Hah! The ultimate flickr picture: http://www.flickr.com/ph…
Dear Me, Where did you put our flashgun _this_ time, you hopelessly disorganised fool? Love, Me.
RT @ahnlak: Best. Small Print. Ever. “Andrex lasts longer than any other roll! (*excludes longer lasting rolls)” <— Nice.
Someone told me something at work today and my first thought was, “wow, that news is so old it’s actually been in _newspapers_.”
@hayles Twice. I love it, must go again.
@rabidbee Or maybe somewhere Redcliffe/Victoria Street tomorrow?
@rabidbee Sorry, can’t tonight. Wednesday or Thursday, maybe?
Watching the last episode of The (original) Prisoner. So good, so very _good_.
@archidave Yes, it is rather fetching. Though I find the tiny coffee wagon cuter :)
sicross Best (i.e. worst) shortened URL EVER: http://www.bbc.co.uk/foo… - and it’s Heston Blumenthal….
@zeldman Just ask for a waist-high lectern and get there early.
@hayles Yes, going to have to alter my route home, I guess. Wonder whether it’ll be get-throughable in the mornings?
More _Mistresses_ filming going on opposite out office.
Reading PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice, by Matt Zandstra. First observation: he uses Alabama 3 in his examples; clearly a man of taste.
Oh, so that’s what they’re setting up in Queen Square. http://bit.ly/ax1Y8W Will 11,000 people really fit in? #Bristol #worldcup
In Baristas, waiting for George to make me a coffee I can’t refuse. (Painting by Les Williams.) http://twitpic.com/1uplfo