@Jorence Perhaps it wasn’t that aggressive for me because I can already run 15K, and because I said my only target was finishing the race!
@Narshada And apologies for the odd near-duplicate there, but Twitter is really playing up at the moment.
@Narshada Seriously, then: turn it off and on again, and then let it get a good view of the sky for a couple of minutes. Should work.
@tsunimee Heh. I was in bed, by then, reading odd Sherlock Holmes stories :) Am now bouncy and awake having actually slept properly. Yay!
@Jorence Oooh, where do you get the training plans from?
@Jorence I don’t want any of my training to be aggressive! I’m going to give it a whirl, thanks.
@Jorence Hah! It can’t deal with how heavy I am! If I put my real weight in, the program ends up thinking I’m 108 pounds!
@Jorence Is a bit odd, isn’t it? With this training plan, I’d never go as far as I’ve previously been in training for the 10K…
@Jorence Still, I find that quite reassuring!
@Jorence Bristol Half. You’re going for the Cardiff, presumably?
@Narshada It’ll work in a pocket, but it’ll never be good indoors. Also, if having problems, turn off and on again. Really.
@Jorence Well, I wouldn’t have wanted to run a 10K the week after I did the 10K, if that’s helpful input… :/
Oops! How did it get to be late o’clock?
Heh. Office productivity currently about 2% due to arrival of former PA with new baby to show off :)
Jesus, is there _any_ UK email marketing person not trying to crowbar football into their junk at the moment?
@Narshada The figure-8 shake? That’s for the compass, it’ll do nothing for the GPS…
GoDaddy no longer needs “Province” in addresses. Maybe it’s because I used “I haven’t got a province, you stupid bloody website” last time.
@Narshada Make sure it has a clear view of the sky. It’s got to see the satellites. It’ll work in a pocket, but it won’t be good indoors.
@Narshada Give it the best view of the sky you can. The GPS antenna is on the back, at the top.