Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 25th, 2019

MammonMachine Twitter and Facebook may be both run by dangerous, immortal sociopaths without even the slightest idea of how to run the institutions they’ve created, but I prefer things here on twitter, where at least they don’t know how to make any money.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:08 PM, Oct 25th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

@benjohnbarnes I’m finding it interesting to accidentally see how the other half have been living (I’ve never had a force-touch-capable device!)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to benjohnbarnes

What, me? Worried I’ll have trouble getting started early enough to get myself to @BristolCon tomorrow? Why d’you ask?

via Twitter for iPhone

@OpinionatedGeek Don’t worry. Soon our attention spans will be so short we won’t need them anyway.

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Someone appears to be having a 1990s rave in a car outside my house. I’ll be very disappointed if I check and it turns out *not* to be a Vauxhall Nova with tinted windows and a big fake exhaust.

via Twitter for iPhone

@paul_haine Given the available options, I could probably get behind Glory as a candidate for PM…

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@antimitch @hayles Yup. And the only thing I can remember apart from that was that their all-day breakfast was fab.

via Twitter for iPad in reply to antimitch

@archidave Personally I’m looking forward to the Brexit Diet, where my natural aversion to turnips will help me shed the pounds.

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@danielpunkass The trick is to skip the stage of disruption where you can’t stop them beeping without upgrading the firmware from a Windows machine and they all end up in a Russian botnet.

via Twitter Web App in reply to danielpunkass

Grace_Segers Me, writing an email:

I’m using an exclamation point so you know I’m friendly and excited! But now I’m using a period so that you know I’m not crazy. Here’s another sentence with a period as a buffer, proving my normalness. Thanks so much!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:06 PM, Oct 25th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)