@chrismarquardt Will do some investigations :) Bear in mind I only got my iPhone on Friday, though!
@chrismarquardt Could at least get something interesting (but read-only) quite quickly. Would be a start…
@chrismarquardt But I have some interesting “quick hack up” ideas involving iCal & Google Calendar’s “publish to RSS” features.
@chrismarquardt Okay. Looks like reason there’s not one for the iPhone is that the iCal interface isn’t exposed to the API. Grr
@chrismarquardt ah, okay, so maybe start from the question, “what would iCal’s Year View look like, if it had one?”, yes?
@hayles no, because my TV is currently in a different room from my aerial connection :(. Will have to iPlayer it tomorrow…
@chrismarquardt what would a good year planner app look like? (in 140 characters or less :))
Watching more of David Malan’s E75 course.
@hayles I have so much to do today I’m glad I can’t get into my lounge to turn that on!
@hasbean Goodness. How did you manage that?