@GreatDismal It’s the UK keyboard layout. An oddity programmers and Twitter users bump up against quite quickly after they buy a Mac. #hash
Mmm. Toast and loganberry jam. #brekkers
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy *birthday* dear @KaveyF
Happy birthday to you!
Owwie. I haz just eated too much. *Flounders on sofa*
@penelopeelse Aha! I can record it on 4+1. *sets video*
@penelopeelse oh, bugger, have I missed it?
@jonnaro Sorry, you’re not allowed to reply to me until you type “@gothick is highly perceptive and handsome” three times.
@jonnaro I wondered when that would come along. Damn. That’s going to get obnoxious, isn’t it?
@arlinelyons I’ll put that on the “to-do” list. Gah!
@mhoulden I was just wondering that.
@indiaknight Well, it’s fantastic publicity. Any feeling that it’s being staged?
@djelibeybi_meg Happy birthday!
@RyanRomeike I just tried the same password three times in a row (copy/paste) and it worked the third time!
@RyanRomeike You should tell them to search Twitter for “MobileMe password” and see whether they think _everyone’s_ telling fibs.
Hmm. #mobileme suddenly started whining that I’ve entered the wrong password, even though I’ve not typed it in this week. Works on web.
@RyanRomeike Definitely not just you. #mobileme passwords acting odd for me, too.
@tomboates Yay! All good; money went through, and website says I’m signed up for the FitnessClass. Thanks!
@tomboates Looking more promising… (Although the product description is clipped off at the bottom: http://bit.ly/9vh1cY )
@tomboates Hah! You tweeted that just as I hit “send” on my error report email! Give me a second, I’ll try it again.
Trying to buy one of these new FitnessClass things from @Runkeeper, but it’s falling into a (cutely-designed) heap: http://bit.ly/cJwBu5
Right. Off for a jog.
@tsunimee Except the banana has tons of stuff in it that’s good for you, and is less likely to dump you into a post-sugar slump.
DrSamuelJohnson This new Twitter does take the Form of a Dash’d-Board; seemingly a cartographick Compendium of aquamarine-tinted FOLLY
@hayles *giggle*
Queues in Sainsbury’s/
Cars older than their drivers/
The students return
@roundonefight I thought they were mythical?
@parryphernalia I’m not really qualified to advise. Not tried enough things after long runs to know what works.
@nyssapod Fab, isn’t it? I take photos of business cards so a couple of months down the line I can search for “carpenter” and the like.
@grazedotcom Fabulous! Ta!
Doing some typesetting for a rapper. I’m going to drop a cap in his pars.
@parryphernalia Walk to a masseuse! Worked great for me after the half :)
@justinsane98 I also found some where the video volume was fixed, but the remote wouldn’t let me change system vol instead. Annoying!
@justinsane98 Might depend on the source. I found some video I couldn’t pause and later resume from same place.
@justinsane98 Did that, and it was a bit rubbish. I think not being in US limits the content rather. And found pausing & volume troublesome.
@talkie_tim “Dear Tim — BOO!” was my first guess.
@kredits Naff off, spamface.
RT @talkie_tim: “dental records” are small pieces of microfiche that dentists hide in your teeth. NI number, DOB, Credit card etc. #TrueFact
@bertpalmer Then all the records are sent to the forensic team who are trying to figure out who’s who.
@bertpalmer The police trace your dentist — ask someone, search your paperwork, call the local dentists, whatever.
@bananza You keep them under the shotgun? No wonder they have holes in the toes.
@BudgetsAreSexy Isn’t the main difference that at the end of *one* of these processes, you own a house?
@bertpalmer They do know who you are. You’re on the passenger manifest. They compare all the records with the unidentified people.
@Hicksdesign You’ll need an obligatory sandwich quiz at lunchtimes, too :)
Hmm. Is there a way of telling @grazedotcom that I simply don’t like nuts, but I’m not allergic to them, I wonder?
@OpinionatedGeek Yeesh. Elephant? Ever had to claim? I found them painfully unhelpful.
@lauzajane Surely you could get that done in a day? Slacker.
@talkie_tim Cool. Marco (Instapaper’s creator) is still looking into improvements for latest Kindles, as he just got his, FWIR :)
@talkie_tim Instapaper is teh awesome of “read later” services. Can be configured to send its articles to Kindle at set intervals.
@benjohnbarnes Other way around! I have about a month’s worth of stuff I want to produce for the world by next Monday…
@talkie_tim I think I did, too. Luckily my alarm is exclusively battery-powered.
Hey, everyone in the world, would you mind just stopping what you’re doing for about three months, so I can catch up? Ta.
You know, it’s tough to buy a new UPS when your power keeps dying. Think I’ll have a (luckily non-electric) shower instead.
@nickcloke No, I’ve just looked after super-fault-tolerant servers (for the stock exchange) and have an idea how hard/expensive it is!
@nickcloke @JasonInNJ Indeed. And if you wanted to ensure absolute, 100% uptime, you’d be paying a lot more. Diminishing returns.
@nickcloke @JasonInNJ Last time there was a significant outage at fastmail, they added on extra subscription days to compensate, IIRC.
And there goes my electricity, _again_. Arse.
@nickcloke @JasonInNJ …this stuff is still bloody hard to get right 100% of the time for years on end.
@nickcloke @JasonInNJ I’m not sure it’s relevant whether they get their money from subscription or advertising clicks…
Aha. #fastmail SMTP seems to be back up.
@Jorence Sounds like some kind of rite.
@twitttles Damn. I thought you were winking at me.
@libbymiller Oooooh.
@ajblum Nah, they just have to find the cleaner who unplugged the server rack to get the vacuum cleaner going and retrain him.
May I also say how unusual it is for a service to have a separate, working status page that gets promptly updated during downtime. #fastmail
@ChazzMatt http://status.fastmail.f… <— They know :)
@nixxbox Well, I was just saying this is the first downtime in years. Gmail’s been dead at least twice since the last fastmail outage I saw.
@ajblum @JasonInNJ @jtamboli @robhoare http://status.fastmail.f… now updated — they’re investigating.
@Jorence Fatter, since my visit to Crete. And therefore about to enter a Month of Austerity *shivers*. ‘part from that, fine. :)
Three different services have barfed with password error messages today. It seems to be coincidence, but it’s worrying when that happens.
@Jorence Oooh, it lives. *poke* Yup, it’s definitely ‘im.
@Markgatiss I read that tweet to myself in ROBERT PESTON’S VOICE! It was EXCITING!
@JasonInNJ @jtamboli @robhoare To be fair to them, though, this is probably the first time in two years I’ve noticed fastmail go down.
@tsunimee Oh, okay, then yeah, I guess it could be a technical term borrowed from weaving. But it’s not one that most people would know.
@jtamboli Ta. At least I know I’m not alone. I’ll keep an eye on http://status.fastmail.f… then!
@tsunimee Not in common use if it is. I only know “weft” as the line of yarn you’d throw from side to side across a loom when weaving.
Hmm. Is fastmail dead?
@tsunimee Er. Not as far as I know. But I could be wrong. What do you think it means?
@RamonY1970 I’m having a restricted-calorie October. I think my unconscious rebelled when I went shopping earlier. *loosens belt*
@GreatDismal UK keyboard layout? Try Option (alt) 3.
@shezza_t Good.
Hmm. Are my eyes watering because I’m coming down with the cold EVERYONE AROUND ME HAS, or because I chopped onions ten minutes ago?
@WebrootSupport Cool, thanks for taking the time.
@hayles Depends. What flavour is the carpet?
@zeldman Lightroom, I think. But you might get on with either.
@WebrootSupport …and network appears to be using wg.wrproxy.com. Problem affects all browsers, so I’m guessing it’s a webroot prob.
@WebrootSupport Not sure it’s the proxy, and I’m not in charge of it, either, sadly. Problem details here if it helps: http://bit.ly/cKwiQn
Falling leaves backdrop/
Confused out-of-window frown/
Autumn’s lost taxi
@bananza I’d have a handlebar moustache and be wearing plus-fours. Does that help?
Heading home. http://yfrog.com/bchf2kj
@paulahillier Heh. What, as a shortlist of people you’d never want to be in the same room as?
@hayles Tempted to do my entire bio like that. “I am not a social media marketing guru, nor would I ever leverage SEO for your enterprise.”
What? It’s National Coffee Day? Hmm. Maybe I should roast those beans tonight…
@hayles Clearly “freelance journalist and catwalk model” should be on the list :D
@tsunimee I have no idea. But please post the results if you find any :)
@ahnlak Is it good, then?
@archidave Goodness. The worst I’ve had to cope with in my job has been snoozing programmers.
@matthew_roach I think their may be, but I’m going to re-try with the downloader so I don’t have to discard the 60% it got before dying!
Hmm. Webroot Proxy seems to be what’s breaking my Google results pages. *gives up*
@hayles I get the impression that adults read them and then hate them because they’re juvenile. #duh
Lovely. The Adobe download manager had stalled sometime during the night. It might actually have been *quicker* to have the box sent to me.
@tangleofwires Have you considered Alexander Technique lessons? Helped my back not care so much what chair it was in, anyway.
@ahnlak That’s the plan. This will be my first attempt!
Picked up a couple of bags of the finest South American product from my shady dealer. Thanks, @Lillput! http://yfrog.com/2c20227…
Nipping out to do a quick drug-deal.
@vero @Whatleydude @robevans Yah, I got one, too. Grr.
@hayles @nickbrompton Sometimes it helps to blag a bit to bootstrap a career. But yes, it helps if you don’t seem an obvious blagger.
@hayles @nickbrompton But if you were actively looking for modelling jobs, would you call yourself a model?
@nickbrompton @hayles …but I can see how you might start off faster if you have a presence from the very start.
@nickbrompton @hayles Everybody’s got to start somewhere. I only started calling myself a freelancer after my first paid gigs, though, true.
@hayles That would make me suspect they’ve not actually been published yet.
@hayles Personally, because I’ve not got around to it :) But at least I link to most of my online stuff.
Morning, everyone. http://yfrog.com/n2xxuij
@boagworld Have you two been drinking again?
Anyway. As I said, bedtime. There may be more swearing in the morning if I wake up to error messages from this download mangler.
@matthew_roach @rabidbee Ahh, feel the love.
@rabidbee It’s certainly *some* kind of four-letter word.
Time for bed, I think.
Hmm. I wonder if it’s safe to close the two empty Adobe Download Manager windows, or if that’ll kill the one that’s doing something.
@rabidbee *sigh* I probably should have done, too. Ho hum.
@rabidbee Oh, it’s especially joyful now I’ve got to the download. Not of the product, of course, but of the “Akamai Download Manager”.
@RellyAB Cats are in fact a liquid with a surface area roughly the size of Wales. They only go cat-shaped when they need to.
Ta for offering to let me use PayPal for the one item in my cart, then telling me that an item in my cart can’t be paid for with PayPal.
And no, I do not want to add your recommended additional product to my cart for a mere £537.24 extra.
Ah. Yes, of course it will cost more to download than to have it shipped to me in a large box.
Okay. I am about to try to give Adobe some of my money. This normally ends up as a difficult and frustrating experience.
@jennifurret Have you never been before? Good luck. See you in four or five hours. Grab a trolley when you hit the Marketplace.
@GreatDismal RT @Support: Some users Following/Follower counts have zeroed down. We are looking into the issue.Don’t worry, they’ll be back!
@caitlinmoran Rock and roll! And mulch.
@hayles 36DD?
Sorry, bloke brain syndrome.
Yum! My friend Emmeline gave me a pressie of Hobbs House ciabatta after the gig. Win! (Not as random as it sounds; leftovers from her cafe!)
@brandonpittman Libya, I’m guessing…
Just back from seeing @theagilmore. Fab gig!
@theagilmore See you there in a bit :)
@hannahnicklin Oops. It’s surprising how many fresh, wrapped vegetables you see at the side of the road, isn’t it?
@hannahnicklin either: 1) You put it in the freezer by mistake, or 2) IT’S RIGHT *THERE*, SILLY!
Sigh. _The Caution Horses_ is one of the most beautiful albums EVAH. #cowboyjunkies
@bobbyllew Surely there’s loads of interest, though? Everybody loved “through the round window” on Play School!
.@benparkatbjs That would be fantastic. Everyone in an owl costume, confusing drunken stag parties.
BenPark Wouldn’t it be funny if it were an owl-themed bar, unrelated to the US chain. RT @gothick: #Bristol #hooters http://yfrog.com/j63xmxj
@ForDummies Thanks. It looks like a great book, and I’ll buy it like a shot when a version appears with paragraph spacing!
@jennycolgan Just try not to have it too hot, I imagine it doesn’t react well to being steamed…
@hayles Bring it round. I always wondered what colour the hall carpet was meant to be.
Also upgrading my NSLU2. Hmm. Can you tell there’s lots of important things on my “to-do” list #procrastinate
@TriState1 Get lost, spambot.
Upgrading to MobileMe Calendar beta. I have a bad feeling about this.
@hayles Well, at least that tweet proves that you’re you, and not some crazy from the bus who’s now got your phone.
@jbrownridge Just takes me right back to Dukes of Hazzard :)
Sums up a few of my wishy-washy not-quite-sure attitudes, maybe. Hrm.
Interesting analysis of a (cancelled) “Little Miss Hooters” contest for the under-fives… http://bit.ly/aJtOPG
@kshack22 Sadly, yes. But I guess projected flat sales were a lot better a couple of years ago :(
Well, that’s quite a wide range of opinion from my twitter circle. #hooters
@RamonY1970 Erm. That would also be Hooters.
OK, they’re both places you can buy expensive chicken. But I’d prefer to buy mine in the afternoon, from someone wearing more clothes.
@talkie_tim Generally not, no. But normally I hear about important stuff through Twitter and work colleagues.
@IreneB9 No, the closed-down Harbourside one.
(Yes, they are.) #Bristol #hooters http://yfrog.com/j63xmxj
They’re replacing my late lamented M&S with a _Hooters_?! G#Bristolstol
@hayles I will check it out, ta!
Could be useful for planning those evening jogs: google “sunset <location>” for today’s sunset time, e.g. “sunset Bristol UK”.
Hmm. Google’s non-instant search seems broken when searching for “words in quotes”. Results come back, but all drop-menus are then broken.
@Narshada Similar to the reaction I got last month when I asked if Mastershoe sold shoelaces.
@ForDummies Oddly, there’s paragraph breaks on Kindle app for iPhone, but not on the actual Kindle 3.
@ForDummies It’s Mindfulness for Dummies, sample from UK store.
Glad I tried a sample of this @ForDummies book before I bought it on Kindle. Hard to read because there’s no paragraph indent/spacing.
Oooh, forgot I was going to see @theagilmore tomorrow night. Hurrah!
@bananza Run to the coffee shop. It’s what I do!
@Lillput Still up for tomorrow? Have lunchtime meeting at work (grrr!) but should be able to manage quarter past one or later…
@tsunimee What? Sorry, I missed that; I was thinking about breasts.
@tsunimee That’s only true for those of us who aren’t into football ;D
@KaveyF Ah, okay. Thought @ahnlak had mentioned them on t’group holiday. Maybe that was another site…
@ahnlak Going to sign up for Alamy today — send a referral link now or forever hold your commission :)
RT @Pockless: The most difficult thing for visitors to Iran appears to be simply paying for stuff http://bit.ly/dtoaXK <— Fab blog entry!
@hayles *attempts to keep straight face*
Hmm. Tempted by Adobe Premier Elements. Hmm. *strokes beard*
@KaveyF Yeah, no probs ;)
@Pockless No, first time I’d seen it, I think.
@KaveyF Well, pennies are better than nothing, and I should probably try both and see how I do…
@ahnlak Clearly mine thrives on neglect. This is the first year I’ve remembered to get it serviced during the summer! Grrr.
Bugger. Think my central heating is broken.
@tsunimee It’s pretty much the first thing I turn on when I install Windows. Also, you can just turn it off again if you hate it :)
@tsunimee Try turning on Cleartype, if it’s not on already. Instructions in 2nd paragraph. http://chris.calabrese.o…
@tsunimee From what I remember, that’s because Explorer ignores Windows’ own font settings. Erm. Hang on a mo.
@KaveyF I get that a lot.
So, Ed Miliband has just been evicted from the Big Labour Party House, right? When does Simon Cowell come on?
Hurrah! “If in doubt, just reboot it” seems to work on boilers, too. #warmernow
@livingprooffilm Yes, but it does indicate that I should clean the kitchen more often.
@tsunimee Good. Say what you want to say :) It’s good for you.
Hmm. Don’t know whether this pissedness is ephemeral or could become more frequent…
@TaraBusch What? Does this imply I’m missing Logan’s Run?
@hayles I mean, apart from the chock-full-already ones in the kitchen, I don’t actually have any cupboards. At all.
@hayles Yeah, but I have no storage space. Costco seems best if you have room to buy in bulk & store loads of stuff.
@hayles That’s a long way out of my way for a bagel!
@hayles Hmm. I may have to find somewhere closer than Costco to sell me a bagel or two :)
@hayles I remember scrounging early morning cream cheese bagels from the Bagel Bakery when coming come from clubs at early o’clock. #nomnom
@hayles Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
@KaveyF Cool. Refresh that page in the morning and they should all be there (damn nearly all there now, in fact.)