@benjohnbarnes 10-second freezes? Don’t notice mine doing that…
@dktom Haven’t installed it. Just figuring out what’ll break! Best compatibility list is http://snowleopard.wikid… I think.
Hmm. Looks like Parallels 3 isn’t Snow Leopard compatible. Bugger. Had hoped to avoid paying the hefty upgrade fee to go to 4.
@KaveyF Because once you’ve done it a few times, you get better at preparing and making the interview shorter :)
Heavens, my backup is still running. It seems I have no choice but to sit here and read classic science fiction instead of working. Shame.
@Nose_in_a_book well done! Still a good few weeks away from 5K myself.
@Whatleydude Bumpy, was it? :)
@floyduk Glad to see her looking so happy!