Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 2010

Hah! I have you now, Scrabble for iPhone! Well, assuming “MINTFAG” is a word, I do…

via Twitter for iPhone

@benparkatbjs The stop-motion editor :) Although I’m not doing proper stop-motion with it.

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

Playing with Smoovie.

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@Infadels I guess it depends how sensitive the girl being shouted at is ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Infadels

@tsunimee I believe the old standard of a Newcastle football top & no knickers is currently quite fashionable in the West Eying

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

@Narshada Luxury! Try buying runflats sometime ;). Worth it, though.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Narshada

@alkalinemouse I’m a Safari fan, but I use Firefox on Windows. I tend to use whatever’s default, but IE is just too horrible ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to i_am_wong

Bwa-ha-ha. Building huge materialised views in someone else’s database. Maybe they won’t notice.

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I just woke up in 2010 to hear Ken Clarke banging on about prisons on Today. And I thought Doctor Who was confusing.

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Oh, so it’s a “finally dragged put of bed by the emergency backup alarm clock” kind of day, is it?

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@dottyteakettle what was the problem, though? Poor comic timing?

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@Jorence Top tip: always wake up as many times as you fall asleep.

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@tomfordyce Surely he’s _far_ more Rene from ‘Allo ‘Allo?

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@MitchBenn There’s surely little chance for confusion, bearing in mind the number of footballers who can write.

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Anyway. Yay! Tomorrow is the last day of my week. Took Thursday and Friday off, mostly just because I could.

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@hayles I need more bursts of writing stuff.

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halvorson Muphry’s Law: “If you write anything criticizing editing or proofreading, there will be a fault in what you have written”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jun 29th, 2010 via Echofon)

@hayles Oh, hadn’t realised it was early. Get you, all prepared with a queue and everything. I never write anything in advance…

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@chrisphin I have never needed to do that on a Mac. It’s one of the joys of it not being Windows, for me. Have I just been really lucky?

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@hayles It’s like new car syndrome. Since your post about those cool bikes I’m seeing them everywhere!

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2867AD. Delighted British archaeologists discover Windows Vista upgrade layer perfectly preserved below a seal of polyester England flags.

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@chrisphin Tried re-applying the combo update? It’s the kind of voodoo that seems to work for odd stuff like that.

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@howiescardigan Are we about to see a discounted brown tie-dye range?

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@hayles @jukesie I normally end up hitting wrong one first no matter what I need!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@jukesie …but even if I’m remembering right, it was months ago, so don’t go out of your way without phoning!

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@jukesie ooh. I _may_ have seen them in one of the two stationers on Park Street and the Triangle. They’re a standard Avery label, I think.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to jukesie

@hannahnicklin Guessing either (a) previous feedback will have refined the plastic choice; or (b) it leaves no evidence when it goes up.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hannahnicklin

Gah. Just had one of those http://domainillneverfuc… moments of wistfulness.

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@mistymaria @asic69 @KaveyF ah, finally understood. Bear in mind that not knowing who his is means I don’t recognise him when I see him!

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Yay! This summer’s books for reading under trees on nice days have arrived :)

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@hayles It’ll be handy. Not that I’m such a geek that the first thing I do in the morning is read my mail in bed. Oh no. Not me.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

Ooh, iOS 4 added a rotation lock feature on my 3GS. Handy. (It’s on the iPod quick controls; double-tap Home and swipe right.)

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Grr. Why don’t paragraphs work inside blockquotes on MediaWiki? *grumble*

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Bugger. Looks like @cshirky at @wshed tomorrow night is sold out.

via Echofon

@hayles Oh, come on, you can give her back the account now :D

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Laughing at @hayles. Or is it @nixgeek? IT’S HARD TO TELL.

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Why *does* this sodding iMac insist on running its hard drive fan full blast every few days, when the temp sensor is reporting just fine?

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1854 Metropolitan Police issue statement on young photojournalist incident, say it will be investigated:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jun 28th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@Narshada Quick, if it’s a swarm you can wear them as a beard!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Narshada

@talkie_tim Think you can click the “that didn’t work” link on the “success” page and get a real link.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to talkie_tim

@KaveyF Sounds like a good outcome, really.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Kavey

@vero ouch. Making a PDF that hard to open must take some special skills!

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@vero Why would you even bother with the thing on a Mac? Never been tempted myself…

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@boagworld I know people were unhappy about the podcast news, but actually cursing you with a plague of blisters seems an overreaction!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to boagworld

@hayles I’d be okay with it as long as there was no DRM. As it is, paying the same amount to basically rent a specific licence is annoying.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

Random thought: Cafes should have a sign singletons can put on their table that indicates “I really don’t mind sharing. But I’m working.”

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@asic69 Well, I guess I have to define him as a failure of a celebrity, as I have no clue who you’re talking about…

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Oooh, yes, @Jorence, @stillawake, good idea: A Twitter Breakfast Club. Yes, let’s do it. Any other takers out there?

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Heh. Is “Peter Andre: The Next Chapter” the best ITV can field against BBC’s “Lennon Naked”?

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@Nose_in_a_book Thanks for sponsoring me :)

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@megpickard That’s so blatant it’s at least a metafive.

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On the plus side, it’s only marginally less likely that England will win the world cup now.

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@Schofe Yes, well, you shouldn’t have been waving a German flag around. Bet that’s quite painful to remove. ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Schofe

Well, that turned out less “we woz robbed” and more “we woz rubbish.” Well done, Germany, nonetheless. Good playing.

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Well, at least it means that decision didn’t matter so much. Hopefully we won’t be dragging the footage out for next 30 years

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@KaveyF There’s no way you’ll avoid seeing footage or a photo of it in the next 24 hours. Unless you’ve another Antarctica trip planned.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Kavey

@becksldrt not his fault. He was probably the only person who wasn’t looking at it when it went in ;)

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Well, if we get four or five more goals, we might win 3-2.

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@djelibeybi_meg Thanks! That’s completely lovely of you!

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A snap of the deserved winner of the “best dressed” prize at Pants in the Park :)

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DailyQuail RT @DailyQuail: Mail bases iPhone 4 recall story on tweet from fake Steve Jobs account: (new URL: it changed overnight)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jun 27th, 2010 via Echofon)

@djelibeybi_meg But I’ll be doing the half marathon in September, so there will be other opportunities to sponsor me, anyway ;D

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@djelibeybi_meg No, sorry, that’s the only thing I’ve got set up. I’ll see if I can figure out what’s wrong. After this iced coffee :)

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@tsunimee Thanks! And yes, hosed myself with sunscreen before setting off :)

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Incidentally, if you’d like to help out Prostate UK by sponsoring me to run 5K in silly pants (pics later):

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I’m off to run 5K for Prostate UK. What’s that, @Jorence? The hottest day of the year? Oh.

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@mikedunn Aha, so my guess was about right. Cool.

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@mikedunn Oh, yeah, I see. Not sure how that works. Looks like Nike are promoting tweets including the hashtag. Maybe that earns a badge?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mikedunn

@mikedunn Err… Why _wouldn’t_ it be trending?

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Result. Took fewer than 100 photos on the Flickr walk. Nothing like as much processing to do for five hours of photography as usual :)

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My prediction: the supervillain behind the evil alliance will be Graham Norton

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@mattgemmell If you have odd non-logging problems, turn them around in the pouches. Worked for me.

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Now at the Suspension Bridge

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We’re still in Underfall Yard

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@Jorence Meet us in Clifton Village? It will take Some Time to climb the Zig Zag. Guessing you’ve at least an hour.

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@Jorence Sorry, only remembered it was on a couple of days ago, forgot I’d not tweeted about it!

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@Jorence It’s a photo walk! It’s starting soon. Details in a post under… Come, join us anywhere!

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Heading on over to the Flickr walk.

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@hayles er. Hang on, reading that again I’m not sure I was with you when I answered that!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@hayles No, I have a 3GS that I’ve upgraded to iOS 4. The 3GS has Nike+ built in, too, but I prefer RunKeeper.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@hannahnicklin No such thing. Evil little bastards.

via Echofon in reply to hannahnicklin

Wonder if @Runkeeper will record my GPS track in the “background” now, with iOS 4? *pokes with a stick and gets no response*.

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@djelibeybi_meg Hmm. , you say? I should give that a go, shouldn’t I?

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@stillawake Shame. If not, sure someone else will nick the idea, it’s very cool.

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@stillawake This is how I slept last night, courtesy of Sleep Cycle :)

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@stillawake Sleep Cycle is great, and really works. I use Pzizz, too, but generally on the Mac. Bigger speakers :)

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Starting to wonder if the cold was gone days ago, and if it’s actually Lemsip that’s making me feel rough.

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@MGBS4 Should be there before the start time, but don’t wait for me — I’m coming from Hotwells so I can’t miss you…

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@mattgemmell Clearly Jobs is telling you you should consider PVC more often when making fabric choices.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mattgemmell

A good example of a place where a comma is very important:

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StephenBahr Is this the best newspaper headline ever?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jun 26th, 2010 via Echofon)

@ahnlak My expectations are lowered every time I hit that login page with one link that says “click here to do what you just asked to do.”

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

…Unfortunately 3’s website will tell me neither. Grmph.

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Reading @hayles’ blog post about MiFi. Would love to know how much contract I have left on 3 dongle/how much a MiFi upgrade would cost.

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As you can see from Ray’s photo, today I worked hard and stuck to my diet.

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@MGBS4 I still think I could have reined myself in a bit more, but I did a lot better than usual in terms of duff shot ratio.

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@tyronem No idea, but it’s cool. Some kind of hawkmoth, maybe?

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@MGBS4 Sure it’ll be a good walk regardless. Much rather be out taking photos than down the pub.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to MGBS4

@twitttles Why thank you. Although I try to aim for truly grumpy yet occasionally gentle. Hrmph.

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New series of The IT Crowd: 10pm, Channel 4.

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@Dan_Martin I think they should do Bill Bailey in the style of Kraftwerk in the style of the Wurzels. The universe would implode.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Dan_Martin

A wedding reception just drove past me on the Hotwell Road

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(If you are into foulmouthed animal pupptry, is the Pets internet hub…)

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Anyone who enjoys Mongrels on BBC3 tonight should go watch Pets, pretty much the original, though uncredited, and fab.

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@Dan_Martin Oh, sorry, thought you were at Bill Bailey on Sunday!

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@Dan_Martin will that make it the second time you’ve seen a live performance of Combine Harvester within a week?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Dan_Martin

@philmonger Sadly they’d mostly buzzed off when I went past just now!

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Hmm. Bristol Flickr walk tomorrow seems to go around places I normally am week in week out. Still, that’s a challenge, I suppose.

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@TTApress cool, ta for reply! At least I know I’m not missing a deal if I just take out a new sub :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to TTApress

@bccore Yeah, but I want bigger screen and huge battery life. Plus e-ink seems nicer for the summer sunshine :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to bccore

@philmonger Clearly my curses have started working. Lloyds TSB card fraud services had better watch out for the fleas of a thousand camels.

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philmonger There is a GIANT FUCKING SWARM OF BEES trying to break into Natwest bank on Corn Street

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jun 25th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

Think I’m skewing the stats by answering Guardian iPhone app surveys. No way to say, “but that’s because I only use the app once a month!”

via Twitter for iPhone

@TTApress If I already subscribe to Black Static and IZ, is there a good (i.e. cheapest) way to add Crimewave?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to TTApress

Hmm. This may be a good time to buy a Kindle.

via Twitter for iPhone

@chrisphin Similarly, YouTube commenters would use the query “lol how change pass ur moron”.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to chrisphin

@chrisphin By a process of deduction, I’d say they’re likely looking to change their AOL passwords.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to chrisphin

@tsunimee well, I just hope the man isn’t ticklish.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

@chrisphin @stitchbitch tidy one single area until it’s a more serene place to slob, then give yourself permission to slob (important).

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to chrisphin

hotdogsladies New Sanity Enhancer: Banker’s box labeled, “Cords, Adapters, and Power Supplies I’ll (Probably) Never Need.”

Net Sanity Enhancement: +20%

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jun 25th, 2010 via Twitter Web Client)

Presumably they’ll have to have a break at 100 games to 99 while they hammer a couple of nails into the scoreboard to hold the extra digit?

via Twitter for iPhone

@floyduk That was a very pessimistic 3,000th tweet ;)

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robjmills man, looks like apple have got serious issues with the new iPhone antenna

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jun 24th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@csoanes Similar provenance to Vat 69, then!

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Lovely bit of writing on Tom Fordyce’s blog about the crazy everlasting tennis game

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darrenwaters Only in a mad world do people queue for an iPhone while looking at queues of people queuing for an iPhone on their iPhones.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jun 24th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hayles I hope you’re going to consider matching cases. Though it’ll be a hard choice between the iSmug and the iVomit.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

On t’boat. This boat, to be specific.

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@asic69 mostly. Just had a lemsip, though.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to asic69

Right. Off to catch the early boat.

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Basic Instructions is a little more surreal than normal today :)

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@KaveyF @Playleimagery You’d actually be surprised how well that works :D

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF @Playleimagery @ahnlak Start recording audio from microphone on one computer. Play video on other. Be very quiet for “n” minutes. :)

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Daleks:… (via @Hicksdesign)

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Yup, liking the new Flickr photo screens. Wide shots (like this one from this morning: look better in the new width

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@tweeny4 Yes, I am also enjoying the new shiny.

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I just mistyped “Grain Barge” as “Gran Barge”, thus turning a pub into an example of discourteous public transport behaviour.

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@KaveyF Nah, I was only out for a half hour. Still recovering from my cold, so I’m not going long distance :)

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…although with the fill-flash it does look like I did that with green-screen and Photoshop! Next picture: me jogging past the Taj Mahal.

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Lovely evening for a jog. If a touch hot.

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@canofpopcom I’m guessing he was watching the footie; maybe the mrs mayor wasn’t so interested :)

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@canofpopcom Surely if he was stalking me he’d have chosen a less distinctive car? :)

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Just been oddly questioned by the Lord Mayor’s chauffeur after taking a photo of his car.

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@jacrats Rational? You have my sympathy. Always wondered why people used their design tools when their tools were clearly so badly-designed.

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@paulahillier No, I’m at work. It’s quite quiet in here, though!

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@hayles Wow. My max was nearly 1GB. Clearly you’re a lean, mean, tweetin’ machine.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

Why is there so much day left at the end of the caffeine high?

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Hah! Following on from yesterday, other pubs are making different promises!

via Twitter Web Client

Strobist info: I used the fucking sun. Grow up.

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Hmm. Apparently, @laverneshow rocks when escaping from police with her in elderly car after she’s trashed a place with a JCB.

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Grr. Can’t seem to upload a @dailybooth picture at the moment. Either errors or it just sits there for a Very Long Time.

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@RichNeville Yeah; I’ve actually managed to feed the media fake Stephen Hawking quotes on several occasions :)

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@RichNeville It’s what I did. I died in ’87. This is actually a BBC “B” that’s still hooked up to UUNET at the back of a school cupboard.

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@mikedunn Well, they deserved that, really, didn’t they?

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@RichNeville Your famous last words may need some work.

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@mikedunn Looks to me like they changed their minds.

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@ahnlak …it’s just that they spent all their time arguing about how to do it, then went on strike.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ahnlak

@ahnlak Well, it looked like they were trying their best.

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What’s that distant clacking noise? Oh, yes, that’ll be all the worry beads in Greece.

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An increase in IPT? That’ll be fun. I know at least two computer systems with the rate hardcoded in in places!

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@bexxi I’d much rather be a producer than a consumer :)

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Screw you, “Solar Plus”, for sending me spam in an envelope marked “IMPORTANT INFORMATION ENCLOSED”. No trust in your scammy company now.

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Well, that’s pleasantly different.

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Question on Stack Overflow: “What does linefeed means?” So tempted to answer with “How is babby formed?”

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@majicDave Tried using Image Capture? I just use a card reader, can’t remember the trick for direct connection.

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Can I just stop being ill now, please? *sigh*

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I’m happy to pay any phone company an unlimited sum of money for their service every month. There is a fair-use cap of £25, however.

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Yay! New Chris Fowler Bryant & May novel has arrived. So, read now, or save it for holiday time? Hmm…

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@benparkatbjs Well, I’d only bother with the crucial ones. I need @Runkeeper to work, would take my chances with most other stuff :)

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Just misspelled “” as “mattgetsruning”. Presumably that would be the blog of my AD&D character in an alternate universe.

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@benparkatbjs But I’ve already had notification from at least one major app author that their app isn’t compatible yet. Think I’ll hold off.

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