Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 27th, 2010

@Narshada Similar to the reaction I got last month when I asked if Mastershoe sold shoelaces.

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OK, they’re both places you can buy expensive chicken. But I’d prefer to buy mine in the afternoon, from someone wearing more clothes.

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@talkie_tim Generally not, no. But normally I hear about important stuff through Twitter and work colleagues.

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@IreneB9 No, the closed-down Harbourside one.

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They’re replacing my late lamented M&S with a _Hooters_?! Gstol

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Could be useful for planning those evening jogs: google “sunset <location>” for today’s sunset time, e.g. “sunset Bristol UK”.

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Hmm. Google’s non-instant search seems broken when searching for “words in quotes”. Results come back, but all drop-menus are then broken.

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@ForDummies Oddly, there’s paragraph breaks on Kindle app for iPhone, but not on the actual Kindle 3.

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@ForDummies It’s Mindfulness for Dummies, sample from UK store.

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Glad I tried a sample of this @ForDummies book before I bought it on Kindle. Hard to read because there’s no paragraph indent/spacing.

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Oooh, forgot I was going to see @theagilmore tomorrow night. Hurrah!

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@bananza Run to the coffee shop. It’s what I do!

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@Lillput Still up for tomorrow? Have lunchtime meeting at work (grrr!) but should be able to manage quarter past one or later…

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@tsunimee What? Sorry, I missed that; I was thinking about breasts.

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@tsunimee That’s only true for those of us who aren’t into football ;D

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Upgrading to MobileMe Calendar beta. I have a bad feeling about this.

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@bobbyllew Surely there’s loads of interest, though? Everybody loved “through the round window” on Play School!

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.@benparkatbjs That would be fantastic. Everyone in an owl costume, confusing drunken stag parties.

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BenPark Wouldn’t it be funny if it were an owl-themed bar, unrelated to the US chain. RT @gothick:

via Echofon (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Sep 27th, 2010 via Echofon)

@ForDummies Thanks. It looks like a great book, and I’ll buy it like a shot when a version appears with paragraph spacing!

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@jennycolgan Just try not to have it too hot, I imagine it doesn’t react well to being steamed…

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@hayles Bring it round. I always wondered what colour the hall carpet was meant to be.

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Also upgrading my NSLU2. Hmm. Can you tell there’s lots of important things on my “to-do” list

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Sigh. _The Caution Horses_ is one of the most beautiful albums EVAH.

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@hayles Well, at least that tweet proves that you’re you, and not some crazy from the bus who’s now got your phone.

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@jbrownridge Just takes me right back to Dukes of Hazzard :)

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Sums up a few of my wishy-washy not-quite-sure attitudes, maybe. Hrm.

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Interesting analysis of a (cancelled) “Little Miss Hooters” contest for the under-fives…

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@kshack22 Sadly, yes. But I guess projected flat sales were a lot better a couple of years ago :(

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Well, that’s quite a wide range of opinion from my twitter circle.

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