@paulahillier Heh. What, as a shortlist of people you’d never want to be in the same room as?
@tangleofwires Have you considered Alexander Technique lessons? Helped my back not care so much what chair it was in, anyway.
Lovely. The Adobe download manager had stalled sometime during the night. It might actually have been *quicker* to have the box sent to me.
@hayles I get the impression that adults read them and then hate them because they’re juvenile. #duh
Hmm. Webroot Proxy seems to be what’s breaking my Google results pages. *gives up*
@matthew_roach I think their may be, but I’m going to re-try with the downloader so I don’t have to discard the 60% it got before dying!
@archidave Goodness. The worst I’ve had to cope with in my job has been snoozing programmers.
@ahnlak Is it good, then?
@tsunimee I have no idea. But please post the results if you find any :)
@hayles Clearly “freelance journalist and catwalk model” should be on the list :D
What? It’s National Coffee Day? Hmm. Maybe I should roast those beans tonight…
@hayles Tempted to do my entire bio like that. “I am not a social media marketing guru, nor would I ever leverage SEO for your enterprise.”
@GreatDismal UK keyboard layout? Try Option (alt) 3.
Heading home. http://yfrog.com/bchf2kj
@bananza I’d have a handlebar moustache and be wearing plus-fours. Does that help?
Falling leaves backdrop/
Confused out-of-window frown/
Autumn’s lost taxi
@WebrootSupport Not sure it’s the proxy, and I’m not in charge of it, either, sadly. Problem details here if it helps: http://bit.ly/cKwiQn
@WebrootSupport …and network appears to be using wg.wrproxy.com. Problem affects all browsers, so I’m guessing it’s a webroot prob.
@zeldman Lightroom, I think. But you might get on with either.
@hayles Depends. What flavour is the carpet?
@WebrootSupport Cool, thanks for taking the time.
Hmm. Are my eyes watering because I’m coming down with the cold EVERYONE AROUND ME HAS, or because I chopped onions ten minutes ago?
@shezza_t Good.