Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 23rd, 2010

Just been oddly questioned by the Lord Mayor’s chauffeur after taking a photo of his car.

via Echofon

Strobist info: I used the fucking sun. Grow up.

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Hah! Following on from yesterday, other pubs are making different promises!

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Why is there so much day left at the end of the caffeine high?

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@hayles Wow. My max was nearly 1GB. Clearly you’re a lean, mean, tweetin’ machine.

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@paulahillier No, I’m at work. It’s quite quiet in here, though!

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@jacrats Rational? You have my sympathy. Always wondered why people used their design tools when their tools were clearly so badly-designed.

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Yup, liking the new Flickr photo screens. Wide shots (like this one from this morning: look better in the new width

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@canofpopcom Surely if he was stalking me he’d have chosen a less distinctive car? :)

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@canofpopcom I’m guessing he was watching the footie; maybe the mrs mayor wasn’t so interested :)

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Lovely evening for a jog. If a touch hot.

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…although with the fill-flash it does look like I did that with green-screen and Photoshop! Next picture: me jogging past the Taj Mahal.

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@KaveyF Nah, I was only out for a half hour. Still recovering from my cold, so I’m not going long distance :)

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I just mistyped “Grain Barge” as “Gran Barge”, thus turning a pub into an example of discourteous public transport behaviour.

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@tweeny4 Yes, I am also enjoying the new shiny.

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