Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 2009

Just installed Google Gears. Now Firefox starts, eats 700MB of memory, and crashes. Hmm. Well, it didn’t do that at home…

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It’s possible the new company retirement age is set a touch too high.

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Now that’s some interesting diversification. Just got email from Borders advertisisng their new dating service…

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Working for a medical company can be odd. Office move approaching, just debated where we should keep our skeleton now we won’t have a closet

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Password cache expiry time (n): the number of days after you change a password during which you use the old one every time you try to log in

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Strange gardening practves are afoot in Rownham Mead

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There’s rain hammering down just outside this window. Wonder if it’ll have stopped before I have to go to work?

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Ooops! Forgot to do my music homework. Time for some quick research before bed.

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Much as I didn’t want to miss that phone call, at least I now know that Spinvox is definitely working on my new phone.

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@mistymaria Now remember, dear, a watched inbox never pings.

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Eventually, my house will be completely full of blue IKEA bags. And on that day, maybe I’ll remember to take one to IKEA when I go. Maybe.

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@Pockless I just don’t gay what you mean…

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@rabidbee That was, luckily, what I assumed :)

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Heh. “get” so healthy even. This Freudian slip was brought to you by the iPhone keyboard and the number 69.

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Hmm. Vegan sandwich with a bottle of Purdeys. When did I gay so healthy?

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Lots to do this weekend. So I’m going to take a long bath and a morning off, so I can be more relaxed and cheery when I get round to it ;)

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@tsunimee Ah, proper improv. It’s amazing how cheap and MacGuyvered-together the kit is for the most fantastic-looking photos :)

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Oh, so it’s _Tim Henman_ doing the commentary, is it? I thought it was a strange career move for Jack Dee.

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Help! IKEA are Rickrolling me!

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Reassuring: my government know more about me than any other organisation on the planet, but they still start letters “Dear Sir/Madam.”

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So, the government can’t send me a Swine Flu leaflet, but they can send me a PAYE employer’s pack with CD for a company I closed 6 years ago

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My plan of wearing a loud summery shirt to induce sunshine finally appears to be paying off.

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@ahnlak Although am now a clearly-biased owner ;)

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@ahnlak the voice-control could be handy for some people, too. Seems to work okay.

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@ahnlak having used both, I’d say speed, a half-decent camera and the compass (great for viewing maps; auto-aligns with the real world!)

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@mistymaria get your data in multiple columns, insert pivot table, play with drag & drop, make nice graph. Job done.

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Morning off! Yay! Mostly so I can have a lazy morning and take Pete and Emily off to catch their bus to Glastonbury.

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@missmcq well, you’re coming via Bristol. You could always steal a canoe while you’re here…

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Back from my penultimate songwriting lesson and trying to put the lounge back together in time for my guests tomorrow night.

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Oh, now that’s lovely. (custom-built replacement wooden case for old iPod)

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@paulahillier hey, you. Ups and downs. Need six months off and a bit of therapy, but other than that… you?

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Damn you, Apple, why do you make your remotes so small? I’m going to have to strain my posessions through a sieve to find that bloody thing.

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Now all I need is an iPhone app that turns the 3GS into a remote barcode scanner for Delicious Library

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@Phooto Difficult? Of course, I can’t comment, because having set the challenge I’ve not had time to try it myself :( Ah well…

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This flooring guy doesn’t hang around

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So, have another day off. But a day off limited to my bedroom while a guy uses a circular saw in the hall. This could be a long day.

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@chrismarquardt Will do some investigations :) Bear in mind I only got my iPhone on Friday, though!

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@chrismarquardt Could at least get something interesting (but read-only) quite quickly. Would be a start…

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@chrismarquardt But I have some interesting “quick hack up” ideas involving iCal & Google Calendar’s “publish to RSS” features.

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@chrismarquardt Okay. Looks like reason there’s not one for the iPhone is that the iCal interface isn’t exposed to the API. Grr

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@chrismarquardt ah, okay, so maybe start from the question, “what would iCal’s Year View look like, if it had one?”, yes?

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@hayles no, because my TV is currently in a different room from my aerial connection :(. Will have to iPlayer it tomorrow…

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@chrismarquardt what would a good year planner app look like? (in 140 characters or less :))

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Watching more of David Malan’s E75 course.

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@hayles I have so much to do today I’m glad I can’t get into my lounge to turn that on!

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@hasbean Goodness. How did you manage that?

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@bananza It was probably Xerox PARC. They invented everything else.

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God, I love Sleater Kinney. So glad I got to see them live before they split.

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@hayles I might try Monday, if I have time. Weekdays should be better, and I might be able to sneak out during the day.

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Holy crap. Queue for Banksy is insane.

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Ah, “convenience” cashpoints. ‘The charge for this service is £1.85. To accept the charge, turn around and bend over.’

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Off to check out the Bristol Maker’s Showcase at the Grain Barge

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Lounge is wonderfully exhoey with new floor. Keep sticking my head in and singing. Would record a song in there if I had time.

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@Juggzy so, very difficult to diagnose Bristol Uni students, then :)

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@TheLloydClan yup! Although not at my place, as lounge floor still just wet concrete screed!

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Hmm. So, if eight students at Bristol Uni have been diagnosed with Swine Flu so far, what are the chances of it not having already spread?

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Impressed with how much cooler the magnetic compass on the 3GS makes map navigation.

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Back from shopping. Time for a chilled afternoon.

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Screed Guy turned up at 8:30 and was done by 10am! Bonus day off!

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(Luckily without getting my apostrophe’s in the wrong place’s, like I just did there… Typo, honest…)

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Oooh! Got my email published in this months’ .net mag!

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Today is my Friday. Off tomorrow to supervise lounge floor being re-screeded. Hopefully this will mean giving bloke keys and heading to …

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@hayles Which is why I’m thinking of doing it; I’d not have bothered last time. But tomorrow the success:queueing ratio should be better.

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So, should I do something productive with my day tomorrow? Or should I go and try to buy an iPhone?

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Yay. My four-day weekend starts with this month’s copy of .net magazine waiting on the doormat for me. Kewl.

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Free from the desk job for four whole days! Huzzah!

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@Bookwalter Ah, the curse of the time-rats. Sounds like a Doctor Who story…

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@talkie_tim @DrHairbear Or, as I like to refer to it, ‘my waking hours’

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Mind you, no matter what the rationale, it’s still annoying that OSX Firefox and Safari put the tab close button in different places!

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Looks the same on XP, too. It makes a certain kind of sense — on OSX, a window’s close button is on the left; on Windows it’s on the right.

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@AndyCarolan Odd indeed. I’m running the latest Safari 4 on OS X. You?

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Why did the Safari designers put the “close tab” box at the opposite end of the tab from the Firefox designers? It’s a UI conspiracy…

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@hayles As an interviewer, I’d consider it a little odd, yes. A notepad, fine, but to write stuff down, not to read from…

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Intimidated by the number of tools my sash window guy has left lying around. I don’t own three saws, let alone three saws _just for wood_…

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@bertpalmer Oooh, no, actually I was just counting the tags. Actually, I have 2094 bookmarks. Really must prune those soon!

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Bloody hell. First Demon lose my ADSL for half a day, now it looks like 123-reg have lost my domain’s nameservers…

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@senate014 Ah, so it’s not just me having DNS problems with 123-reg names, then?

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@bertpalmer Mostly because I don’t have clear-out often enough, admittedly, but yes:…

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@bertpalmer @pjakobs Wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t asking me to confirm _each_ sync conflict for all 1,777 bookmarks…

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@pjakobs It probably doesn’t help that I’m also trying to sync with Delicious and across Windows and Mac with Firefox and Safari.

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Hmm. So far, xmarks appears to be a way of generating hundreds of sync errors for not apparent gain.

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Cool. My sash window guy has turned up bang on time and is already beavering away.

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@Nose_in_a_book Disaster! How will you drink tea if you’ve waterproofed your mouth?

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@Squonk It was down for most (if not all) users from the early hours until gone 11…

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@ahnlak It was probably my fault. Same thing happened _last_ time I bought a new ADSL router, too.

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Good. My Demon ADSL is back up. My strategy of going to the tip & then shopping in the hope that it would just get fixed worked well.

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@Nose_in_a_book Braver than me. Name of the Rose is one of the few books I’ve ever given up on.

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@hayles Gah. You had to say the ‘c’ word while I was out shopping, didn’t you?

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Oh, so it was Evernote that was making Safari 4 hang. Thought it was odd that the final release was far less stable than the beta.

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…and the preview video makes it look pretty fantastic:…

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Oh, so _that’s_ why the museum was closed the other day. It’s all Banksy’s fault:

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RT @sween: My iPhone just auto-corrected “auto-correct” with “Now I’m just fucking with you”.

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@mattgemmell Won’t we have to travel at 88 tweets per hour for that, though?

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You have to walk through Queen Square quickly in the summer, lest you get high on secondary skunk smoke.

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@simonashley Well, I wouldn’t fault you on the SQL Server. But…

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@brownstudies Yup. Was a good venue for her, too (the Cube, all seated & packed with attentive people.)

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Gig last night was good (Diane Cluck & Mary Hampton, with support from some friends of mine.) But I didn’t sleep well afterwards. Ugh.

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Don’t know what the main act is like tonight, but the stage preparations are a copper-bodied resonator guitar and a chair. Good sign, for me

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In the garden at the Cube, chatting to musicians

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New blog post: Why Toodledo’s Downtime Isn’t Bothering Me

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@Narshada It’s Rackspace who host Toodledo; maybe your troubles are further fallout from last night’s storm,,.

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still down, but I don’t count this as a failure. Will only be a cloud failure if they have no backup, ma.gnolia style…

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@MelKirk We bought Hetty for the communal stairs at our flats last month :)

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@dktom …It’s how I got my huge todo list into Toodledo from neptunehq in the first place.

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@dktom No, am hardcore geek so take an XML dump of my data. In emergency, can transform it into any other format fairly easily.

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@KaveyF Sure they will. Plus, one of my reasons for choosing Toodledo was that there was an easy way to do my own backups. Arse == covered.

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Oops! My to-do list just went south:

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Wonder what they’re filming in Bristol Museum?

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@sean_robbins Oh, absolutely. Make it a general rule: if a machine doesn’t work, it’s because a human has misunderstood a human.

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@sean_robbins Yes. Especially in your line. Most everything wrong with any computer system stems from a human misunderstanding a human.

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@hayles Reminds me of my student lifestyle.

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@hayles You need to get that handle changed for a round knob. No point trying to change the binmen.

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Amazed how much of the business world still runs on faxes and manila folders.

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@hayles I’ve been in there three or four times; never felt it would be worth the investment of time to get anything out of it.

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So, my Vodafone contract is up next month and I can get my PAC code from Monday. If only there was some nice new phone on the market…

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RT @hotdogsladies: 2009 LIVEBLOG

1 sec ago: You have everything you need to make something right now.

[⌘-R to update]

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Have now noticed second street in Bristol with firework shop next to funeral director. Am I missing some cultural thing?

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@brownstudies Complaint Logger Of Great Stamina has a better acronym :)

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@ahnlak It just makes you wonder how many people _tried_ using camera rucksacks as life-saving equipment before they put the labels on….

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I’m with @hayles on this: It is a bit of a struggle to get up this morning.

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Strange things to find written on a new purchase: “CAUTION! The mattress is not a life-saving device.”

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@bexxi I’ve seen people ask not to be awarded all those glittery awards graphics; maybe this is just an extension of that…

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Have just painted all the doorframes in the hallway. Now wondering how many seconds it will be before I forget this and go grab a doorframe.

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Taking a break between photo processing and decorating to read more of Mark Steel’s _What’s Going On_. Laugh-out-loud funny!

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Must stop taking photos of this Boston Tea Party latte before it goes cold. Not often here with proper camera.

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Just back from Pants in the Park. Good fun. Only just remembered to remove Superman-style pants before going to Argos.

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Rhubarb crumble is in the oven. This is all @KaveyF’s fault for mentioning it.

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Cleaning skirting board. It doesn’t get much more glamorous than this. Unfortunately.

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@hayles Or go have something dangerous in Hotel Chocolat’s little cafe instead!

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@hayles Starbucks and Costa both seem stupidly busy most daytimes I’ve been there. The Costa might be worth a try, though.

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Just coming back from CREATE Centre. Tried juggling, but drew line at invitation to build fairy house.

via Twitter Web Client - Dejecting things to see in your OSX Dashboard, #361

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Morning all! Lovely weather. Think I’ll go soak in a nice long bath and see whether it’s nicer outside when I’m done.

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Love the way the council has laid fresh dead grass to replace the old dead grass along the edge of Queen Square.

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Goodness. Software Update just found about ten new Apple updates.

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@KaveyF Can you tell that this week’s songwriting lesson concentrated on metaphor?

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Off to t’flickrmeet, via polling station.

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@Nomme1 Yes, but the free version of it is annoyingly limiting, and we can’t afford the paying version :(

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Using Java apps is swimming through treacle. Using Oracle SQL Developer is swimming through shark-infested treacle that someone’s weed in.

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Damn, you , for Chrome I had to justify reading a cartoon at work; for Wave it’s a video. Can’t you just _write_ _stuff_ _down_?

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@WilHarris Carpet? Luxury! When I were a lad we had to sit on the coal! etc. etc…

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What is it with girls and these huge sunglasses? Since when was ‘looking like a bug’ the in thing?

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Bwa-ha-ha. Have finally convinced a Greasemonkey script that removes fscking LoudTwitter entries from my LiveJournal friends page to work.

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@sean_robbins Except without the honesty and political integrity.

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@kamikazecookery Hey, fellas, put a link to your site from your Twitter profile!

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Writing some advertising copy for the iPhone App Store.

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@paulahillier And now I’ve had sleep and feel better and am *still* craving sugar. Argh!

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@hayles What noise does an exploding monkey make? Baboon!

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Having massive sugar cravings today. Gah. Must be tired.

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@njj4 Just roll with it! Power cuts are great socialising events in computer-heavy environments!

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@hayles Well, I didn’t like it when I tried it. But that may have been due to different reasons.

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