@tsunimee I have tried to answer that via the medium of an Instagram video 😀
@chris_coys I never could justify the cost.
@AmazonHelp Hi! I have Alexa playing music “everywhere” now, which is great. But how do I ask it to go back to playing only in this room?
(At last! Digital technology that’s about as good as having an FM radio in every room 📻 😀) twitter.com/gothick/status…
@simongerman600 I was a little worried the first time, especially as I knew of its existence but didn’t know I was..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…A6
Oooh! Amazon introduced multi-device synchronised music playback on Echoes. *Dances around flat* (Thanks for the heads-up, @b2wshow!)

Quick meal. ift.tt/2iKaTJ9 pic.twitter.com/sGqAK7YjlM

AlexWattsEsq Yet another impossible beauty standard for men pic.twitter.com/bckMneBAHK
Going to put a collar on it next time.
Not sure if that was the third giant spider I’ve rescued from the bath this week, or the same spider for the third time.
uliwitness A real-world Remington Steele. O_O twitter.com/kangaroo5383/s…

This Is Not Entirely How I Feel - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/08/29/thi… pic.twitter.com/m763wquelP
MakingBlakes7 As a bank holiday treat, we’re posting one ‘rare’ photograph from each and every episode of #Blakes7. Starting with..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…TE

“I was just looking for a gimbal and I got distracted…” #searchhistoryexcuses ift.tt/2wiOzcr pic.twitter.com/l8S30RmSjx
@buttershug @zeldman If someone’s going to live in a country, they could at least make an attempt to learn the language :D

dcorsetto This week’s 32 strip is up! stuckat32.com It’s about <3 MY DREAM GIRL <3 pic.twitter.com/FNti8HPLZn
My Frn. was invalid then, and I think it may still be invalid now. twitter.com/mwichary/statu…
Just seen _Arrival_. What a fab film. #latetotheparty

Re-stocked. ift.tt/2wTokvL pic.twitter.com/lFxRrK1DDf
@Kavey One of my batch-cooking faves: bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/289566…

That’s probably enough chick peas. pic.twitter.com/MZRpLfxTHN

Through the round window… pic.twitter.com/0J48NjIBGN

Four for a quid. Can’t complain. pic.twitter.com/XX7Qzn4TEN
📻 🔫 #thearchers
Pottering on my day off. Have found a nice new theme for my 365 site. threesixfive.gothick.org.uk
marvelatina jessica jones: murders a man with her bare hands
krysten ritter: knits matching sweaters for her & her dog
me: is..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…3h
SiDawson Batteries are about to improve. A LOT: wired.com/story/bill-joy… (Looks solid. & on the shelves in 2-3 years)
@SiDawson ABOUT BLOODY TIME. #batteriesarerubbish
Woah. Facebook *and* Instagram are down? Okay, I know FB own Insta, but I didn’t think the infrastructure was quite so tied yet.
@Harkaway FB and Instagram are both down for me, too. Let’s hope it’s not just us they’re coming for.
Ixwie When u get charged £1.85 by a cash machine to get ur own cash out and it has the cheek to tell u to cover ur pin to prevent getting robbed
tedneward Every. Single. Software developer. Must. Take. Note.
YOU can go to jail for the code YOUR BOSS tells you to write. twitter.com/reuters/status…

brittlestar This just instantly made today better… pic.twitter.com/mAnwSqgA5n

284/365 Comfort corner, prepared for a relaxing day off.
threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/08/26/com… pic.twitter.com/BdO4capRXD
(It was named as a tribute to the German botanist Leonhart Fuchs, hence the rather odd spelling.)
It smells nice, but someone at @ComfortUK should probably have spell-checked “fuchsia” before printing it on thousa..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…vJ
@RichNeville I think that’s quite insulting to the intellectual capacity of three children.
RobGMacfarlane Word of the day: “solivagant” - walking about alone; a person who is given to solitary wandering (from the Latin so..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…qe

Bless the ants. pic.twitter.com/ThzjbgcIKS

Crossing the line. pic.twitter.com/k4odeW4AZ0
@_pigeons_ Sorry! Went before you replied. Probably won’t be long before the next trip, mind. (PS: Did you spot thi..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…sv
@shezza_t Been gently annoying me for years, though.
@Kavey Twenty four hours.

“Fit a couple of curtains,” I thought. “That’ll be done in a morning,” I thought. Still, finished now. pic.twitter.com/7l5AZUxHI3
@YvetteMorey I’m not in the red; it’s more of a tasteful dusky maroon.
@YvetteMorey *Slides into bankruptcy*
@_pigeons_ (Besides, would *you* do anything voluntarily that put you in a category with Jeremy Clarkson?) PS: Want anything from IKEA?
@_pigeons_ Gosh no. Too many people out there who are far more into cars and would enjoy it more than I would.
@saltwateritch Hey, there’s plenty of messier bits. But I accidentally watched one of those “house doctor” things t..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Xt
@guriben *Cries*
(Though I’m about to make my third trip to IKEA. Christ.)

Basic tidying strategy #7: Pay No Attention to the Mess Behind the Curtain. pic.twitter.com/HwuhjjRXAH
DixonPolice (1/2) If you find an unexploded WWII anti-tank round in your home, PLEASE, don’t drive it to the police department..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…6Z

Riparian. pic.twitter.com/kDaBPo3Fql

Overflow. ift.tt/2xrIFVG pic.twitter.com/eMVTkhZJGY

Fishing for photos. @Avon_Stories ift.tt/2xbW5FY pic.twitter.com/SfkeomMrsR
@Avon_Stories All I need to do is change out of my decoratey clothes. I’ll be there in ten :D
@nigellegg It is. Keep watching.
@Avon_Stories COFFEE.
@Avon_Stories *Waves*

Current status: watching paint dry. pic.twitter.com/Qrb4kfmgC9

Were any other #blakes7 fans wondering where the new Iron Fist stole his look? :D pic.twitter.com/CVXaVMY4Ob

Gatekeepers. pic.twitter.com/Lu2fVKhhHL
Cheeseboy22 If you’re ever in a work training and the trainer says, “Okay, get out of your seat, we’re going to do something fun!” Don’t. He’s lying.

Gaol Ferry Bridge. pic.twitter.com/qqKElMG2tx

280/365 Down to the Waterline threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/08/22/dow… pic.twitter.com/54D6mMlMsD

Very minor IKEA hacking going on. ift.tt/2wxhtb9 pic.twitter.com/ICU5ZkEI9T
@archidave I am reasonably confident that this structure holds no special interest to anyone, possibly including myself.
@rolandpavic It certainly doesn’t seem very happy from here. #github

sethdarby The most British news headline ever pic.twitter.com/EgxDfvynfA

Okay. Battery-powered LED spotlights installed in my somewhat scary “cellar storage area*”.
*Damp cave. pic.twitter.com/iwb380CCVG
@flashboy I reckon he’d still look too healthy to play Bannon.
@YesStarling @lilydoughball Guiseppes. I’ve always heard good things but never been, possibly because I think of Sa..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…tG

Tea flavoured by burnt sawdust, or “carpenter’s Lapsang”, as I think of it. ift.tt/2x54cUN pic.twitter.com/0oyJwYKcsY

It’s important to have the right mug for DIY. ift.tt/2wp0p7H pic.twitter.com/KDany6fQqt
BadgerSpanner @MitchBenn RickGrohled
FooFightersUK This has happened tonight in Tokyo. Foo Fighters with Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up youtube.com/watch?v=APmoU7…
@word_geek Right. After yesterday’s Guardians of the Galaxy disaster, tonight I’m trying the Ab Fab movie.
@stillawake …”I’d like to buy this mirror, please, but only if we see if it can fit in the back of a Fiat Cinquec..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…AH
@stillawake I got it years back in one of those little shops on St George’s Road. Though it was something of a conditional sale…
Got to that point about halfway through a decluttering job where I wish I hadn’t started in the first place…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…1C
@RedQueenCoder Sounds like a good idea. I know a whole bunch of coders who regret having ignored trigonometry lessons in school :D
totalcharlie Todays @BBCFoodProg on chefs & mental health is exceptional. If you have any interest in food then you must listen bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09…
@BristolFerry Gawd yes. Terrible thing to happen to a home :(
Wondered what all the fire engines and police were doing there. Hope nobody was hurt (including @BristolFerry’s Mar..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…zY

holly_py Boat just exploded in #Bristol harbour… police, fire engines, helicopters everywhere pic.twitter.com/fMlzls9Qkd
@thedavebuxton I may have to change my allegiance to another chain just to avoid the bloody music.
Do all DIY superstores play godawful music all the time, or is it just B&Q?

Teriyaki. ift.tt/2v35H4v pic.twitter.com/Skys93h54r
@chris_coys @benjohnbarnes I think I’ve only seen this one. If this is a reasonable representation, they can keep the rest of ‘em.
Maybe I’ve been watching too much #blakes7, but I think of the design of my new security lights as “seventies dysto..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…wI
@benjohnbarnes I just found it incomprehensible content-free bollocks. And unfunny incomprehensible content-free bo..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…MK
@tsunimee I lasted an hour and twenty.
I am watching Guardians of the Galaxy. I unfortunately appear to be among the small group of people who do not like Guardians of the Galaxy.

Al_Chris16 My brother built his dog a separate room in his house ! pic.twitter.com/ayjaEGBzf8
@truemarmalade @ismh Interesting! Especially as my city has a 20mph speed limit for most of its streets…
@psidnell I liked the idea of it for two solid years, then gave up on waiting. And I bet it still doesn’t have working “undo”.
MissFruitypie God fucking forbid anyone look around and notice the natural world when they’re supposed to be making the boss rich..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…9n
@psidnell I believe them. It’s the main reason I moved to them: they seemed to be able to Get Thing Done, which is..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…4M
@psidnell Still rather hoping for tags/multiple contexts to come along. Still, it was better than waiting years for..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…uV
@psidnell @OmniFocus For anything more than trivial, I prefer a nice keyboard and a big screen, as well as the mult..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…oU
Odd. Ordered some @Duracell batteries. Picked parcel up off doormat, and it was warm. *One* battery is so hot I can’t keep my hand on it!
@mattleys Lovely place. Went there when I visited my parents, time before last (they live in Kalyves.)

Bit windy, then? #igersbristol ift.tt/2wbbARe pic.twitter.com/1V0ouV5dUz

Fetch. pic.twitter.com/njxkP3CWu1

Weekly review. pic.twitter.com/K4lnceXpQ7

Composite. pic.twitter.com/TVKPT3v5b5
@chubbybannister It certainly seems to be. They had *every single one* of the things that were on my LoveFilm list…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…cH

Much-needed. ift.tt/2iedGtu pic.twitter.com/u21DOadKU6

Portrait. ift.tt/2xdkgDb pic.twitter.com/OgrJnf6g61
Continuing a theme, I’m not saying that was a big spider I just evicted from my bathroom, but I only noticed it bec..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Yk
@alexbcann …shuffle something silly into high priority. I should probably at least go through and make sure all t..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…NE
@alexbcann The speed I watch it happens anyway! Mind you, sometimes I got too many depressing ones in a row and had to…
@alexbcann I’m not sure I want the responsibility. I should’ve randomised them before I put them in!
@Brays_Cottage @benjohnbarnes Thanks!
@benjohnbarnes @Brays_Cottage Cool, ta! Just found out that they do do referrals: I’m cinemaparadiso.co.uk/friends/rp/Wcv… :D
@benjohnbarnes @Brays_Cottage All I’ve done so far is put my list in, but they had every single one of the 200+ fil..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…RK
@Brays_Cottage (While I like streaming, I also like weird/old/foreign films, and a DVD rental service has about ten..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…c5
@Brays_Cottage They seem to be the DVD rental service I should have switched to years back. cinemaparadiso.co.uk
The way I moved from LoveFilm to Cinema Paradiso seems to have made it so I’ll be renting in alphabetical order. St..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Yx
CastIrony I would watch three hours of Ewan McGregor puttering around that little desert hut, drinking space coffee. syfy.com/syfywire/lucas…

hannahrosewoods I’ve found the greatest business name of all time, and it’s a company of female-only plumbers called Stopcocks. 👏 pic.twitter.com/OZ7ne1hg4x

Normally I don’t use the subwoofer for #blakes7. It’s coming in handy today, though :D pic.twitter.com/L160l4ivfi
I have, of course, hurriedly stopped using the curtain tie-backs and put “dust window ledges” on tomorrow’s thrilling “todo” list.
I now have both inflated tyres, and curtain tie-backs. *That’s* how exciting today’s “todo” list is, Twitter. Thank..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…TM

Oh, yes, I *really* trust your web security team. pic.twitter.com/zuV8uRrCjp
That’s some changeable weather. Ten minutes ago there was so much sunlight streaming in I switched the lights off…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…J4
@KatyTurNBC @zachbraff I’m not sure there’s actually a rudder.
@ahnlak I get a lot of email telling me that. Oh. “Pens”.
@ahnlak I do actually have some of these things (Bluetooth, not RFID) but I don’t think they do one small enough fo..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…cw
MakingBlakes7 Wednesday 17 August 1977: This stunning photograph of the Liberator was taken during model filming at Bray Studios…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…CO

theindiealto Did you think I was kidding pic.twitter.com/PsS8sca31p

Super trooper. ift.tt/2wjJpPu pic.twitter.com/3QV6abo0mg
I would happily sacrifice all my privacy if “Alexa, where did I just put my bloody pen down?” worked.

Non-Street Piano 275/365 threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/08/17/non… #playmeimyours pic.twitter.com/TxvxyeCESA

Independence, by Bristol Beer Factory. ift.tt/2uK2f2O pic.twitter.com/NlkYYIEZKM
MakingBlakes7 I’ll leave you with this rarely seen image of the beautiful Liberator model at Bray Studios. I really am spoiling y..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…jw
@ovationchris I’m sorry, but in order to reply to my tweets you’ve got to buy me a cookie.
Still relevant today, sadly. twitter.com/gothick/status…
@redheadwhirls *Fake-trumpets along*
Photos of a Diver Under an Oil Rig petapixel.com/2017/08/15/pho…
haveigotnews Trump denies he took too long to denounce Nazis, and that he’s shocked they’ve invaded Poland.

I can tend to get a bit carried away. Past highlights include 3D-modelling my lounge before I redecorated. pic.twitter.com/ttiEod7mYP

Cafe coding. ift.tt/2uLA7Is pic.twitter.com/NdSiybqzgW
Bollocks. I have 199 films on my #LoveFilm list. That’s going to take a while to transfer elsewhere.
@adambanksdotcom Years ago, sadly.
echodaz Amazon axing @lovefilm is rotten news for film lovers. Netflix etc have tiny range by comparison & are useless for classic & foreign films
@chubbybannister What!? Bugger. It has so much more than any streaming place. And it’s where I keep my massive list..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…13

Fortnum & Mason pic.twitter.com/wJrzcoUk65

Continental. But not entirely continent. pic.twitter.com/k8hhBkDlF9

Remnants. ift.tt/2w3zptp pic.twitter.com/Son6YVPgC5

Basin BLOONS. #igersbristol ift.tt/2fCkYXk pic.twitter.com/9u63PAyqFZ

Hotwellion. ift.tt/2fD4ldW pic.twitter.com/5KyeDQVdPG

Wanted: some BLOONS. ift.tt/2uDqrzO pic.twitter.com/QKIDG1g3hR

New Cut. pic.twitter.com/l86g2TlBlA
@guriben Though I shoot the thing quite a lot, it was @_pigeons_ who pointed out how attractive it was looking this morning :D
@guriben Thanks. Light was amazing this morning. I’m normally up and doing stuff at that time on a Sunday, but I’m..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…pS

Let us not talk falsely now. pic.twitter.com/ftuOYNwfqA

Under the Plimsoll. pic.twitter.com/K3Qe0TzyJJ
matthaig1 WRITING TIP: Imagine the world will still be here by the time you finish your book.

It’s the end of the road. pic.twitter.com/6cXDmXf9qd

Lockside pancakes ;) #bristol ift.tt/2vujsvN pic.twitter.com/aYEaseahet

High, higher, highest. #balloonfiesta pic.twitter.com/XF1JZJ55oD
Okay, the Navy balloon just launched a hang glider and I’m quite impressed. #igersbristol #balloonfiesta..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Fs

Avon_Stories Balloons! pic.twitter.com/bVHOQY4fKu
@_pigeons_ Bristol diamonds! twitter.com/fergieweather/…
Actually, who am I kidding? There’d be a keyboard, a mouse, and a Windows XP blue screen of death, woudln’t there? twitter.com/gothick/status…
Suspect if this bridge were designed now, there’s be one switch, with “close bridge” icon on one end, and “open bri..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…21
@johnfbraun Have you read Brunner’s _The Jagged Orbit_? Only I think I’m recognising some themes…
Why do they make Breathe Right strips in clear and fleshtone? How about bright green, so I notice if I’m going to g..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Ta
MakingBlakes7 Pic: The completed Liberator model in Martin Bower’s living room. I feel like I should add a Dudley Simpson fanfare..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…kp
@AnneBillson @iamamro Ooof. Room full of books and an Eames Lounge Chair. This may be what heaven looks like.
bristolballoon Unfortunately due to high winds it isn’t safe for our pilots to take to the skies tonight. We’re looking forward to a FAB NIGHTGLOW #Bristol

When a Minion has an idea. #spotstuart pic.twitter.com/D6dVlQ3Upy

@baileyballoons Here’s a few from yesterday morning! pic.twitter.com/wNJmzT9dLk

ThereWillBeGin Why is Pence wearing a tiny wizard’s hat? pic.twitter.com/cwQymRqSOS
@Lillput Even more ironically, it’s one of the “to read *again*” section.
It seems unlikely I will ever understand America. twitter.com/JoeHeim/status…
@UrsulaWJ Garcia Marquez, you say… HANG ON A MINUTE. This is a trick to add to my pile, isn’t it? *Squints accusingly over pile of books*
You should feel the weight of my Kindle! twitter.com/ahnlak/status/…
And yes, there are two copies of The Shadow of the Wind. Because two people recommended it to me and the pile’s rat..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…0x
Why yes, those *are* several books on procrastination and decluttering in my massive pile of “to read” books. Why d..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…ne
270/365 It’s just vaguely possible that my “to read” stack is more aspirational than practical…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…0E