EOS 450D in stock at a few places now. Hmm. Hmm.
Hmm. 450D with 18-55, 400D with 17-85, or blow the bank on 450D/17-85? Hmm…
Hmm. Should I buy Phhotoshop Elements, now Adobe have finally released a new Mac version?
Fixing http://www.dayinpictures… :)
Just posted Null blog entry on the science of my recent car crash :) http://tinyurl.com/2q26j8
So, the bank holiday weekend is over, and _now_ it’s a beautiful day. Grr.
Argh! People next to me in cafe are discussing loudly how astrology can be explained by quantum physics, with no understanding of physics.
@floyduk Shift-command-3 will just grab the whole screen.
@floyduk Various options. Shift-command-4 is my fave; drag the rectangle or press space to switch to capture-this-window mode.
@floyduk Post an example and I’ll see what happens if I try to reproduce it here.
Result. Courtesy car has iPod connector.
Bugger. Just crashed car. Am fine, though.
@irishbelle2001 Urgh. If that’s love, you can keep it.
About to see Mitch Benn! Yay!
@floyduk Emacs is your friend :) For more Mac-like editing, check out BBEdit and TextWrangler (oh, and Coda for web stuff.)
I shouldn’t be happy because someone’s ill, but hurrah! Poorly Greek teacher means one more week to prepare for test!
Working on Unique Sentence.