@GreatDismal RT @Support: Some users Following/Follower counts have zeroed down. We are looking into the issue.Don’t worry, they’ll be back!
@rabidbee *sigh* I probably should have done, too. Ho hum.
@rabidbee Oh, it’s especially joyful now I’ve got to the download. Not of the product, of course, but of the “Akamai Download Manager”.
@RellyAB Cats are in fact a liquid with a surface area roughly the size of Wales. They only go cat-shaped when they need to.
Ta for offering to let me use PayPal for the one item in my cart, then telling me that an item in my cart can’t be paid for with PayPal.
And no, I do not want to add your recommended additional product to my cart for a mere £537.24 extra.
Ah. Yes, of course it will cost more to download than to have it shipped to me in a large box.
Okay. I am about to try to give Adobe some of my money. This normally ends up as a difficult and frustrating experience.
@jennifurret Have you never been before? Good luck. See you in four or five hours. Grab a trolley when you hit the Marketplace.
Hmm. I wonder if it’s safe to close the two empty Adobe Download Manager windows, or if that’ll kill the one that’s doing something.
@caitlinmoran Rock and roll! And mulch.
@hayles 36DD?
Sorry, bloke brain syndrome.
Yum! My friend Emmeline gave me a pressie of Hobbs House ciabatta after the gig. Win! (Not as random as it sounds; leftovers from her cafe!)
@brandonpittman Libya, I’m guessing…
Just back from seeing @theagilmore. Fab gig!
@theagilmore See you there in a bit :)
@hannahnicklin Oops. It’s surprising how many fresh, wrapped vegetables you see at the side of the road, isn’t it?
@hannahnicklin either: 1) You put it in the freezer by mistake, or 2) IT’S RIGHT *THERE*, SILLY!
@hayles Personally, because I’ve not got around to it :) But at least I link to most of my online stuff.
Picked up a couple of bags of the finest South American product from my shady dealer. Thanks, @Lillput! http://yfrog.com/2c20227…
Nipping out to do a quick drug-deal.
@vero @Whatleydude @robevans Yah, I got one, too. Grr.
@hayles @nickbrompton Sometimes it helps to blag a bit to bootstrap a career. But yes, it helps if you don’t seem an obvious blagger.
@hayles @nickbrompton But if you were actively looking for modelling jobs, would you call yourself a model?
@nickbrompton @hayles …but I can see how you might start off faster if you have a presence from the very start.
@nickbrompton @hayles Everybody’s got to start somewhere. I only started calling myself a freelancer after my first paid gigs, though, true.
@hayles That would make me suspect they’ve not actually been published yet.
@ahnlak That’s the plan. This will be my first attempt!
Morning, everyone. http://yfrog.com/n2xxuij
@boagworld Have you two been drinking again?
Anyway. As I said, bedtime. There may be more swearing in the morning if I wake up to error messages from this download mangler.
@matthew_roach @rabidbee Ahh, feel the love.
@rabidbee It’s certainly *some* kind of four-letter word.
Time for bed, I think.