Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 2009

@benjohnbarnes There’s a firefox extension (or userscript) that’ll fade specified things out of Google results. Can’t remember which one!

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@benjohnbarnes 2 Gig here, too; it’s the maximum in these old iMacs.

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@benjohnbarnes 10-second freezes? Don’t notice mine doing that…

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@dktom Haven’t installed it. Just figuring out what’ll break! Best compatibility list is http://snowleopard.wikid… I think.

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Hmm. Looks like Parallels 3 isn’t Snow Leopard compatible. Bugger. Had hoped to avoid paying the hefty upgrade fee to go to 4.

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@KaveyF Because once you’ve done it a few times, you get better at preparing and making the interview shorter :)

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Heavens, my backup is still running. It seems I have no choice but to sit here and read classic science fiction instead of working. Shame.

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@Nose_in_a_book well done! Still a good few weeks away from 5K myself.

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Ah, decisions, decisions. _28 Days Later_, or _Casino Royale_?

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@KaveyF It takes practice! And if you’d deliberately gone with ask-and-listen it might have stalled; chat helps to relax people.

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Just in from Week 6, run 1 of the . Today’s blog is mostly about buying new shoes, though :)

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@KaveyF Well, I know your pain, having transcribed a few interviews in my time. Don’t forget to take a break; it can be absorbing work!

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@KaveyF You know, audio typists can have to do that, too. They just have speed controls and foot switches to help…

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@penelopeelse Park Street. About five minutes’ walk from where Fresh & Wild used to be.

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@penelopeelse Kewl. If you go to BTP, don’t miss the back garden, if you can get a seat. Should be nice at the moment.

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@penelopeelse Shame WIld Oats (Bristol’s rather older, and still-going organic store) doesn’t have a cafe.

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@penelopeelse I still like Boston Tea Party myself, but sure there are more organic options.

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@penelopeelse Ooh, months ago. Erm. Ah — last September, apparently:

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@penelopeelse If it’s the one that was on the Triangle you’re thinking of, then yes, that’s now a Waitrose, sans cafe.

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@penelopeelse You mean the Fresh and Wild that shut down?

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@njj4 The relevant authorities being, presumably, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Dustbunnies?

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Bought new running shoes. Have been on a treadmill for the first time. Odd!

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Yum. It’s a bank holiday weekend, and I’m taking this morning off. Nothing useful will be done. That is my vow. Now for a long bath.

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Wow. One side of harbour: sunshine. Other side: thunderstorm!

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Every time I take off my sunglasses I feel a strange need to deliver a one-liner. Too much CSI: Miami, methinks.

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Damn. Having severe carbohydrate cravings today.

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@tsunimee I’m too many miles away for sampling, unfortunately!

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Oh, so today’s going to be a sunglasses and umbrella day, is it?

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@bananza I wasn’t, but I will be now :) Thanks!

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@bananza cool, that sound close to what I’m managing.

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@tsunimee yup, wish I could have gone. Not to offer moral support, you understand, just to sample as many things as I could get away with ;)

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@bananza what’s the equivalent of 5.0 if you’re not using a treadmill? ;) Not sure I could get slower, anyway!

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Love the way shows total weight for all users. They currently have 4,747,722lbs of humans signed up ;)

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@KaveyF Good luck at the Covent Garden Real Food Market today! London followers, please go say hi! ;)

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Bugger. New microphone is faulty. I hate having to return stuff.

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@jacrats I forgot to ask him how it worked out!

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Thanks, but I bet someone who really could teach me to master Photoshop in two hours could also make an advert that didn’t look like arse.

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Hotwell Road: Two police cars, five policemen, and a busful of people being transferred from one bus to a replacement. Odd.

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Foot still quite hurty. Hope it holds up for today’s run.

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@AndyCarolan Your target audience is clearly bored people in a staid corporate environment, hence IE6. Bet Scott Adams has same problem!

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@WilHarris you’re getting confused by namespaces, and I claim my £5!

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@DrHairbear *grin* well, didn’t actually suggest the bleach to my colleague. Think he’s about to wash his hands with a spoon…

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@seengee yes, I’d say UTF-8 all round is probably best bet. Won’t really be any overhead, anyway.

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Ta all! summary of garlic-removing options: parsley, bleach, soap+nailbrush, lemon, milk, stainless steel. Will try those we have!

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Hey, cooking followers: any tips for removing garlic smell from hands the morning after? Colleague just asked…

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Gah. Hour-long business briefing. Might start planning my days off to coincide…

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Going home on the boat tonight. Then I might have a nap. Still fairly exhausted from weekend ;(

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Whoooo hooo! Week five, run two done and dusted!

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@technex can you get to her? A model fixing a car should be an interesting shoot ;)

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None of my podcasts are working today! Boagworld seems to be panned hard left, & TWiT is last week’s episode. Music time!

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Oh, dearie me. A day at work. And I’ve still not unpacked from the wedding. Going to be a long day, I feel.

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@philmonger Yes, just teasing :) Interviewed PFH once, in fact. Lovely bloke; sure he’s got more personality than his F1 namesake.

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Why is it so hard to buy stuff from Adobe? Here’s a clue, Adobe, I’ve already got a “download manager”. It’s called “my web browser”.

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God, I’ve got through a lot of carbohydrates today. It’s a sign of extreme tiredness, but I’m a bit too wired to sleep. Bah.

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(And yes, I know it was mostly used for GB excluding Ireland, but “Albion United” sounded like a football team…)

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I propose we go back to calling the UK “Albion”, just so it appears at the _top_ of drop-down country lists on websites, not the bottom.

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Done nothing since driving back from hotel this morning. Then again, did 12-hours of wedding photography yesterday. Unwind is necessary.

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@philmonger Well, his books are very long. But I quite liked “Pandora’s Star”.

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@Playleimagery Doubt I’ll ever buy Photoshop. Every time I can afford it, I’ll buy a new lens or body instead…

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@Playleimagery Yeah, but mostly I don’t want to use either. Lightroom is all I need. May go for Noise Ninja; looks like it cooperates w/ LR.

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@Playleimagery This may be why I’d narrowed the field down to Noise Ninja when I looked into this last year, come to think of it.

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@Playleimagery Ah. Noiseware may be good, but it won’t work on a Mac except as a Photoshop plugin. And I don’t own Photoshop.

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@marklesuk You haven’t seen the back! They gave me an extra face :)

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Who let the children loose with the face paint, then?

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Wow. Wedding venue very dark indeed. May need to invest in a copy of Noise Ninja at last. And a 5D for next time ;)

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@rabidbee Crap. I’d rather eat a sandwich on the central reservation. Plastic hole of doom.

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Goodness, but Membury Services is a godawful hole.

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@hannahnicklin What you can’t tell is that the bag contains _nothing but nails_…

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@zamon think they’re both pretty bad, myself…

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@rabidbee more likely to be offered GBH in the office.

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Don’t normally do this. Today, though, so tired and headachey am resorting to Coke.

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@Phooto well, here’s hoping. Appointment for results week after next…

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Didn’t know someone was replacing WildWalk with big aquarium and reopening the IMAX. Cool!

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Just had three loads of blood drawn. Glad I don’t mind needles!

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Nearly halfway through the . Next run will be week 5, run 2!

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@mapcard Yup, that was the problem. Will be in touch, ta!

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@stephenfry back the heck away before they con you into changing supplier. Vultures.

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Waiting for the boat. Bit damp today!

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Hmm. Having problems with @mapcard this morning. Won’t update location…

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Heh. Basic Instructions is particularly funny today

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Heck, I’m getting so much extracurricular work that I may have to start charging just to put people off…

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@benjohnbarnes Either that, or you need to follow more people :)

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@benjohnbarnes Yup. You’re all alone in a tweetless universe.

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Hmm. Why is fastmail’s web server dying every time I try to add a new rule?

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@martingoode They’re not, for me. Something odd going on at your end?

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Watching @bobbyllew taste Marmite :)

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The Kraken Wakes… every bloody half an hourfi

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Crumpled and bemused
Shrinking downcast from the sun
Those Monday faces

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Right. Now to get on with design stuff for work newsletter. Left this inf to the last minute, unfortunately.

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Right. That’s B&Q, M&S, Boots and a running shop visited. Just recovering in Boston Tea Party.

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@Dan_Christensen Well, Apple firearms would be prettier, but you’d only be able to shoot people that Steve Jobs didn’t like.

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@bertpalmer I’ve got a couple of weeks off in September. Hopefully it’ll be a bit quieter!

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Bloody iMovie. Video now public :)

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The reason I decided not to go see Banksy yesterday:

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@DrHairbear Think it’s some strange satanic ritual. Has actually happened on two separate occasions. Third time, I may have to kill them.

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Gah. Noisy Upstairs Neighbour is having a party. Last time this happened I was woken at 2:30am by Bonnie Tyler and stamping.

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Right. Having an afternoon off. About to watch Ken Russell’s version of _The Rainbow_.

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@zamon my doctor just recommended swimming to me, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what she had in mind!

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@AndyCarolan Yes. I had one the other day that was so dumb it re-tweeted its own re-tweet because it found the keyword again!

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@kate_day I think Liz Taylor said that once…

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@caffeinebomb Sometimes, you have to ignore your system, ignore worries about inefficiency, and Just Get On With Anything. Build momentum.

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@caffeinebomb Surely it can’t be a bad thing if your downward spiral has ground to a halt? Now do five minutes of anything you need to do.

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May not need to go out again this weekend.

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Home to find a copy of Sowerby and Luff’s _Sex Tips for Pandas_, _The Rainbow_ from LoveFilm, and this month’s .net magazine on doormat.

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Now going to drop by CREATE on way home to check out photo exhibition.

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Post-trip lunch in the lovely Watershed. Mmm bolognaise!

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I’ve got that sinking feeling. They’re just emptying the lock!

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Curses. River trip busy, and all outside seats taken.

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@zamon going to be a river trip. What I shoot very light-dependent.-

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Yum. Someone just drove past in the other end of the beautiful car-design spectrum: E-type Jag.

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Hmm. Weather so unsettled I have no idea what lenses to pack for the day.

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@goatgirl74 I bought my Cinquecento from eBay for £500. It lasted two years, and I got £250 trade-in for it :) Bangertastic!

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@goatgirl74 I recommend finding out about your local dealer first though, before buying FIAT. Some of their dealers are utterly awful.

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@goatgirl74 I had a Cinquecento for a while and it was fab, in its own small, tinny and cheap way :)

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Aww. Fiat 500s really are lovely little cars. Great design.

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And into week four of my crazy plan to take up jogging. Hurrah!

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@synox Not sure I can take full credit for that one. Think it was a discussion in the University of Warwick’s “fyshbowl” terminal room.

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@missmcq it lives! Hello, you. Was just thinking about mailing you.

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Yay! Day off tomorrow!

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Looks like it’s going to stay nice and sunny for tonight’s run. Excellent!

via Twitter Web Client - Remind me never to write a progress bar that does this. For 35 minutes.

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I used Shazam to discover Acid Tongue by Jenny Lewis

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*sings* “A spoonful of miracles/A nostril full of dust/ a lungful of Virginia/the needs we have we must”

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@hayles Not that I’m a huge fan — The Fields of the Nephilim are my particular gothic poison — but hey…

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@hayles How can you not _know_? Youngster.

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(Fondu? Heck, I can’t spell.)

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@philmonger is that the sound of someone drowning in spam follower requests I hear?

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…(still quite glad she decided to ignore that bit of advice, mind!)

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even though the NHS advised my mother not to have me! Was best advice for her - she had MS and the NHS looked after her well.

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Heck, I work for a private healthcare company, and _I_ love the NHS!

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The iPhone has many limitations, but perhaps the most serious is its inability to read the alt-text on

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@wilshipley Are you still using that thing when Dropbox exists? Loving the fact I can reliably sync Scrivener docs at last.

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Right. Going to bed now, in the hope that I actually get to bloody sleep. Not been good the last few nights.

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Saw “Much Wenlock” on a map earlier on today. Is it just me, or does that sound like a good evening? “Arr, we had much wenlock last night!”

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A Creative Commons pic of mine used in Stanfords, Bristol — thanks @philmonger!

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@KaveyF Could be a victim of the Seven Hour Meeting From Hell…

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@Playleimagery Oh, did it post automatically? Not used ShoZu for that before…

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Lacking a battery for my proper camera, I try my first pano on the iPhone. Not bad; it was stitched in camera…

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@KaveyF None of that would have got to me if I was at work without my phone. But I’d feel really guilty when I got back home…

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@asic69 only have one spare, and it’s charging. Long weekend!

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@KaveyF knowing me, I’d have forgotten my phone.

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@zamon there’s a reason: trying to diagnose a flash fault that only happens on low battery…

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Damn. Kids are having a foam fight in the Centre fountain, and my camera’s out of battery!

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Best thing about doing the awards night? People I’ve never met have been coming up all day and saying how they liked the photos :)

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Not desperately sure about #25, though :)

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Wonderful images of Typhoon Morakot collected by Boston Globe’s _Big Picture_ Love #29 and #13.

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Nice! Looks like my time off work next month will start with the Organic Food Festival. Mmmm.

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@Playleimagery Oooh, cool. Have already got one Cokin filter; maybe this is the impetus I need to get another one or two :)

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Plotting data on rotatable 3D maps of UK. Feel like a weatherman.

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Being gradually forced back into IE6 use by new corporate firewall. Grr.

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@Narshada cool. Validate your markup as a first step. IE is surprisingly sensitive.

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Polarising filters and lens hoods are an awkward combination.

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Getting irritated by LoveFilm’s site adverts, which are (literally) getting in the way of its content.

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@hayles Oh yeah. It does look quite nice, doesn’t it? Hope it stays until Friday — I’m having a day off to do a river trip…

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@Narshada Sorry, got called into meeting and am now a long way from IE8. Had any luck? I was wondering if there was margin/padding issues…

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@Narshada stair step? Probably width related, then. Can’t say for sure, though - myspace is blocked here :(

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@Narshada can you put the problem on the web anywhere?

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@hayles presumably it’d be called “I’s Phone”, what with Bristolian not using the word “my”…

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@paulahillier Customer Service awards. Went okay, considering it was my first time using a flashgun… Nothing special, though.

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Grr. With the new firmware, my iPhone won’t go into airplane mode when I connect it to and old dock, and say “yes” when it asks.

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@amandapalmer Forget the explanation. That’s just such a brilliant morning photograph!

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(…unch, I was going to say. Didn’t know TweetDeck sent anyway, if it was over the word count. Grr! All it needed to trim was a full stop!)

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Okay, up and feeling far more bouncy than yesterday. Time to shower, tidy the flat, process some photos, and go up to Ashton Court for l …

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Ooopsie. I was going to bed an hour ago. Night all!

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@hayles well, if you can figure out what it should do, I could have a go at writing it…

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@hayles Well, still think you could be doing better than average. The mistakes I made at 27 made the ones I made at 17 seem pretty small.

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@hayles are they the right mistakes, though?

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