Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 15th, 2010

@m1ke_ellis Interesting question. Thirtysomething? 33?

via Echofon in reply to m1ke_ellis

@benjohnbarnes No. No keyboard, no coding tools, no decent editor.

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@tsunimee Is that the user pic? Because I signed up a new account yesterday, and got an egg as my pic, so it might be the new default.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

Very happy with my Instructables business-card-hack iPhone stand :)…

via Echofon

@arlinelyons Heh. Yes, “clothes” doesn’t take up an awful lot of my big packing list, either. They still take up all the space, though!

via Echofon in reply to arlinelyons

@ahnlak Ah, but don’t they get heavier the longer you use the laptop?

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@m1ke_ellis @WaveyDavey001 @jukesie Goodness. So I should’ve looked closer to home, as a 37-year old Facebook user. Typical. Literally!

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@bananza You’re still using a *desk*? How old-fashioned. My computer array just floats in mid-air, powered purely by my geekiness.

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Space geeks: The latest Boston Globe Big Picture is _Around the Solar System_.

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@stillawake I’m sure PHP5 will still be there in the morning. Night!

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Tempted to impulse-buy a book on emotional intelligence. Not sure that’s the best way to get started.

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Hmm. My MacBook really is too bloody heavy. But I still can’t really justify a netbook just on that basis.

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@mikeotaylor I type so much, though! Need a decent keyboard for writing and programming.

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