Oh, yes, *waves* to all the Bristol Flickr meetrs, but I’ve got a lot of work to do this week, so I’ll be slaving over a hot keyboard…
Thank you, Eric Meyer. I finally know enough about CSS to fix the floated image problems on my site. Right, now to write some copy for Ben.
@ahnlak Hmm. Wonder if they just fscked up the local exchange upgrade somehow. Either that, or a squirrel coincidentally chewed your wire…
@ahnlak Tried updating your router firmware? Some of them weren’t quite as ADSL2+ compatible as they should have been, out of the box…
@ahnlak I nearly chucked my letter because it looked like the normal invoice.
I’m actually quite looking forward to this. http://twitpic.com/911cq
Odd. My water pressure is about half normal. Hope my shower will still work.