Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 2019

I appear to have forgotten it was Hallowe’en and watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Maybe there’s time to fit in Buffy’s _Fear, Itself_. Can’t go wrong with Giles in a sombrero.

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@MakingBlakes7 I tried putting one together. I really shouldn’t have.

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@hayles Hayles, turn the lights back on and get out from behind that sofa.

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@OpinionatedGeek They are interesting, full of London history and trivia, and more than a little batty. And that’s just Arthur Bryant. I would definitely try one.

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Oooh. It’s shiny, it’s new, and it’s a little bit

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@alstonebridge Every smart device maker should at least have had a quick chat with a good 1980s clock radio designer before they started.

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@Bristolvor For the last five or six years, I’d say.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Bristolvor

@Eyglo @ememess It’s fondue, but it always drops off the fork just before you get it to your mouth.

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Given that I’ve grown so disillusioned with public transport that I now generally don’t bother to try taking it, it’s possible this is too good a metaphor.…

via Twitter Web App

jack We’ve made the decision to stop all political advertising on Twitter globally. We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought. Why? A few reasons…🧵

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:43 PM, Oct 30th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

SidwWolfe If anyone wants to know how my weekend went I totaled my car while dressed up as Carrie and everyone who was a first responder thought I was dead HAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:39 PM, Oct 30th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

mountain_ghosts you’re gonna lose it when you hear what every office job involves

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 1:26 PM, Oct 30th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

Um. @BristolCouncil’s website seems to be telling me that the Central Library has started closing on Wednesdays again. Anyone know if that’s actually true?

via Twitter for iPhone

@domwakeling That one, thank goodness, doesn’t happen to me.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to domwakeling

And cruciverbalists everywhere cry as twenty more moons are named and become fair game for crossword setters! (Though it’s apparently going to be a public naming competition, so at least we’ll stand a chance with Moony McMoonface, 82nd satellite of Saturn…)…

via Twitter Web App

*Plays a podcast in Overcast*
*Plays another podcast*
*Plays a podcast*
*Plays some more podcasts*
*Plays another podcast*
*Plays podcasts some more*
*Puts phone down for, like, five minutes*
“Hey Siri, play!”
“Playing all songs, shuffled.”

via Twitter Web App

I am in awe of organisers/helpers/readers/panellists/hosts/etc. at cons. All I did at @BristolCon was listen to people and natter and buy books and two days later I’m still aching and trying to get my hydration levels and my voice back to normal.

via Twitter Web App

ChuckWendig MONDAY. You’re a monstrous miracle, a gelatinous sack of humours sloshing around soft leather, a bulbous asymmetrical anomaly of blood and bone, a gibbering ghost trap of teeth and wrists and toes, a wet gassy ghast piloting a temporary flesh mech. HAVE A GREAT DAY, MOIST HELLION

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:47 PM, Oct 28th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@therobdale @markgurman Yup, me too. With the Echo I could dip my toe in the water for a very low cost and upgrade/add over time as I worked out that I liked the system, which is a great way into new tech.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to therobdale

HannahAlOthman Reminder: Tory conference was this month. This same month we are in now. The one that isn’t even over yet.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:51 PM, Oct 28th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

I and my hangover have been for a walk.

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Thank you for a great day, @BristolCon. Now begins the long walk home (possibly via a kebab.) 😀

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At the Airship Shape and Bristol Fashion II launch at @BristolCon. Thanks @WTPress et al.!

via Twitter for iPhone

Don’t think I’ve ever actually worn an anorak to an SF convention before 😀

via Twitter for iPhone

MammonMachine Twitter and Facebook may be both run by dangerous, immortal sociopaths without even the slightest idea of how to run the institutions they’ve created, but I prefer things here on twitter, where at least they don’t know how to make any money.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:08 PM, Oct 25th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@benjohnbarnes I’m finding it interesting to accidentally see how the other half have been living (I’ve never had a force-touch-capable device!)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to benjohnbarnes

What, me? Worried I’ll have trouble getting started early enough to get myself to @BristolCon tomorrow? Why d’you ask?

via Twitter for iPhone

@OpinionatedGeek Don’t worry. Soon our attention spans will be so short we won’t need them anyway.

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Someone appears to be having a 1990s rave in a car outside my house. I’ll be very disappointed if I check and it turns out *not* to be a Vauxhall Nova with tinted windows and a big fake exhaust.

via Twitter for iPhone

@paul_haine Given the available options, I could probably get behind Glory as a candidate for PM…

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@antimitch @hayles Yup. And the only thing I can remember apart from that was that their all-day breakfast was fab.

via Twitter for iPad in reply to antimitch

@archidave Personally I’m looking forward to the Brexit Diet, where my natural aversion to turnips will help me shed the pounds.

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@danielpunkass The trick is to skip the stage of disruption where you can’t stop them beeping without upgrading the firmware from a Windows machine and they all end up in a Russian botnet.

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Grace_Segers Me, writing an email:

I’m using an exclamation point so you know I’m friendly and excited! But now I’m using a period so that you know I’m not crazy. Here’s another sentence with a period as a buffer, proving my normalness. Thanks so much!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:06 PM, Oct 25th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

Stretchedwiener My niece is all set for Halloween. While her peers might be Elsa’ing it up, she marches to her own beat.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:23 PM, Oct 24th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

🎵 Anchovies, anchovies, you’re so delicious… @bufferingcast

via Twitter for iPhone

@seb_ly Yeah, that’s annoying. Eventually I set it so it only turned on when it was connected to my car by Bluetooth, but obviously that relies on you actually wanting to/being able to do Bluetooth in the car.

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BBCSteveR What do you get if you cross the 1970s BBC cartoon Roobarb with Rachmaninoff? I came up with this. @BBCNews @BBCRadio3 @BBCRadio2 @CBeebiesHQ

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:46 PM, Oct 24th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@ahnlak Or, you know, set up auto-renew :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to ahnlak

I suspect that this Brexit progress bar might’ve been coded by Microsoft.

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Avon_Stories I adore foggy autumn mornings

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:38 AM, Oct 23rd, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@iamtheshunt1 My great success was the Scheduling Process for the Intelligent Distribution of Every Renewal.

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@krzyzanowskim @pilky If you call them from within the UK, bear in mind our parliament has declared that CGFloat.pi is exactly 3.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to krzyzanowskim

@Bingo_Little It’s hard to beat Ilford XP-2 Super for atmospherics. From a trip to Weston-super-Mare with @Bingo_Little. Leidolf Lordomat 35mm. 2/2

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

It’s hard to beat Ilford XP-2 Super for atmospherics. From a trip to Weston-super-Mare with @Bingo_Little. Leidolf Lordomat 35mm. 1/2

via Twitter for Mac

Seventy hours of relaxing oceanscapes courtesy of @BBCEarth. It’s got to be better than reading the news, right?…

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My Twitter feed is longer than Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. Which just goes to show I should have been trying harder on the witty aphorisms front.…

via Twitter Web Client

I’ve recently started to dig back into a project I’ve not properly touched for years. And by a complete accident, three days in, just came across the extremely thorough documentation past me wrote like some kind of competent programmer. Gosh.

via Twitter for Mac

blakespot Air Force finally retires 8-inch floppies from missile launch control system…

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 3:08 PM, Oct 19th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

RellyAB Eddie is the Saturday content you need…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 2:52 PM, Oct 19th, 2019 via Twitter for Mac)

rhodri Apparently it’s International Gin and Tonic Day. Very tempting to start now, spend the day spiralling downwards and then gingerly resurface tomorrow to find out what happened.

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 9:32 AM, Oct 19th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

AstroKatie Well I just inhaled Ted Chiang’s latest short story collection, “Exhalation”, and it was so good I don’t even regret that pun. Read it, friends.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:27 AM, Oct 18th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

Well, I’m up early, all bright and breezy. Done my yoga so it’s time to start the morning’s work. Wait. It’s twenty past sodding eleven? How did that happen?

via Twitter Web App

@pactorick @bufferingcast This is exactly true, right down to the Brexit sentiment, sadly. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be off down the chippy for a bit.

via Twitter Web App in reply to pactorick

@BearNotesApp Since I upgraded to Catalina, typing two hyphens in a code block (e.g. a comment in a SQL code block) is being autocorrected to an em-dash. Is there anything I can do to fix that? Thanks! (Bear 1.7.3)

via Twitter Web App

scattermoon Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational railway station…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:13 AM, Oct 15th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@Joeyeah_right @kateleth @bufferingcast Honestly thought it was Abby in my timeline until the double-take moment.

via Twitter Web App in reply to Joeyeah_right

@domwakeling At this point I’m simply going to give up and see if it magically works tomorrow. This often seems to be the way to deal with Software Update.

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Apple Software Updates: a trilogy in 4 parts. I have now applied this command line tools for Xcode update three times and am relatively convinced it’s not going to stick.

via Twitter Web App

@UrsulaWJ They didn’t used to be places you went to only when you had no other choice 🙁

via Twitter Web App in reply to UrsulaWJ

ashokklouda This is just crazy. @British_Airways just can’t seem to process cello check-ins. We’re probably going to miss our flight…. Here is our form of protest. @gabiswallow @petergregson

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:21 PM, Oct 12th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@psidnell I went with homebrew just now because I know that with Bundler it can install non-open-source stuff including stuff from the Mac App Store from a list in a file, which might be a handy thing to start keeping lying around.

via Twitter Web App in reply to psidnell

@psidnell I jumped ship from macports to homebrew some years ago because macports was winding me up for some long-forgotten reason, but I’ve not used either for ages until today. Mostly I use virtual machines.

via Twitter Web App in reply to psidnell

Current status: installing homebrew so I can install emacs so that I can edit a role in chef. It’s configuration tools all the way down…

via Twitter Web App

JamesStineJr Hey @AppleSupport - we love our emacs - saddened that its no longer in Mac OS Catalina - had to install from source. Would love to have it back or a work around that is repeatable! Signed EmacsLover

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:30 PM, Oct 12th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

Jimi Hendrix-Voodoo Child NEW Gayageum ver. by Luna via @YouTube

via Twitter Web Client

nedwards a mom at the school told me today that when she quit her job as a corporate lawyer she sent a companywide email saying she was leaving to pursue her dream of not working there anymore

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:57 PM, Oct 11th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@dobyfriday This is a UK one I found in a drawer on top of my stack of Playboys…

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@libbymiller Tired of the internets is the new Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.

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@bexxi It’s one of those words that seems stranger the more you look at it. (Presumably the person in charge of quartering a headquarters is a quartermaster? I’m not terribly familiar with the army…)

via Twitter Web App in reply to bexxi

Well that has to be the most weirdly irrelevant and specific spam that’s got though my filter in the last five years.

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@chubbybannister @Dru_Marland If you’re near Hotwells, I have fuses *and* coffee :D

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@Dru_Marland @chubbybannister I spotted domestic fuses on one of those cardboard racks full of useful miscellanea when I was queueing at my local Post Office/Costcutter t’other day. Failing that I’d go for somewhere like Wilko or Lion Stores.

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sansculotides Today is nonidi 19 Vendémiaire in the year of the Republic CCXXVIII, celebrating the sunflower.

via Sansculotides (retweeted on 12:02 AM, Oct 11th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

There’s an update to Adobe Flash Player. Wait. I *have* Adobe Flash Player?

via Twitter Web App

@UrsulaWJ True, but my bank balance rather wishes I’d only taken up one of them.

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NoTalentAC Tip: When making a sex tape, play Disney music in the background. That way, if it gets leaked online, Disney attorneys will have them all taken down.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:25 AM, Oct 10th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@Tim_Bullock Heh. I remember back in 1991 using a Mac for the very first time, thinking “what? Why would you drag the floppy icon to the trash to eject the disk? That’s just silly!”

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What? Oh, just taking some photos of NFC stickers. It’s for a blog post. I’m going to use them for time-tracking my studying. What? Goodness. No, I didn’t even know there *was* a Nobel Prize for procrastination… Well, yes, I’d be hon—

*Wakes from reverie*



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@psidnell That seems an excellent summary. And I’m only up to episode 2. Bailing.

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@shezza_t @OpinionatedGeek That’s because the characters aren’t two-dimensional enough to even stand up as complete idiots, I assume.

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(I don’t believe for one second it *should* actually need 50GB+ to do the upgrade. Or that it should take as many attempts as it did just to download the installer. Unless you’re desperate, I’d wait for 10.15.1…)

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

Oh, hooo-fucking-ra. Five hours and five attempts, including a restore from Time Machine to start again, and I’m finally running . My main problem seemed to be that it needed more than the 50GB I had available to install. Having 90GB free worked.

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@AthanSpod I think I will bail. It’s like the writers had never actually seen a group of human beings in a room together.

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@AthanSpod Cool, will add it to my list. (Sub works fine for me as I’ll take any extra motivation not to get distracted by my phone when I should be watching ;))

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I mean, at least the Golgafrinchans *had* an “A” ark.

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Is there some amazing plot twist in Another Life that retrospectively explains how we have the technology to build an interstellar space ship but not the intelligence to fill it with a crew that don’t look like rejects from season 8,254 of Big Brother?

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DigitalLawyer Oooof. Was just subjected to the most credible phishing attempt I’ve experienced to date. Here were the steps:

1) “Hi, this is your bank. There was an attempt to use your card in Miami, Florida. Was this you?”

Me: no.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:41 PM, Oct 8th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

Okay, fifth time lucky? I may have lost count.

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

@word_geek I have really stepped up my reading this year—30 books so far, which is a lot better than recent years—but I think I may still be buying them far faster than I’m reading them.

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@hayles I did the betas for years (I was in the AppleSeed programme for a while before they did public betas) but I jumped off that bandwagon sometime around Lion.

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@si3d I was going to, but this time it didn’t get as far as putting the macOS installer into the Applications folder. Last time I popped it “safely” to one side and then had to do a time machine restore over it to get the machine back!

via Twitter Web App in reply to si3d

I literally just sat there and watched it spend twenty minutes downloading 8GB of the update package before it told me that the update package had been deleted.

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

@word_geek It’s always a toughie. Been trying v. hard not to collect too many books these last couple of years, but it’s hard not to want the really good ones in physical form, especially if you discover a good series…

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@KinetaHill Thanks. I am backed up six ways from Sunday, so this is more of an irritation than a potential disaster, at least…

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petetoth “Both of my camels were requisitioned by the prefect so please take them off my account”

Statutory Off Road Notification from 1856 years ago - @BLMedieval Papyrus 328…

in 163 AD

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:24 PM, Oct 8th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@OpinionatedGeek @johngirvin Ain’t no Docker here. That’s only on the Big Mac…

via Twitter Web App in reply to OpinionatedGeek

So, have had to resort to a Time Machine restore just to break the cycle of reboot/auto-install/not-enough-space/reboot. And apparently 50GB is not enough free space to upgrade to . Hrm.

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

@OpinionatedGeek This is, of course, the sacrificial Mac that runs ahead of my actual do-work-all-day machine to spot what problems I might encounter when I upgrade. *Usually* it feels a bit unnecessary…

via Twitter Web App in reply to OpinionatedGeek

@johngirvin @OpinionatedGeek Well indeed. Am going to delete as much cruft as I can find, take another Time Machine backup to be on the safe side, then take another run at it. But really, with 50GB+ free in the first place, I do wonder if there’s something more going on…

via Twitter Web App in reply to johngirvin

@OpinionatedGeek I have successfully restored from a Time Machine backup, to break the reboot-install-not-enough-space-reboot loop. I have 50 (count ‘em) GB free on this Mac. You’d have thought that would be enough for an OS upgrade… (It’s the minimum spec MacBook Pro, so only a 250GB drive)

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@sql_williamd @MladenPrajdic Please, some of us are trying desperately not to find out.

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PDLComics report

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:04 PM, Oct 8th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

daynamcalpine_ a girl in the coffee shop i’m working from has just said to her friend ‘imagine a hot veg smoothie’ and i’m wondering how to break it to her that soup exists

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:00 PM, Oct 8th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

atimalui This is our @algoface 209 point Facial Landmark Tracker, and it actually works on my face! Face notoriously has a and problem that means my face “cannot be detected” — not an issue here!

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:14 PM, Oct 8th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@UrsulaWJ One of my favourite things about Amsterdam was the street cleaners using proper old-fashioned besoms.…

via Twitter Web App in reply to UrsulaWJ

BBCRadio4 “The best recipe for being a writer is being a little out of place everywhere. ”

11 things we learned from @Lin_Manuel Miranda’s Desert Island Discs.

via SocialFlow (retweeted on 9:55 PM, Oct 6th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@tapbot_paul Excellent. Stockpile enough to skip the first few years of smart bulbs, that’s my advice :D

via Twitter Web App in reply to tapbot_paul

@tapbot_paul Hell yeah. Skip those first few years of flickery, expensive CFL low-energy bulbs that take five minutes to warm up and poke out of the end of your lampshades. Sure, they say on the *packet* that they’re just as good as old-school tungsten…

via Twitter Web App in reply to tapbot_paul

therealfitz This… this isn’t what reverse engineering means at all.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:39 PM, Oct 5th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

sharonodea I’ve just spotted this gem in the government’s Brexit guidance. Are they saying you’ll need to get an ATA Carnet to take your work laptop or a microphone to EU countries for business?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:39 AM, Oct 5th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@MLE_Online Is the video an animated explanation of their cookie policy and an invitation to sign up for the newsletter?

via Twitter Web App in reply to MLE_Online

@cfinnecy @JimMFelton Is anyone sure they hadn’t? If I’d been sent to Work Experience there I’d deffo have replaced the entire editorial department with ten lines of Python and fucked off to the pub for the rest of the fortnight.

via Twitter Web App in reply to cfinnecy

QaunChi Losing my MIND at this response from my dentist I thought was a robot

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:26 AM, Oct 5th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

@mhoulden It’s about equal in frequency with “BUT BUT THEY DIDN’T EVEN VOTE” from people who don’t know about pairing, or that their MP was seriously ill for six months…

via Twitter Web App in reply to mhoulden

Hurrah! The scaffolding is gone at last and I’ve had a chance to do some washing and sweeping in addition to the new fence panels. Serenity is restored.

via Twitter Web App

@umairh @fdr106 But won’t they need a 3D camera at the back, too, to do the phrenology assessment?

via Twitter Web App in reply to umairh

@Gary_Bainbridge @mrdavidwhitley Odd, innit? Feels very grown up, yet requires virtually no skill. And maybe there’s a bit of satisfaction in seeing the back of something.

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ptychomancer I’m already a useless machine with a skeleton inside

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:23 AM, Oct 2nd, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

louistheroux Permission granted.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:21 AM, Oct 2nd, 2019 via Twitter Web App)