@hayles I think we should start ratemycenturion.com
Okay, new camera works. One of the lenses appears to have the aperture stuck full open, though. *taps gently with hammer*
@hayles Have you started using anything else nearby that might be interfering?
On the plus side, a dog is unlikely repeatedly to play Bonnie Tyler at full volume at 3am.
Not that I object to dogs per se, but the ceiling/floor really is thin, and if it’s one of those persistent yappers, I may cry.
Hmm. Loud Upstairs Neighbours have announced they’re selling up. To someone with a dog, if that’s okay with everyone..? Hmm.
@hayles Mind you, I had to install third party software to get the tracking speed up to something decent, which is a bit crap.
@hayles Whereas, astoundingly, the Magic Mouse is the only Apple Mouse to survive six months without me wanting to throw it across the room.
Also, would a Roman centurion really be wearing Nike trainers? Surely that’s more a Greek thing?
@Jorence Then I hope they also heartily enjoy landing several miles away while wondering what hit them.
So, yeah, as previously mentioned, here is today’s oddest sight so far. http://twitpic.com/1u4isq
Or it might just be because they didn’t have any hydration packs branded “squidgy pale bloke.”
I just bought a product branded “Iron Man”. As anyone who’s met me will testify, this is the image I try to go for.
@Lillput Mine auto-recharges, which doesn’t seem dangerous bearing in mind how seldom I’m in London these days.
Moti need a bigger shop. And aircon.
@Dichohecho Eees veerry niiiice.
Just saw a Roman centurion walking down Park Street. #Bristol
Boston Tea Party’s current guest coffee, Monte Rosa, is lovely. #Bristol
It strikes me, @ratsass, that if you wanted a poor man’s GPS you could dress very oddly and plot the tweets about you on a map, later.
@canofpopcom You can? Cool, will check that out!
@mjh53 Yes, but if I’d walked I might’ve missed last orders :)
@KaveyF It’s actually based on a drink I love from a certain restaurant, which I introduced Emmeline to :)
Hmm. Wish there was an Oyster-style system for parking in Bristol. Need to drive to my physio this morning, but have no change. Hmm.
“Fred! Don’t eat the book! Oh. No, it’s okay, he _can_ eat _that_ book.”
I love being around parents.
I need to get to a planet with a temperate climate. One to teleport, please. http://twitpic.com/1u595p
@benjohnbarnes I honestly think there may be a good niche market for actual sports clothes & equipment web shop for larger size people.
And my goodness, wasn’t there some classic music on my favourite compilation album as a kid. http://en.wikipedia.org/…
Rrraarrrgh! http://twitpic.com/1u3lre
@hayles My mistake. Hits 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/…
@hayles But my main points here, are: 3AM!!!! and MORE THAN FUCKING ONCE!!!
@hayles Again, nothing wrong with Bonnie per se. In fact, used to listen to her quite a lot on the Hits 4 tape when I were a lad, FWIR.
@rabidbee Hey, no way you could test it, was there? No worries. Not sure where I’ll be when tomorrow, will give you a shout if plan arrives.
@chrismarquardt But at least you know exactly where everyone you’re unfollowing is right now.
Me in my full Iron Man regalia. http://twitpic.com/1u4t8k
@rabidbee Yup. And yes, please, especially if you have a 50mm. Have played about and don’t think it’s me being dumb. 29mm works a treat!
@Jorence …and then having a music centre land on their little yappy head.