@tweeny4 Ah. I have it the other way round. If you see what I mean.
@tweeny4 What happened to your Mac?
@Jorence It’s okay, you’re probably safe as long as I don’t have change of a five.
@Jorence And it’s lucky I was off-duty, or I’d have had to charge you.
I should point out that the viewing of a @gothick is only offered to Waitrose’s most valuable customers in the event of complaint.
hayles Waitrose are lovely! They gave me a double refund and some lovely yellow roses. And I saw a @gothick!
Win! Was actually awake enough to spot @hayles in passing (for once!)
@hayles Definitely complain; bet Waitrose are good at handling complaints.
@twitttles Yes, I’ll admit that taking it back off was a tad eye-watering.
Turns out that sticking a false moustache onto a real moustache is tricky, but doable. http://twitpic.com/1wp4kl