@bertpalmer Oooh, no, actually I was just counting the tags. Actually, I have 2094 bookmarks. Really must prune those soon!
Bloody hell. First Demon lose my ADSL for half a day, now it looks like 123-reg have lost my domain’s nameservers…
@senate014 Ah, so it’s not just me having DNS problems with 123-reg names, then?
@bertpalmer Mostly because I don’t have clear-out often enough, admittedly, but yes: http://delicious.com/got…
@bertpalmer @pjakobs Wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t asking me to confirm _each_ sync conflict for all 1,777 bookmarks…
@pjakobs It probably doesn’t help that I’m also trying to sync with Delicious and across Windows and Mac with Firefox and Safari.
Hmm. So far, xmarks appears to be a way of generating hundreds of sync errors for not apparent gain.
Cool. My sash window guy has turned up bang on time and is already beavering away.
@Nose_in_a_book Disaster! How will you drink tea if you’ve waterproofed your mouth?