Ah, plumbing. If I want to feel this incompetent and be this wet again, I’ll just challenge the winning olympic water polo team to a match.
@paulahillier Best part? They told me on my birthday.
@paulahillier Yeah, but that was with my old Nokia on Vodafone, nothing iPhone related.
Thing is, ever since Vodafone charged me £600 for viewing a few web pages in France, I’m terrified of any kind of data cap.
@johnfbraun It seems a little odd that they now seem to be chasing Microsoft’s user interface for search.
@hayles Was just thinking about splashing out on an iPhone 4, too, but would much rather keep my unlimited data until December. Oh well.
Who among my US followers with an iPhone 3GS wants a free copy of a brand new cool app? (US-only as Apple only do codes for US store. :( )
@ruskin147 My difference is that I’ll be constantly worrying about being one of the 3%.
@hayles What? Grr. Doubt I’d bump into the new @O2 limits, but half the joy of my iPhone is not having to worry about shit like that.
@KaveyF It wasn’t a _gross_ underexaggeration. Used it pretty much as advised on their website to stay within the limit.
I love that Google has suggestions for the random bollocks people type when they’re testing Google. http://twitpic.com/1vj2lq
@uttermedia @Narshada Heh. My headline-writing capabilities are clearly on form today :)
A rowing couple #Bristol #peoplewatching http://twitpic.com/1viw13
They just cleaned and polished the planetarium :) #shiny #Bristol #glitterball
@archidave Wow, what does that feel like? I’ve never been on a project that’s accelerated!
More art from Baristas. I’m liking this current exhibition. http://twitpic.com/1vh7uf
@thomasvenables If I boycotted the World Cup, nobody would notice a difference.
Gawd, it really feels like a Thursday today. Where’s my coffee?
“What job are they for, sir?” “Plumbing in a washing machine.” “I recommend a score of ‘F&£$!’s, and a box of our ‘TURN YOU C*&^ TURN!’s.”
Also, I just hand-coded a website that worked in IE first time. If I’m lucky, the Microsoft assassins will trip over the washing machine.
@Jorence No, no, it’s not worth the risk. Vicious bastards, washing machines. And they’re all in the “heavyweight” category.
@ahnlak It also didn’t help that I have washing machine hose connecting to copper pipes connecting to plastic pipes. #whobuiltthisplace
@ahnlak Don’t make me come down there and strangle you with leftover washing machine feed pipes.
@ahnlak Otherwise, turns out it’s a bit of a bugger.
@ahnlak It is. If you assume that the taps haven’t corroded, and the that hole for the wastepipe is big enough for the new wastepipe.
Hm. I have successfully plumbed in a washing machine without hurting myself or the house. It’s going to kill me in my sleep, isn’t it?
@archidave I can’t quite make out what you’re saying, there. Have you got your jaw wired up, or something?
Thank you, Zanussi, for putting the “Before the first use” instructions on page 17 of your manual. Grr.
@twitttles @Jorence is too modest. To face the wrath of a large Zanussi in the cause of honour is a truly noble deed.
I’m plumbing, but I just ran out of swear words. They sell those in B&Q, right?
@1854 Hipstamatic is the one I reach for most often.
Dear Google: Yes, Bing has a much prettier UI. So how about you just clone it outright and stop annoying me by randomly changing things?
@uttermedia And once she gets that, she’ll have to start saving for a protractor, too. Bloody school cutbacks.
@ahnlak @KaveyF In many ways, I was quite lucky compared to some people: http://bit.ly/csi4QC
@ahnlak YouTube would have been rather more, I reckon. Someone once got charged £4,900 for watching an episode of The Apprentice on iPlayer!
@KaveyF Certainly no audio or video, and mostly just for a short period of time in the evening after snowboarding.
@ahnlak £600 was what I got them down to after pointing out they’d charged me under the wrong plan.