WillWiles In a characteristic London moment, my wife just had a nitrous canister chucked at her by a crow

Carefully constructed bar graph of the quantity of campaign literature I’ve received. pic.twitter.com/dBvtoLAtfq

charliehtweets I guess we will just never solve the mystery of who stole the cookie…🤷♂️

Back to basics. pic.twitter.com/27rx3fiY6c
@rands I blame cosmic rays 😀
@rands Quick heads-up: your RSS feed seems to be broken for me because of a single weird character in between the words “with” and “the” highlighted here in the latest post. validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi… Looks like some odd invisible control character crept in?

@bufferingcast About nineteen years ago, I seem to remember having a certain retail urge… #wantbuyhave pic.twitter.com/c9yJGBWEFs
EleanorMorton Is anyone else here aesthetically conservative but socially liberal? Like I love old buildings and quaint villages but I hate the sort of people who live in them

Starbucks there, managing to compound the sin of bafflingly providing a knife with a bun by making it from non-recyclable plastic to boot. pic.twitter.com/89l5iaeuaw
McKelvie Just what is she trying to hide twitter.com/io9/status/119…

HaggardHawks The Icelandic word GLUGGAVEÐUR means ‘weather that looks appealing from inside, but would be unpleasant to be outside in’. It literally means ‘window-weather’. pic.twitter.com/jIxjhqrYYq
Juggzy I’m sorry, but I can’t rt this without comment.
You *what*? twitter.com/Stagecoach_Eas…
Oooh. Decent Black Friday deal on the Microsoft Press store. microsoftpressstore.com/promotions/bla…

everycolorbot 0xd13267 pic.twitter.com/sO95S6DO8d
SofieHagen “A beautiful murder collage” 😂 twitter.com/standup/status…

OfficerEdith People know that raccoons are smart, but this guy (who we thought might be dying) got out of a locked cage, that was inside another locked cage and mockingly tapped on the internal window of the van being driven at 30mph. That’s how you give an ACO the willies. pic.twitter.com/xdnuU0aAYa
App update submitted *Closes 7,485 Stack Overflow tabs*
I always forget that dealing with iTunes connect is far harder than writing an application in the first place.

From this morning’s wander #bristol #followmyrabbits 2/2 pic.twitter.com/jKoJtIYIRn

From this morning’s wander #bristol 1/2 pic.twitter.com/Xgah4JO3I8

Portway nature. pic.twitter.com/cBPzJLiGWQ

Oatmeal BREAKING: Tesla announces new CyberBus pic.twitter.com/Q7E9LYHTFG

danbarker Technically true. pic.twitter.com/XVyapfp9ro
For some reason I’m thinking of Sunnydale… @bufferingcast twitter.com/MrEwanMorrison…
I’m fairly sure now that the way to trigger an iCloud photo sync is to get bored and email the picture to yourself instead.

Anyway. I have celebrated consumerism today by buying a full-price holesaw kit at Toolstation for the princely sum of £6.80 so I could drill a hole in my desk for a wireless charger. pic.twitter.com/UjqY4077bm
ChuckWendig well I see they found my son’s drawings from when he was 4, I hope he gets a nice royalty twitter.com/jalopnik/statu…
Wait, so Black Friday is *next* Friday? Amazon seem to be confusing matters by kicking off their Black Friday sale on a Friday that isn’t Black Friday. Maybe this is less baffling in a country that celebrates Thanksgiving…

Gosh. I had no idea that was a thing. #threes #threelock pic.twitter.com/o60jOfo2JX
@richardjfoster Hadn’t even heard of it until now! Thanks for the heads-up.

JenWilliamsMEN Actual fake news pic.twitter.com/P7loM41ffb
“If this is too blind for your taste, consult some well-meaning fool (there is always one around) and ask his advice. Then vote the other way.”
— Robert Heinlein, 1973 (Time Enough For Love/The notebooks of Lazarus Long)
“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for, but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong…” 1/2
@seldo (Plus the new one’s astoundingly quiet compared to the old one, enough that I can set it off at midnight and sleep through a full cycle when it’s in the room next to the bedroom. But that probably varies a lot per model/manufacturer…)
@seldo They’re a bit like old cars, in my experience: once they get to a certain age and start going wrong, they tend to carry on going wrong. My new one came with a two-year full guarantee plus a ten-year parts guarantee, which means less financial uncertainty.
Ihnatko Lending credence to September’s rumor that the opening action sequence of the next Bond movie is just James picking up his in-laws from a regional airport. cnn.com/2019/11/19/car…
@ezalter @OvercastFM I found that restarting my phone kicked things off again. (I also found that app update downloads were stalling in the App Store, so I’m guessing it’s an iOS issue rather than specifically Overcast. Of course, we may have different problems!)

Tempted by a stroll down a metaphor. pic.twitter.com/sfZ9JOFxBM
@dangusset I was happy with it. Much credit to YouTube carpentry videos :D

Oh, well done Twitter/Catalyst. pic.twitter.com/6gDbICPa0F

cox_tom A while ago, a toad came to live in one of the old shoes that my dad wore for gardening. It stayed in residence for many weeks. As a reminder not to try to put the shoes on while the toad was living in one of them, my dad wrote a post-it note to himself and stuck it to the shoe. pic.twitter.com/5cCM8HQjd3
@djelibeybi_meg Ta!

And the door is done. Hurrah! Not bad for my first ever attempt at making a door. #diy pic.twitter.com/8d2UYevUQ5
BristolWater A super rare snap of what used to hold fresh water - massive, hand carved pieces of elm tree! 🤯
This was taken when we were pretty much a small start-up (don’t think we had many ping pong tables in head office or dress-down Fridays though). What a great find! 🤓 twitter.com/KYPBristol/sta…

Bin cupboard door progress #2 pic.twitter.com/qvnYY7nu2Z

Bin cupboard door progress #1 pic.twitter.com/Y7isByO3Oj
abbycohenwl [with an attractive, loving couple]
Me: I feel like such a third rail
Them: Lol you mean third wheel?
Me: [electrocutes them both] No
@robmanuel I remember running my blog in a beautifully arse-backwards way for a while. I wrote the blog entries directly in XML as an RSS feed and generated the whole website as static HTML from it.
Oh, Joy. Jehovah’s Witnesses.

vowe I am so old that I can remember when Google would show you search results and some ads on the right side. pic.twitter.com/cXMjUYIjHH
TheWrongNoel A friend of mine has been trying to hire a new employee for her department in a medium-sized org. After advertising several times with few applicants, and a couple of rounds of interviews, the new employee is less than great. Then she discovered there were other applicants …

archidave In about 2005 a Chinese delegation came to Bristol and used it as an architectural buffet for “Thames Town” on the outskirts of Shanghai. Here’s their interpretation of the C17th Llandoger Trow 5790 miles from the original 😒 pic.twitter.com/hj9pnepDU1
Stumbling home from an evening that’s featured more than a little nostalgia, I find myself unashamedly enjoying U2’s Hawkmoon 269, among others.
JimMFelton Voters trudge through streets dodging tired canvassers & endless vox pops. Sadness in all their eyes.
Then on TV a newsreader announces an asteroid is heading our way. Shoppers gather & watch. For the first time in years they crack a smile. The John Lewis logo appears on screen.
MarinaHyde Special conference in February to determine how to respond twitter.com/skynewsbreak/s…

Oh, Mac App Store, you’re such a card. #functionalhighground pic.twitter.com/wpepJ11k11
tithenai Good morning folks, it looks like THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE THE TIME WAR is on sale in (at least) Amazon UK & Germany for 99p/ €0.99!
Amazon UK: amazon.co.uk/This-How-You-L…
Amazon Germany: amazon.de/dp/B07RTYNHRM/
I have no idea how Amazon’s regions work so check yours!
dangusset Every single Argos catalogue lovingly digitally archived argosbookofdreams.co.uk via @MartinBelam
@griffinkate @angelbelsey @benofbrown Nope. V. different.
@angelbelsey @griffinkate @benofbrown I have it whenever I see it in a cafe, which isn’t that often. I see it’s available at Ocado, so I’ve just popped some in my basket 😃 Bundaberg seem to have made some inroads into the market in the last few years, so it’s probably available from bigger supermarkets.
@griffinkate @benofbrown (If you want to try to find it, I recommend Bundaberg bundaberg.com/en-GB/brew/roo…, and it’s definitely available in the UK.)
@griffinkate @benofbrown It was a taste of my childhood. I only found out a few years ago that MacDonald’s only sold it in a fairly limited number of restaurants and phased it out in the 1990s, so it wasn’t as common as I thought! mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/help/…

generalslug when my dad worked in advertising his firm hired a fancy NYC production co. and when they asked what props he needed for a shoot he said “some acorns” and this is what they brought him a week later pic.twitter.com/vuf3HBQ8JO
@benofbrown @griffinkate Oddly, I had Savlon growing up but Germolene’s what I keep in the house these days. I rather like the oil-of-wintergreen smell compared to Savlon’s blandness, but then I also like Listerine, and root beer*.
*If there was ever a good reason to deploy an Oxford comma…

njj4 Mary Somerville (1780-1872) was a Scottish scientist and writer. The daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir William Fairfax, she was a keen reader and taught herself Latin. Her uncle Dr Thomas Somerville encouraged her, reading Virgil with her. #noethember pic.twitter.com/UlEEzqI1Ap
@BradyHaran @cgpgrey It’s only fair he join the rest of us in actively not having a sodding clue what to do about it.
You know (he said, dopily) the reason I’ve been achey and tired all weekend *could* be that *checks notes* I’ve stuck to my five-days-a-week exercise plan for the last seven weeks solid. *Pencils week off into the diary*
That helicopter’s been up there a very long time tonight.
@fourfoot Cor. Apparently 1973 was a good year in film. I’m thinking The Exorcist or Westworld, but I should probably get around to watching The Sting before I decide, right?
@Megintransition @unamccormack I particularly liked the modern take on the Norse gods in Long Dark Teatime of the Soul. Thor was fab.

robinhouston A useful abbreviation. pic.twitter.com/uGywwvaBE6
@beccarothwell I thought they’d nixed that? Maybe it’s still in the pipeline…
@shezza_t Maybe it makes them look more interesting to humans so we preserve the species. I’m willing to admit I may have been outsmarted by a plant :D
@chubbybannister Thank you for the reminder! I was absolutely going to forget that.
@shezza_t Not as far as I’ve been able to find out. (Nobody even really knows why they do it for sure!) It costs the plant a little energy, but they naturally do it every day—the leaves furl up overnight, too.

My Mimosa Pudica (“sensitive plant”) seedling has started living up to its name. pic.twitter.com/i0BPwOHE2F
@HarringtonBear Really not far. Midway chapter 2, in fact.
@HarringtonBear The egg was MAGNIFICENT, I tell you.

Second breakfast pic.twitter.com/s4o78NElZX

sombrero_dog Every day carry is my favourite subreddit because it’s all schlubby IT guys who pack a glock and a flip knife to go work in a server room for 9 hours. pic.twitter.com/H5Zvv4T3Zf

This Hotwells building has a long history of protest. pic.twitter.com/17Y9EmAVOk

“Nah, couple of coats of Dulux, it’ll be fine…” pic.twitter.com/4itl8qGbDB

Safe to say our bin-cupboard door has seen better days. pic.twitter.com/AdvTAjqepg

Kavey NEW RESTAURANT REVIEW Noa Sushi | A Delicious Japanese in Bristol’s Clifton Village kaveyeats.com/2019/11/noa-su… pic.twitter.com/6tBOrXqfXG
@fourfoot @KirstyKomodo A dance remix of Sandi Toksvig murdering the pronunciation of Eyjafjallajökull when its eruption stopped flights. It got played on the following week’s News Quiz.
@dangusset I shall explain that the 💓 was for the eerie flickering, not for you being back at the doc’s.

Phil_Zylstra Locking the lid on the dog food bin was working until this morning. pic.twitter.com/ykF94p7fMR
Fabulous hashtagging from the local constabulary there. twitter.com/ASPBristol/sta…
@hayles Damn it. I could really do with one right now.
@psidnell (“No! No, we definitely said we wanted the plywood on the *bottom* of the computer…” “That’s not what it says in the spec!”)
@psidnell I’ve seen far worse IT solutions delivered in industry.
“Hi. I have a delivery for a Mr… Huh. That’s funny. It just says ‘Spike’…” @bufferingcast twitter.com/nypost/status/…

In entirely unrelated news, I have kicked my (already written-off) dead old washing machine so hard that it’s come apart at the seams and I now feel slightly better. Apparently I remember some of my karate. pic.twitter.com/oriVeffriV
@Kavey @jlandpcustserv Ultimate dystopia: We’ll all be on zero-hours contracts working for subsidiaries of the UK’s only employer, Sports Direct, so we can buy things from the UK’s only retailer, Sports Direct…
@Kavey @jlandpcustserv I don’t know what the heck has happened to John Lewis. Next Wednesday it’ll be three months exactly since I first phoned up and said my machine needed repairing. It’s been a disaster from start to— well, not finish. Because it still isn’t over! Gah!
And the 3-month saga of my washer/dryer continues. I told @jlandpcustserv when I ordered the replacement that my area had 5 ton weight restriction and tight corners. And again last week when I booked the delivery. The driver just called to say he can’t get his 7-ton van near me.
So far: Many fireworks. No John Lewis.
@ememess How do we still manage to waste all our time now we don’t have to wait for programs to load from a Memorex C60 stuffed into a Sharp tape recorder?
I had a third-party (MemoTech?) one that came with self-adhesive Velcro strips to mitigate the dreaded RAM pack wobble. twitter.com/jimalkhalili/s…
JennyAnnDee One day, rather than ‘so sorry for the confusion’, I’m going to come out with it and say ‘if you’d read the fucking email I sent you with its carefully laid out short paragraphs that a gibbon could understand, you would have the answer to your idiot query, fucknuts’
@palindromic_Han @cwillycs The Assault Course of Cherry Horror is how I think of the period from Hallowe’en until the end of the year.

cwillycs There is a fellow introvert on the Sephora customer experience team who deserves A RAISE RIGHT NOW pic.twitter.com/4Aan7lUyVD
(Drying, even. Though I suppose it stopped trying, too.)
I’m (allegedly) having my replacement washer dryer delivered today at 7pm. Three months since the old one stopped trying, and it does rather feel like it should be celebrated with fireworks…
@SuzElsworth The fact that this tweet is from 2016 and the ICO now has “Oven cleaning” on its list of callers to choose from tells me that reporting this morning’s call from CMF oven cleaning to @ICOnews will make no difference whatever. Sigh.
@ovationchris Cool, thanks!
@psidnell Christ.
@dangusset Me too. Then again, I think the follower count *and* the mental illness may just be symptoms of the underlying problem: hanging out on Twitter for twelve sodding years.
@ovationchris Ambience aside, is the food in Bento Boss still ace? Was just thinking how I’d not been for ages.
@danielpunkass Can you put something in the picture for scale? An armchair, maybe, or a small naval frigate?
@Birdmaster777 It really is. Someone (@TimClarePoet?) mentioned it in a podcast the other day and I realised it had been far too long since I read it.

Idle time. pic.twitter.com/VuT1Im2OPl
Idly listening to music and wondering if Wolf Alice’s “Planet Hunter” might’ve originally been to the tune of “Firestarter”…
CaseyNewton Honestly though a premium-priced product whose chief benefit is helping you ignore the world around you is the perfect tech product for an American city in 2019
thispeterlewis entry level designer
junior designer
senior designer
principal designer
final designer
final final designer
final final final designer_v2
designer v3 FINAL
The Dark Snowflake is my superhero name. twitter.com/archidave/stat…
@rsms @franticnews I have a lot of criticism for Apple, but I have been continually impressed at how well thought-out all the dragging is on the desktop. You can even four-finger “outward swipe” to reveal the desktop while keeping a file drag going with your remaining digit.
RobGMacfarlane “We’re prisoners of our own western science; indigenous people have long known that plants will communicate with each other”: Suzanne Simard brilliant on the Wood Wide Web, tree-intelligence & science playing catch-up with indigenous ecological knowledge. m.nautil.us/issue/77/under…
@drwave @hotdogsladies A lot of companies have suddenly got a lot better about deleting your data since the GDPR came in. I know it doesn’t protect Americans per se, but the fear of the severe fines for infringement really seems to have lit a fire under anyone who holds personal data.

Little throwback to a morning walk in Leigh Woods, 1 Nov 2015. #bristol pic.twitter.com/gHnfYIhFkG

midhir Who says you can’t wear a Hallowe’en costume to work just because you work remotely? pic.twitter.com/3VnEpk4nj3
@Peculiar Well, it is the Special Hallowe’en Edition…