Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 2019

@Astrofyre @meemalee Hell yeah. The reason I say “please” and “thank you” to Alexa right now is so I’m in the habit for when they become sentient.

via Twitter Web App in reply to Astrofyre

If you want an SF podcast to listen to, episode 712 of ⁦@escapepodcast⁩ is a fantastic place to start.

via Twitter for iPhone

Using @petedrinks as a high-contrast input for my ASCII art Python play.

via Twitter for iPhone

@indiaknight @IanDouglas Finally we find a compromise I’m willing to make.

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Shonette Lucky escape for someone on York Road this morning 😰

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:48 AM, Dec 30th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@word_geek Thanks! Was just off to the library and had forgotten I also needed milk…

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Are you sure you’ve counted them all? There are at least two living in the flat directly above mine……

via Twitter Web App

Fascinating stuff from BBC In Our Time on the history of coffee (and coffee houses.) Plus ça change…

via Twitter for iPhone

ReEstInv No, watching WarGames had no special influence on me.
By the way … they’re all working perfectly all right and I use them frequently.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:22 PM, Dec 27th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

Avon_Stories I wonder what caused the Great British Seaside Holiday to decline?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:49 AM, Dec 27th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@TwoClawsMedia @bufferingcast For some reason, I’m hearing Anya voicing the text on the boxes…

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TwoClawsMedia None of the kids wanted toys for Christmas this year, they just wanted cash. Understandable, but cash as a gift, while practical, always feels impersonal, so I made special packaging. Went over well

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:05 PM, Dec 26th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@danbri *gets out Oyster card* Hrm. I’d say the smaller one looks teaspoon-sized, the larger one dessertspoon-sized, and the significantly larger tablespoon of the set is missing. (Middle-class Essex upbringing, 1970s)

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@stillawake It was Wookey Hole cave-aged cheddar, too. V. tasty.

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danbenjamin To: Every single company on the internet

From: me

Subject: please stop emailing me that your terms of service have changed

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:07 PM, Dec 25th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@danbenjamin Yes. I also wish they’d be significantly more private about their privacy policy.

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@theindelicates Awwwwwwwww! Thank you for the unexpected Christmas bonus! x

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There will now be an indulgent Christmas mid-afternoon snack of cheese on toast, tea, and Columbo (_Suitable for Framing_, S01E04, thanks for asking 😅)

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Here we see the lesser-spotted @_pigeons_ in its natural environment: on the wrong side of a WARNING sign.

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rhodri Hey! Where are you all sleeping tonight? Anywhere good? Bad? Indifferent? 1/5

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:22 AM, Dec 25th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

abbycohenwl Welcome to America

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:15 PM, Dec 24th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

Cavalorn Getting the date of the Winter Solstice wrong is of course an ancient pagan tradition

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 2:11 PM, Dec 21st, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

Seej500 i mean, we joke about how appallingly bad the BBC is at fact-checking these days, but tweeting out the wrong date of the winter solstice from the official & main BBC account is pretty fucking on the nose…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:11 PM, Dec 21st, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@yandrewmoore @NmVAson Because date libraries in any language are an infinitely deep well of crawling hysterical darkness from which there can be no escape. Which is, ironically, why every company writes their own at some point, thus shooting themselves in the foot with their very own tentacled horror.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to yandrewmoore


TIL that Java’s DateTimeFormatter pattern “YYYY” gives you the week-based-year, (by default, ISO-8601 standard) the year of the Thursday of that week.

12/29/2019 formats to 2019
12/30/2019 formats to 2020

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:02 PM, Dec 21st, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@unamccormack *Puts a certain book on top of the Christmas re-reading pile*

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via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:54 PM, Dec 21st, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

joshuatopolsky NOOOOOOOOOOO…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:00 PM, Dec 20th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@floyduk That’s not you on the Times QC leader board, is it?

via Twitter Web App

salihughes No, please tell me more about your innovative and life changing range of CBD products…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:10 AM, Dec 20th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

midsomerplots A celebrity atheist is found shot six times by a man on the run. Suspicion falls on Barton in the Beans’ medieval reenactment society, angry that dead shrubbery might threaten to send the olympic diving team into a spin.

via Midsomer Murder Plot Generator (retweeted on 11:06 AM, Dec 20th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@dangusset It’s a FirstBus driver, isn’t it?

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I haz a cold. I have distracted myself by writing An Actual Blog Post which mostly just tells you what I’ve been reading this year.…

via Twitter Web App

I am not alone in venting my frustration, apparently.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to gothick

I’ve brought my shaving kit because I still want to look my best by the time I reach the counter.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to gothick

The queue is moving, but only through attrition. The elderly and those with weak bladders have already fallen by the wayside.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to gothick

This Post Office is staffed by a single worker who has apparently never worked in a Post Office before and I did, of course, entirely expect that this week.

via Twitter for iPhone

MacRumors iFixit Shares 2019 Mac Pro Teardown: ‘A Masterclass in Repairability’… by @rsgnl

via Web (retweeted on 1:28 PM, Dec 17th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

__apf__ The Canadian Internet Registry Authority (responsible for .ca) put together a set of very Canadian stock images…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:14 PM, Dec 16th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

IanFayArt All the bloody tweets about social bubbles are doing my head in

As if before social media we hung around with people we didn’t like/ thought were pricks

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:52 PM, Dec 15th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

GKCdaily If a man does not talk to himself, it is because he is not worth talking to.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 1:43 PM, Dec 15th, 2019 via Tweetbot for Mac)

The Portway’s just been reopened, in case you were headed that way.…

via Twitter for iPhone

Stop trying to make Messenger happen, Facebook.

via Twitter Web App

rbrwr @gothick Yes, if you’ve told anyone at the doorstep that you’ll vote for them, giving a teller your number may save you from an unnecessary “knocking up” later. At my polling station I offered the teller my number and she didn’t want it! She did look after my bike, though.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:56 AM, Dec 12th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@beardedjourno My local station used to be Holy Trinity, which was fine, but having it at the literal end of my street works even better…

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Oh, great. A new, large, soggy receptacle I have to find somewhere to keep. Was this thought up by people who have utility rooms/big kitchens/front gardens, I wonder…

via Twitter Web App

@Lillput Yes. I had politically-active parents and lived in a bit of London that usually had active tellers at the polling stations. Even later in life it might come as a bit of a surprise to someone who grew up in a safe seat, say.

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(In particular, you don’t have to tell a teller *how* you voted, and they generally won’t ask. Other people might ask you how you voted; they’ll be doing an exit poll, and again, you still don’t have to tell them anything.)

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

Tellers of different parties often cooperate and share information, and have to follow Electoral Commission guidelines (…). Personally I see no harm in telling them who I am, but you have no obligation to if you don’t want to.

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

PS: If someone with a rosette asks to see your polling card on the way out, they’re probably a teller. Their job is to see who’s voted so that local parties can make sure their known supports get out and vote…

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

Here’s Bristol’s polling station finder and info:…

via Twitter Web App

NolanOBrien Starting today, Twitter will preserve JPEGs as they are encoded for upload on Twitter for Web. (Caveat, cannot have EXIF orientation)

For example: the attached photo is actually a guetzli encoded JPEG at 97% quality with no chroma subsampling.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:31 PM, Dec 11th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@sql_williamd D’uh. You should clearly have been using LIVE, the Low-Impact Virtual Emulator environment.

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The secret history of the Motorola Razr, the first great phone of the millennium…

via Twitter Web Client

Possibly the most random shot from my first roll of Lomochrome Metropolis: a passing snap of Jeremy Corbyn… @lomographyuk

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Been playing with @lomography Lomochrome Metropolis this week. These are from the Leidolf Lordomat 35mm rangefinder.

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I popped out to fetch a reservation from the library, and look who turned up.

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@JamesGleick Anything that Chambers is this sniffy about is probably alright by me.

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@jonecc Both of those were postal delivery rather than a local leafleteer. Surprised everyone in Bristol West didn’t get one if I did; it’s not like Hotwells is a hotbed of right wingery…

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I’ve always enjoyed these well-placed little “view source” job ads.

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MittenDAmour I want to make a Hallmark Christmas film where a hard nosed city bitch gets stranded in a tiny cookie cutter town and helps the hunky local hardware store owner see that the co-dependent locals are stifling his potential and that his true calling is investment banking.

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 5:18 PM, Dec 7th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

Less than a week to go and my real-time bargraph suggests that the Greens are certainly ahead in paper usage in Bristol West. Studying the small print finds that only Labour and the Tories had their leaflets printed in Bristol, for what it’s worth…

via Twitter Web App

bigstace9 If anybody knows of any lonely old people who will be eating Christmas dinner alone because they have no family or close friends, can they let me know? I need to borrow some chairs.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:08 PM, Dec 7th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hatsandbikes @BristolCCouncil What’s the betting it’ll fall on someone’s head and kill them before the council does anything?

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Gary_Bainbridge Dolly Parton’s on BBC4 if you want to feel a bit happier.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:11 PM, Dec 6th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

Wow. So apparently this dangling box I reported to Openreach is actually from the old Rediffusion cable system and not actually theirs. Helpfully they’re now going to report it to @BristolCCouncil for me, at least; apparently it’s their repsonibility now…

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@jwomack @UnlikelyWorlds It worries me every now and again to remember that I spent a lot of time in my secondary school’s small “radioactives room” purely because that’s where the Chemistry department kept their BBC Micro.

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MatthewACherry is live! It’s an animated short film about an African American father learning how to do his daughters hair for the first time. Written & Directed by me, co-directed by @BruceAlmighteee @Mr_Scribbles & stars @IssaRae.


via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:49 PM, Dec 5th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

Christ. Just been Faraged through the letterbox.

via Twitter Web App

@Peculiar Thanks for the tip in the England’s Finest afterword. If I spotted the anomaly at the time I’d forgotten about it!

via Twitter Web App

xkcdComic AI Hiring Algorithm

via xkcdComic (retweeted on 3:59 PM, Dec 5th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

Hazardius I really like to read about those weird things present in various programming languages.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:20 PM, Dec 5th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@ahnlak Making a grand world-wide total of one buyer, I suspect.

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@porthjess I’m not sure watching the video to Freazy was the best choice for putting me in a work mood, mind, but at least I’m starting the day with a smile.

via Twitter Web App in reply to porthjess

@ahnlak If this was still the day of you can bet I’d be working on some kind of Shazam-based way of scrobbling my vinyl plays…

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Right. Today I will mostly be listening to Wolf Alice while reading about what’s new in SQL Server 2019.

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The problem with the Spotify “2019 Wrapped” review of my year is that every night I get Alexa to play me random sleepy music for an hour while I drift off, so my 2019 music is a literal yawn-fest.

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@benjohnbarnes @YouTube @theloop This is a little odd, in that it’s a very quotidian description of a car used to do an *actual* Cannonball run. (Manhattan to LA: 27 1/2 hours 😯)

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Here’s how we made our car invisible to cops (via @YouTube and @theloop)

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Trying to decide which Generic US TV Show episode is worse: The One From Season Three That’s Inexplicably About Baseball, or The One From Season Seven That’s Inexplicably Set In England.

via Twitter for iPhone

@archidave @iamtheshunt1 (And have you tried it in a different machine/different port? And if it’s on a laptop, is the laptop plugged into the mains? They can get fussy about how much power they have available.)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to gothick

@archidave @iamtheshunt1 I’m afraid I don’t know any data recovery folks. The only success I ever had with something like that was when the external case electronics died but the drive inside was fine, so managed to rip the thing out and put it in a new caddy.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to archidave

@imyke @cgpgrey Can’t quite believe I did this while the podcast was still playing…

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holly Hands up if you got your claw stuck in the curtain

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:10 PM, Dec 3rd, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@OmniFocus Say, it is just me that gets these little black boxes occasionally, until I move my mouse over them and they become a + button?

via Twitter Web App

LifeCycleUKteam And we’re off! Our campaign is now live! Follow the link to find out more and pledge your donation.…

Thank you so much for your support!

via Hootsuite Inc. (retweeted on 10:37 AM, Dec 3rd, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

mshedbristol Experience Wildlife Photographer of the Year after-hours for free at M Shed next Tuesday 3 December! Enjoy mulled wine, mince pies & 10% off everything in the shop, as well as festive evening of nature at night, 5-8pm >>…

via Hootsuite Inc. (retweeted on 1:31 PM, Dec 1st, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

timmaughan “My pick for the book of the year Infinite Detail, is a before-and-after tale of near-future social collapse..It’s hard to believe it is a debut, so assured and evocative is Maughan’s writing” hot damn @arrroberts in the @guardian…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:22 AM, Dec 1st, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)