Making a flowchart. (Warning: contains profanity.)
So, the first thing I learn by using my new Mi-Fi is that 3 have sent 27 SMS messages to my old dongle over the last two years. Hmm.
@brandonpittman Ta! Glad you found it helpful.
@benjohnbarnes Tell me about it. Still, if this firmware does address the issue, I’d say it’s a pretty nice device.
We need a way of disambiguating these people. I suggest we call the clever one “The Irreverend Terry Jones”.
Very impressed with my 3 Mi-Fi so far. Seems a lot faster and more reliable than the old dongle.
Plus, I was so far past the end of my last contract that 3 tripped over themselves upgrading me for free. And it arrived in less than 24hrs.
@hayles Yup. S’very nice. As you know ;)
@hayles Even after your trial? So I’m guessing it’s a “will I extract £10 a month of value from this thing?” question?
MySpace’s “People you may know” email reveals nobody I know, including the 110-year-old Spaniard, and has a broken “unsubscribe”. Nice.
@archidave Oh, dear. Did you install something obnoxious recently and miss a “don’t install this extra shit” checkbox? #ihatethat
@mikeotaylor Yes, but a few musician-friends keep their blogs there. I’m trying not to get the other junk mail. *sigh*
@ahnlak Heh. Presumably only if it made enough money to pay for the bandwidth…
Updated my Kindle 3 to the latest software. Other people are saying 3.0.1 addresses the crashing issues some of us are having.
@ahnlak It’s a touch disconcerting, indeed. Still, at least mine came with a mains adapter. *ducks*
@ahnlak You just wanted to say “shiny Powermonkey”, didn’t you? I may have to buy one just because of the name.
@ahnlak Ooooh. Useful. Although unlike you adventurous types, I’m rarely too far away from a wall socket :)
.@bohemiancoding Ooooh, thanks, been meaning to check Sketch out. Finally, a possible replacement for the sadly-abandoned LineForm…
@Cartblanch The answer from the 3G owners I know seems to be mostly “Yes! Immediately! OHTHANKGOD!”
Odd. Can’t tell whether it’s just some random Bristol filming, or if there really is a load of heavily-armed police just over the harbour.