Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 5th, 2010

@hayles I think we should start

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Okay, new camera works. One of the lenses appears to have the aperture stuck full open, though. *taps gently with hammer*

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@hayles Have you started using anything else nearby that might be interfering?

via Echofon in reply to hayles

On the plus side, a dog is unlikely repeatedly to play Bonnie Tyler at full volume at 3am.

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Not that I object to dogs per se, but the ceiling/floor really is thin, and if it’s one of those persistent yappers, I may cry.

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Hmm. Loud Upstairs Neighbours have announced they’re selling up. To someone with a dog, if that’s okay with everyone..? Hmm.

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@hayles Mind you, I had to install third party software to get the tracking speed up to something decent, which is a bit crap.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles Whereas, astoundingly, the Magic Mouse is the only Apple Mouse to survive six months without me wanting to throw it across the room.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

Also, would a Roman centurion really be wearing Nike trainers? Surely that’s more a Greek thing?

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@Jorence Then I hope they also heartily enjoy landing several miles away while wondering what hit them.

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So, yeah, as previously mentioned, here is today’s oddest sight so far.

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Or it might just be because they didn’t have any hydration packs branded “squidgy pale bloke.”

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I just bought a product branded “Iron Man”. As anyone who’s met me will testify, this is the image I try to go for.

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@Lillput Mine auto-recharges, which doesn’t seem dangerous bearing in mind how seldom I’m in London these days.

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Moti need a bigger shop. And aircon.

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Just saw a Roman centurion walking down Park Street.

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Boston Tea Party’s current guest coffee, Monte Rosa, is lovely.

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It strikes me, @ratsass, that if you wanted a poor man’s GPS you could dress very oddly and plot the tweets about you on a map, later.

via Echofon in reply to ratsass

@canofpopcom You can? Cool, will check that out!

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@mjh53 Yes, but if I’d walked I might’ve missed last orders :)

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@KaveyF It’s actually based on a drink I love from a certain restaurant, which I introduced Emmeline to :)

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Hmm. Wish there was an Oyster-style system for parking in Bristol. Need to drive to my physio this morning, but have no change. Hmm.

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“Fred! Don’t eat the book! Oh. No, it’s okay, he _can_ eat _that_ book.”

I love being around parents.

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I need to get to a planet with a temperate climate. One to teleport, please.

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@benjohnbarnes I honestly think there may be a good niche market for actual sports clothes & equipment web shop for larger size people.

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And my goodness, wasn’t there some classic music on my favourite compilation album as a kid.…

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@hayles But my main points here, are: 3AM!!!! and MORE THAN FUCKING ONCE!!!

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles Again, nothing wrong with Bonnie per se. In fact, used to listen to her quite a lot on the Hits 4 tape when I were a lad, FWIR.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@rabidbee Hey, no way you could test it, was there? No worries. Not sure where I’ll be when tomorrow, will give you a shout if plan arrives.

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@chrismarquardt But at least you know exactly where everyone you’re unfollowing is right now.

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Me in my full Iron Man regalia.

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@rabidbee Yup. And yes, please, especially if you have a 50mm. Have played about and don’t think it’s me being dumb. 29mm works a treat!

via Echofon in reply to rabidbee

@Jorence …and then having a music centre land on their little yappy head.

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