitney Houston song, for the benefit of the general public pic.twitter.com/A6OP6hbinm

@nosila_63 @Lucyvfreeman Current status. pic.twitter.com/MmXM9zDRgo

smolrobots 1429) Vonbot. Mysterious European aristocratbot who’s very keen to have you for dinner in its unnecessarily large gothic mansion. pic.twitter.com/VDIlOLX2uE
yumhoneyblood Carla is making a documentary about women in Scottish music and honestly it’s ICONIC!! help if you can and get her to £10k!! twitter.com/CarlaJEaston/s…
It’s all bunga, and no low. twitter.com/misterbrandon3…

Plus ça change… Emma Marshall, Bristol Diamonds, 1888pic.twitter.com/wka20N1Jerer
And how do landscape images look? omm.gothick.org.uk/image/1920
Don’t mind me, I’m just testing my website’s Twitter card support. omm.gothick.org.uk/image/4456

AlampayDavis This is fucking insane
lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v43/… pic.twitter.com/S3vIMtKuOl

@KYPBristol It’s almost like I’ve been building up a library of random views of Bristol for occasions like this :D omm.gothick.org.uk/image/4413 pic.twitter.com/hraQw19C8j

porthjess Today was a beautiful thing. 🌈
Was invited to a preview of @wethecurious_’ Project What If? exhibition prior to their reopening this weekend. It’s mind-blowingly brilliant & everyone needs to see it! 🤩 Had so much fun! But also… pic.twitter.com/NPTByGtXjz
@nosugartea If I lived in the Colonnade I would definitely have a print of this hanging above the fireplace.

ZiziFothSi The real reason they discourage MRIs during pregnancy is because then people would realise they’re incubating nightmare demons and would be rightfully terrified pic.twitter.com/55zEeOofsP

Otomi window, Clifton Village. pic.twitter.com/eUPFnUAo6d

Cheery little note on Hotwells’ Colonnade in Mrs Marshall’s #Bristol Diamonds..pic.twitter.com/XOWNy51QrMrM
I’ll be watching Midnight Run later. twitter.com/nytimesarts/st…

KYPBristol A glimpse inside Bristol’s ancient ‘mother’ church, St Peter’s, that likely dates back to the earliest origins of the city. The interior seen here in about 1912 was completely lost to the flames of the Blitz that destroyed this whole area.
maps.bristol.gov.uk/kyp/?edition=b… pic.twitter.com/OLXmHYKAkb

@Peculiar Your fault. pic.twitter.com/AN95rz0tKL
rhodri As gripping as any liveblog, this. twitter.com/MollyQuell/sta…

hopper_coffee Just thought I’d update the board a little. Not quite ready to bring back the ‘free hug with every coffee’ promo yet. pic.twitter.com/bnyUqiU2og
ScaramangaJoe I’ve never seen a photo that more screams “fuck off and let me eat my sodding breakfast”. twitter.com/bbcrb/status/1…
@claireellent They look AMAZING
@benjohnbarnes When I was a kid I really wondered what the problem was with us having nicked the Elgin Marbles.
Torlonia marbles: ‘The priceless statues I saw covered in dust and dirt’ bbc.co.uk/news/stories-5…

pietersender Whenever this absolutely perfect piece of spine design appears I have to retweet it. pic.twitter.com/HhwZfY4AN6
@psidnell I fixed a “key” on my ZX81 membrane keyboard by sucking it back out from its stuck position using one of those spring-and-suction-cup jumping toys 😂
@dangusset What’s that? I can’t hear you over the sound of this software-defined radio shouting the word REDRUM at me repeatedly through a spring reverb…
Current status: Just (finally!) listened to this, got distracted by other ghost hunting gear while looking up EVP radios on Amazon and now my recommendations are… Strange. twitter.com/dangusset/stat…

who_fx Hi Doctor Who Twitter Hive Mind. I’m trying to help Mike Tucker identify a couple of BBC VFX Dept props. They could be from Who, B7, Star Cops, Tripods etc. The ones we haven’t identified are the video phone, the green rod and the round thing. More pics to follow. Can you help? pic.twitter.com/DSft7h8iS6
@nosila_63 @Lucyvfreeman You are not alone! Some poor stockist at Ocado is going to wonder what’s caused this sudden sales spike ;)

(Source) pic.twitter.com/Oxk56ucdK5

Oh, so *that’s* what used to be where the weathervane is at the Lloyd’s Amphitheatre..pic.twitter.com/yyIPnXatM3M3
@Lucyvfreeman Spectacular. And now I want a foam banana.
Apparently I am now an American schoolgirl. Well, they said #LifeIsStrange..twitter.com/bluegoogames/s…VA

birdturntable I managed this photo today and I’m not sure what to do with myself. Not sure where to go from here. This was such a gift. The Chestnut-sided Warbler chose to fly into the plane of focus, under the trees, in dappled light. This wasn’t supposed to happen. But here it is. pic.twitter.com/9PZH3umaIB
ememess I’ve spent 25 years as a horror writer and honestly I’m not sure I’ve ever come up with something this disturbing. twitter.com/ChaucerBabe/st…

Interesting side-note on this lovely Gothic Revival pile in Clifton: as well as building this for himself, Joseph Hansom designed Birmingham Town Hall and Plymouth Cathedral, to name but two, founded The Builder magazine, and also found time to invent the Hansom Cab. Busy fella. pic.twitter.com/JZzWsTS476
samuelbbeckett Have you not done tormenting me with your accursed time! It’s abominable!
@HolBolDoTweet Only bell that’s ringing with me isn’t a film but the game Obduction.
@ArianeSherine Keyboard & Magic Mouse?
@SaveRedlandLibr Further research fails to show up The Great Bristol Docks Explosion of 1775, which is what I was half-expecting!

Baltic Wharf timber shed & caravans, c. 1979, on the #Bristol City Docks website: bristolcitydocks.co.uk/wp-content/upl… pic.twitter.com/YL09lg9Iaz
DrAlakbarov Ukrainian authorities have confiscated the first batch of spirit drinks made from apples grown near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the beverage’s British makers said Friday.
@Bingo_Little Coincidental timeline pop-up this morning! twitter.com/mrraynewman/st…
@SueGreaney *Waves from the far side*

I say, I say, I say, what credit cards do cafés take? pic.twitter.com/MVYZCDkknn

Powder House pic.twitter.com/s5VSTD0rDc
@_pigeons_ Michael Long was given the name Knight and a reconstructed face based on Garthe Knight, Wilton’s wayward son, when billionaire industrialist/philanthropist Wilton Knight saved him from his previous life. I trust that explains everything completely.
@_pigeons_ Bear in mind I haven’t seen these since 1983 and they probably didn’t make any sense in the first place :D
Stargate MacGyver prank youtube.com/watch?v=EriZ9r…
(See also: youtu.be/rkBcGP256Ng)
Closing a tab from yesterday @_pigeons_. Michael Knight versus Garthe Knight. youtu.be/ChUa3k4vHeQ?t=…

Avon_Stories Sharpness, getting very wet pic.twitter.com/AJwSM6r4TU

aflashbak A Futuro House getting transported in Todmorden, Yorkshire, England - 1971 pic.twitter.com/l6sWiomhDP

Purton Ships’ Graveyard. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purton_Hu… pic.twitter.com/gjbfhjauyw

Layers pic.twitter.com/znWLmFQI2Y
(I tried turning the Sharpness slider down in Lightroom but it didn’t go away.)
@porthjess 🤷

Sharpness pic.twitter.com/zjIciEbpdb

A puzzling thing to find blocking the road. pic.twitter.com/moA2fdBtr7

“There is very little left of me, and it’s never coming back…” pic.twitter.com/aSidk4PCfS
Aha! “When there were railings all round the garden and down the central path, in order that the children could play together in either garden there was a tunnel for them to go through. This was filled in during the 1970s” @DrChrisArthur @grahamspiller cliftonhotwells.org.uk/clifton-commun…

rabbitinahat I want you all to know that round the back of an Aldi in Airdrie there is an Italian cafe called Bacchialdi’s pic.twitter.com/4hTGtkoA5q

The extremes of signage. pic.twitter.com/21fWLucdYN

Spending the afternoon on vital historical research. pic.twitter.com/NWRvrPWL31

Stay classy, Clifton. pic.twitter.com/NPbq8KiVXg

Selfie in the medium of kerb offerings. pic.twitter.com/BbgQlvsODS

Clifton Morgan. pic.twitter.com/skpXHqgxsj
@claireellent I know I’ve got a terrible memory, so it went straight in my wallet as soon as I got it so at least it stood a fair chance of being with me for the second jab :D
@CharlieVivante I’d love to hear about that. The possibility that I may need to do the same has been slowly dawning on me this last year.

Sequel injection. pic.twitter.com/v5e7CefrRb
I’d avoid driving in #Clifton this morning. Some key roads are being resurfaced and nobody knows where to divert. Currently walking past a traffic jam as a number 8 bus tries to squeeze down Canynge Road. #bristol
@Kavey I think that song stands up really well. Might’ve had the single as a kid; can’t remember…

Jaunty angle pic.twitter.com/xTZZJBFQaW

DelAmitri Due to unavoidable issues regarding production relating to the pandemic, Del Amitri’s new album ‘Fatal Mistakes’ has been moved to May 28th 2021.
We’d like to apologise for this delay, but promise it’ll be worth the wait!
Pre-order now at: delamitri.lnk.to/fatalmistakes pic.twitter.com/UGE5WW3Fyb
@DrChrisArthur Awesome! I’d love to know more about it but info seems thin on the ground. I’m guessing it fell into disuse after the railings were taken away during the war, as people wouldn’t really have needed it after that :)

Wandered through Clifton Arcade for the first time in a year this afternoon, heading for a post-vote coffee at Twelve. Had no idea that Del Amitri sat on the steps at the end for the video of Nothing Ever Happens! youtube.com/watch?v=TxbIU0… pic.twitter.com/1zmdmpUFtn

Albert Lodge wisteria. pic.twitter.com/17vJr6iz5M
@grahamspiller Come to think of it, it would probably have been more convenient because the gates would likely have been locked to keep out the hoi polloi. It would save you having to unlock and re-lock two gates to enjoy the other half of the garden.
@grahamspiller Yes, I wondered about that. Maybe it was more of a fun landscaping feature, or something. I can find very little out about it, but then I’m not really a historian!
What’s that? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the SOUNDS OF MY FURIOUS TYPING twitter.com/abbyfuller/sta…

There’s a fairly obvious remnant of it that still looks quite “underpass entrance”-ish, but I’ve walked past it a thousand times without noticing. pic.twitter.com/5N6AM9YYqi

One thing I never knew: Looks like Victoria Square used to have an underpass connecting the two halves of the private garden. I think these are the remnants of the entrances, still there… #clifton #bristol twitter.com/gothick/status… pic.twitter.com/wZWwsuroqX

Votey McVoteface. pic.twitter.com/ms7b1b8DxE
RobBryher If someone asks for your elector number at a polling station, this is a good thing.
If you give it to them, it means they won’t knock on your door later.
Political parties can access who has voted anyway through the marked register, so you’re not stopping that by refusing.

humanforscaIe The contents of a single fire truck pic.twitter.com/24ngJSLB3s

KYPBristol The view from the Cabot Tower around the turn of the 20th Century. The camera points out over the city towards St Mary Redcliffe, behind which can be seen the historic glass cone; a relic of an industry once widespread in Bristol.
maps.bristol.gov.uk/kyp/?edition=b… pic.twitter.com/YBhLua8ob2

BristolCouncil Grab a walking buddy, it’s #BristolWalkFest! 🚶🥾
Enjoy nearly 100 #Bristol walks for all abilities this May and beyond - visit the @briswalkfest website and download the @gojauntly app
👇More bristolwalkfest.com
#NationalWalkingMonth #BWF21 pic.twitter.com/dhW31KvYgI

Also, check out the company address: 1 Britannia Buildings. You can probably guess from the list of steamers that the building in Hotwells was named after one of the ships… pic.twitter.com/LKGNjZJdGY
Oooh. Someone’s selling a P&A Campbell sailings listing on eBay. Fascinating to see all the places you could get to from the Hotwells landing stage in its heyday. ebay.us/pAwoj3. #bristol

I think this means I’m a sordid devotee of Pluto. I think I’m okay with that. pic.twitter.com/Knfb8GTNLt
AnaMardoll The number of people traumatized by PhysEd/Gym in school really should prompt investigation in to how we’re teaching kids Sports and Exercise in ways that practically guarantee they will hate both.
@EmmaisaChampion So, it’s disappearing like hot cakes…
@EmmaisaChampion On top of the fridge?

IonesomeIoves PADDINGTON?? pic.twitter.com/p6v8xhYWWz
@EmmaisaChampion Ta!
@EmmaisaChampion I still haven’t!
So, it’s Bank Holiday Monday, there’s 17 hours of rain forecast, high winds have closed lanes on the Severn bridge, and there’s a traffic jam on the M5.
I was *sure* someone said the UK wouldn’t be returning to normal for weeks…

Rover liked to relax after a long day patrolling. pic.twitter.com/8rsHpgDBMR
sblackmoore Aries: Today on your way home you will painfully, and quickly discover exactly why it’s called a murder of crows.
theeyecollector A bus network with good coverage and frequent services is functionally the same as self driving cars, but we’ll never have that because sociopath techbro clowns can’t use it to print money for their phrenology outpost on Neptune
@ianmoran @IanRobinson That’s what I did. Needed to change a couple of filenames when I transitioned (that were being automatically wrangled/mangled by DropBox anyway) but so far, it’s been fine.

mcpheeceo Do not go gentle
into that good night.
Rage, rage against
the dying of the light. pic.twitter.com/QOd51WECEb
quantick Honestly, I’d ask him. twitter.com/Stop_Trump20/s…
@psidnell God, I’d forgotten all about that. It got renewed?
I haven’t been this mildly relieved to have not bothered with a popular TV show since _Lost_.
joshu Donut and Cronut imply the existence of other pastry combinations. In this paper, I propose the Macaronut, the Pronut, and the Cannonut and hypothesize a framework for describing the pastry-donut manifold.
Why is there so much reverb on #thearchers this week? (Is this the “Borsetshire echo” I’ve heard so much about?)

Found art #clifton pic.twitter.com/0vMO3rdsEL
rebwriteswrongs Anyone here ever totally walk away from a career with NO backup plan? Just….left?

π-eyed. pic.twitter.com/S3Xxttg5qc
@porthjess Yeah!

Beware of the dog (but be impressed by the wisteria.) pic.twitter.com/k7Nzh4jsua

Okay, when you see it before the railings were taken down during WWII, the fact that it was the path across Victoria Square that was called “Birdcage Walk”, rather than the one across St Andrew’s Churchyard, makes more sense. (Photo: Vaughan Collection, #Bristol Archives.) pic.twitter.com/H1jWBQ6QkK

Preparing for a future where people want to be voluntarily locked indoors again. pic.twitter.com/ixsTyzC3mu