Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 2009

Just *FLASH* bought my *FLASH* first *FLASH* flashgun. *FLASH* Goodness knows what *FLASH* the neighbours think I’m *FLASH* up to *FLASH*

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Week two, run two all done. Now for a quick shower, and to dig into some of that nice French food I bought :)

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Walked through French market on way to ferry. Bought enough sausage and cheese to keep one of Napoleon’s columns marching for a few days ;)

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And… here comes the rain. 9pm my arse@Lovelybuttonsns!

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Apple have rep for UI design. I have degree in Computer Science. Every morning, I try to plug dock connector into the wrong end of my iPhone

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Having an evening off. Everything on my to-do list can go hang. Need to recover from my knackeredness and be nice to myself.

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@Playleimagery No, don’t have any routers it works on. No problem; just don’t know whether I’m ADSL2+. World won’t end if I don’t find out!

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@sean_robbins yeah, but it’s the managers who are scared. The IT team on the floor don’t give a toss; they’re using Firefox…

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@ahnlak on the other hand, it’s the most-working router I’ve ever owned, so it’s a limitation I’m prepared to live with…

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@ahnlak It’s a Belkin N: (I got tired of Linksys breaking and Netgear getting overwhelmed by my mozy backups…)

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Thank you, spammers. Would never have had the idea to categorise all our claim descriptions using the naive Bayes algorithm without you :)

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@DavidSGI Yes, but today it feels like the bastard wants it back.

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So very tired. Sitting in Starbucks (unusual) having a non-decaf latte (almost unheard-of these days) and watching umbrellas go past.

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On the boat to the pub for breakfast with my erstwhile team.

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@ahnlak Can’t find it. Meh. Should probably just be grateful I’m still getting nearly 5mbps on my “up to” 24mbps ADSL…

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@ahnlak I have no idea. Being a router, it doesn’t do anything so helpful as tell me in anything resembling English. What do I look for?

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Hmm. Demon were due to upgrade me to ADSL2+ today. Don’t know whether they have or not, but at least I still have a connection.

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@bertpalmer You were right! Although actually, it had stopped raining. But yes, I changed my mind and did it! Fourth run done!

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Meh. Running cancelled, I think.

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Want to tonight, but I might need to jog with an umbrella :(

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@waugaman Why else would they put up with having bits of metal nailed to their feet?

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@waugaman Other way round. Shire horses are jealous of high heels. They want to be taller, but their weight makes heels impractical.

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@Glinner in other news, Pope still Catholic.

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@DrHairbear low-tech? Come now, sir. You’re describing a nanotech-scale hegemonising swarm. Not even Apple devices can withstand that!

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Ugh. WIsdom tooth giving me gyp. And I don’t appear to be any wiser for it, either.

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@DrHairbear So, to summarise, you’re suffering a denial of service attack by… pocket lint?

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@hayles But if it’s any good as a glue, presumably you should be saying, “prfth stidj tashtefs ghmfhd!”

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Cool! Just got to the Skins scene they were filming when I took this photo of Effy:

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@hayles heh. Been bemused by the strange geographical warping since beginning. Where he skateboards along Canon’s Marsh. And down Park St.!

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@hayles erm… when you say “handy”? No, on second thought, I don’t want to know.

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@paulahillier Shame. Couple of places on Park Street I can think of - or what’s Sweaty Betty like for shoes? Girl-friendly, anyway…

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At the urging of a few different people, am finally watching _Skins_. Feel very old.

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@AndyCarolan Only when I’m helping it out! I can still do quite a good “Uncle” impression, but it doesn’t really work over Twitter :)

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Oh, yeah, and I also completed my third run, this time getting out into lovely drizzle…

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Just impulse-bought an Aspidistra. I blame The Adventure Game. Now, on with the kabillion things I need to get sorted today.

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@paulahillier Don’t forget the little shop at the bottom of Union Street; I seem to remember they’re quite good.

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@hayles Sorry, doing scrambled eggs here this morning. Otherwise I’d be happy to, of course.

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@tweeny4 Now, I know you shouldn’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune. But right now, it’s taking all my self-control. Mfphfphfphf *muffle*

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In the middle of my very first attempt at bread-making with live yeast. (From Stoneground in Clifton Village, if anyone local’s interested!)

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@caffeinebomb Battle between a desire for solitude and a desire to avoid boredom? I used to go for very long waks; think I might start again

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The label says this wallpaper sample is “Exhuberance”, from the “Extravagence” collection. Think Harlequin need to work on their spelling…

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@bertpalmer Gah! I must’ve missed a memo! Get well soon, too!

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Sympathies to @MelKirk, who I think is my first swine-flu suffering followee. Get well soon!

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@shezza_t The SD card? They can when someone plugs the wrong power supply into a picture frame!

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Meh. I can feel myself putting off the big amorphous job of the day: making my lounge look more like a lounge and less like a boxroom.

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@Playleimagery Yup, 256 whole megabytes. It’s from a friend’s grandad; this is apparently as close to the bleeding edge as he likes to get!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Playleimagery - Yup, safe to say, that SD card is dead.

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This morning, I woke from a dream where I was spreading thick marmite over many slices of toast and bread. Maybe I’m vitamin B deficient…

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Kewl. Second run done. Same as the first one, only with more aching :)

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SD card has blackened hole in top and smoke-damaged seams.

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Been asked to recover data from SD card. Thought I could until I heard full story. Friend’s grandad plugged satnav PSU into picture frame.

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@hayles no, I didn’t bother trying Latitude, because I couldn’t figure out why I’d want it…

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Hope this clears up before this evening. But it’s quite impressive to watch.

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Oooh. Missed the ferry, then. But that extra half-hour in bed was necessary, this morning. Now for a fun-packed day and another jog, maybe.

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@hayles not reading? Won’t you get bored, then?

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Mmm. Steak, mushroom & potato pie. Well, “pie”: only a base and a lid. But I’m cooking for one, so it’s the quick & easy option…

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@goatgirl74 mine went well! Hope yours did/will too!

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Yay! In from my first run! And I didn’t die! Yet!

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@KaveyF not entirely convinced that the two are compatible, but I’ll try ;)

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Right. Today, all being well, should be the day I take up jogging. Scary thought.

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@zinziii you’re just experimenting with companionable silence in a new medium ;)

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Sales team here taking pandemic v. seriously. Just ordered £30 of pork-related goods for delivery to colleague at home with swine flu.

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@shezza_t far less easy in this building - we’re in like sardines now!

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Feeling really very tired today. Back in old office with more natural light, though, which is helping.

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@hayles I have no idea. I think I like it better that way :)

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This is definitely the oddest picture I snapped during yesterday’s :

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Am now up to plan “J” for getting stuff done this weekend — the plan where I run out of weekend and give up trying.

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Right. Have completely tidy and clean bedroom to retreat to for relaxation. Now to start the big digital job of the day: photo processing.

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@Glinner I already love the original. Should I avoid the new one?

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The sun gods smiled on Bristol’s instalment of the worldwide yesterday :) Was great, but didn’t get home until about 1am *yawn*.

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Right. Need to summon up the energy to blitz the bedroom. I need to have at least _one_ room in my house that’s fully decorated _and_ tidy.

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If I’d started collecting these £5 skincare vouchers when Boots started giving them to me, at least I’d be able to wallpaper a room by now.

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This is a shameless plug for Get Running, my friend @benjohnbarnes’ new iPhone app for beginner runners: Go Ben!

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Mmm. Proper British weather.

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@LouisTrapani Nothing great. Last time I went I wasn’t really into photography. @floyduk has just been, though:

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@LouisTrapani Portmeirion is lovely; I’ve been there a couple of times now. You _can_ imagine Rover bearing down on you, though :)

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@KaveyF It often helps to shake up my designering, anyway.

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@KaveyF Try taking whatever graphical/textual element you’re editing right now and make it HUGE, big as or bigger than the label.

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@Phooto Yes, but be careful: remember how intimidating tall photographers can be. You’ll probably get nicked.

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You don’t realise how well-designed a fork is until you try to eat a Spanish omelette and salad with a knife and spoon.

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@R2UK Curses. I don’t seem to have the bandwidth at the moment to watch @floyduk on TWiT Live. Hope he enjoys it!

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Oh, for God’s sake, Google, will you stop being “helpful” and actually search for what I actually bloody _typed_!?

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@jacrats well, I don’t drink or smoke, so I’ve got to find other bad habits :)

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Think you have to be fairly confident as a bloke to carry off the bubble umbrella look.

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@vero I’m thinking of taking it up myself. Glad you survived; good inspiration for me :)

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@benjohnbarnes Good good. I did submit it the other day, in case it hadn’t been seen, and it should get better as more links appear.

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@seengee etc. etc. :) I don’t want miracles, but there have been a lot of dumb failures where startups have been obviously unprepared…

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@seengee Is there a status page that can be seen even if the main server is down? Is there a refund/compensation policy? Are backups tested?

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@seengee I don’t necessarily want guaranteed uptime. I want to know that the company has thought about what to do in the event of downtime.

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@seengee Any way of exporting all your data in a way that can be easily re-imported is good. My recent thoughts:

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@seengee ‘course, this all depends on what kind of startup/service we’re really talking about…

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@seengee Or for downtime, I wouldn’t trust them not to be down. But having a policy of compensation for downtime in place would reassure me.

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@seengee …but if they gave me a way of backing it up myself, then I’d probably take a chance on them.

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@seengee Hmm. Would very much depend on the shape and size of the trust. I wouldn’t trust them not to lose my data, for example….

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GTD sensitives out there who can feel the large procrastination field emanating from Bristol — relax. It’s just time for my weekly review.

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Of course, now I’ve doomed myself to a ton of robotic auto-followers because I’ve mentioned their keywords.

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Wish there were a separate Twitter where SEO-spamming webcocks could “help” each other while leaving alone people who actually have souls.

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Mmm. Toast and loganberry jam. That was a good random purchase yesterday, then.

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@shezza_t Not apart from the samples you’d normally get at a food fair, I think. Guess they’re making sure only serious high-spenders apply.

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Hmm. Local Oxfam shop appears to be selling cute Cthulu ornament.

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No, it’s official: Bristol food & wine fair have priced me out of their market. Having panini on Brandon Hill instead.

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Bugger. Food & wine fair is £10. Also, cashpoint not working. Maybe I’m not going.

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*Yawn* *Stretch* Hurrah! A proper lie-in! Now maybe I’ll have a bath that lasts until midday. And is it the Wine & Food Fair later?

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@sean_robbins it was inspired by how well I’m dealing with other technical problems today ;(

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Well, the printer said “JAM”. So, I poured some jam in, but that only seemed to make things worse.

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@benjohnbarnes, iPhone developer, all-round splendid chap, and, for those who understand these things, a Fysh.

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Right. I’ve done lots of evening work this week. Time for an evening off, I think.

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@tsunimee Top tip: when you’re wondering why the hell all the menu options are greyed out, try hitting “stop” rather than just “pause”.

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So I guess The Walrus and the Carpenter closed down, then. New place looks a bit posh.

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@sean_robbins @goatgirl74 Okay, so that’s you two cancelling each other’s should-I-watch- votes out! Tiebreaker, anyone?

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So, like, has Torchwood got any better? Should I start watching it again?

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Taking my first tentative steps in jQuery.

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Got to say, “Paneless Window Cleaning” is a great company name.

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@hayles your photos must be better than ours. Ours were put up by someone with no grasp of aspect ratio, so everyone looks fat, too.

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Aah, the joy of employee photos on the corporate intranet. Overheard: “Woah. He looks just like Ken Dodd. After the funeral.”

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Right. That’s enough work for today, I think.

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Just watched my first Flight of the Conchords. Think I’m going to enjoy this DVD. Binary solo!

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@muirium heh. It’s not my ankles that worry me, it’s my total lack of fitness ;)

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@AndyCarolan and if I could arrange a sasquatch? That is some kind of squirrel, right?

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Any of my iPhone-using followers thinking of taking up running/jogging?

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Coding to Robert Johnson & Billie Holiday (interspersed; not in some previously-unheard and rather unlikely duet…)

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@hayles unfortunately, I could probably only warn you away from my place :(

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Watching Nigella for the first time. Finding her surprisingly irritating.

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Is it time to go home yet?

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@njj4 ah, yes, okay, performing it is indeed a much more likely reason. But you get less sympathy!

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Gawd, is the final still going? They’ll need the court for Wimbledon 2010 soon…

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Rather lovely video (via unpluggd): How We Wish Email Was Actually Delivered

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Any of you already know @benjohnbarnes? If so, he just joined Twitter. If not, follow him anyway: all round nice person and iPhone developer

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@hayles …as it always annoys me by playing three YouTube videos at once even if two of them are in background tabs. Ho hum.

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@hayles Ahh. For that specific case, I use the Connected Flow Flickr plugin for iPhoto. Odd that it didn’t work in the background, though…

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@hayles What changed your mind? I know I probably _should_, but the few Firefox extensions I’ve played with haven’t tempted me away yet…

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@njj4 Did you watch Mitchell & Webb the other night? Only the Ninth was featured in the Die Hard sketch, of course…

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Playing with Cufon image replacement.

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@benjohnbarnes You probably can :) Also, get a client. Twitterfon or Tweetie for iPhone, Twitterrific or Tweetie for Mac, maybe.

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Writing website copy for my friend Ben’s new iPhone app.

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@jacrats He’s such a fantastic courdoroy-clad rant-machine, isn’t he?

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Good. Home, fed, can collapse any time I want. Probably won’t collapse just yet, but I think an early night is in order.

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Twatty Channel 4. They keep sending me mails about their rubbish 4oD thing that I failed to use about three years ago, with no unsub link.

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The French for “disposable cups” is just so much more evocative…

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Woke up at 4am. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Feeling… wan.

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Oh, yes, *waves* to all the Bristol Flickr meetrs, but I’ve got a lot of work to do this week, so I’ll be slaving over a hot keyboard…

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Thank you, Eric Meyer. I finally know enough about CSS to fix the floated image problems on my site. Right, now to write some copy for Ben.

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@ahnlak Hmm. Wonder if they just fscked up the local exchange upgrade somehow. Either that, or a squirrel coincidentally chewed your wire…

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@ahnlak Tried updating your router firmware? Some of them weren’t quite as ADSL2+ compatible as they should have been, out of the box…

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@ahnlak I nearly chucked my letter because it looked like the normal invoice.

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I’m actually quite looking forward to this.

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Odd. My water pressure is about half normal. Hope my shower will still work.

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Installing the iPhone SDK.

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@hayles no, it’s okay. Boys don’t mind when girls chat crap, it means they don’t have to think of anything meaningful to say either…

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@KaveyF You should have had a letter recently with a link to a site where you could find out your upgrade date.

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Very glad to be in nice cool basement flat, having just nearly melted while walking up Park Street.

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@KaveyF Odd. Hope it doesn’t reach me; just got in and my connection seems fine, but I’m not due to be upgraded until the end of the month.

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@KaveyF aren’t Demon going through a big ADSL upgrade at the mo? Have you just had something changed?

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Hey, everyone, say hello to @BlairChadwick, local musician, fellow attendee of the songwriting course I was on, and new to Twitter!

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@BlairChadwick Not bad, ta. Though I’d rather not be at work…

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