Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 24th, 2009

Kewl. Second run done. Same as the first one, only with more aching :)

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SD card has blackened hole in top and smoke-damaged seams.

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Been asked to recover data from SD card. Thought I could until I heard full story. Friend’s grandad plugged satnav PSU into picture frame.

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@hayles no, I didn’t bother trying Latitude, because I couldn’t figure out why I’d want it…

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Hope this clears up before this evening. But it’s quite impressive to watch.

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Oooh. Missed the ferry, then. But that extra half-hour in bed was necessary, this morning. Now for a fun-packed day and another jog, maybe.

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