Right. Upgrading Lightroom catalogue. Putting off new Safari install until I’ve figured out what it’ll break.
Goodness, Mistresses yesterday, and tomorrow Casualty are filming next to our office.
@Jorence It’s very nice. Lots of new goodies.
@mikedunn Careful. That sounds like the setup at the beginning of an episode of _House_.
@stillawake Clearly a sommelier doing last-minute cramming for an important interview.
Harbour Master just zoomed past faster than I’ve ever seen heading for Prince Street Bridge. Blue flashing lights up there. #Bristol
@Phooto I’m upgraded and running. But now I’ve got to go to work! D’oh!
@asic69 Oooh, and native lens distortion correction, too, with profiles for Canon lenses pre-loaded. Nice.
@asic69 Oooh, and native Flickr support, by the look of it.
Please vote for my friend Anna’s arts org @reachincarts in the National Lottery Awards: http://tinyurl.com/2wxaa…
@asic69 Plus, it’s less than eighty quid to upgrade, which seems surprisingly reasonable for an Adobe price.
@asic69 …and many other things, but those are the ones that spring to my mind.
@asic69 @Phooto Native tethered shooting, improved noise reduction & sharpening, video support, improved vignette control.
@1Password Small thing I’d love: Command-L to toggle editing/not editing password/software details, to make 1P consistent with Address Book.
@Phooto @chrismarquardt It’s at times like this I’m glad I’ve resisted the iPad so far. I can afford Lightroom _and_ food this month.
@chrismarquardt Safari 5? Gah! Think I’ll wait on that one, have enough third-party stuff welded into Safari that something might break…
Aha! The product announcement I’d been waiting for! The speculation is over, and the upgrade is here! Yes, Lightroom 3 is finally out.
@tsunimee I will be asleep at midnight. I therefore send you this time-delayed tweet. Hello from yesterday! What’s the future like?
So, this new Safari Reader thing is basically a “get the adverts out of my way” button? Can’t see that going down well with some sites…
It is, however, quite nice. #safarireader
@mikedunn That’s exactly what it’s like.
For anyone wondering about compatibility, there’s a new 1Password for Safari 5. Evernote and GreaseKit appear to Just Work.
@ianmcshane Just gave it a couple of tests. Working fine for me with the latest version (3.2.1/build 30653) #1password #safari5
@johnfbraun Looks like it. But it’s still nice to have a built-in, and it (a) seems to work and (b) is Apple-pretty.
@mikedunn I never really thought I needed anything like it, so I’ve never bothered with the bookmarklets. But seeing as it’s there now…
@mikedunn I generally find the iPhone screen too small for reading much. Tend to Instapaper things on the phone & read on big screen at home
@TheBloggess Well, the alligator is at least unlikely to bill you after it’s taken you to pieces.
@rbrwr Interesting. I’ve never noticed a big difference in readability, personally, but everyone’s different.
And the big screen goes up in Queen Square. http://twitpic.com/1v2493
@DrHairbear hey, I’m just the messenger :)
Not a football fan, but big modular TV screens are interesting tech. Wonder how many panels they’re using? http://flic.kr/p/88Q6z5 #bristol
@hannahnicklin Goodness, only just saw your live fracture coverage. Hope everything mends okay. Take plenty of drugs.