Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 30th, 2009

Having an evening off. Everything on my to-do list can go hang. Need to recover from my knackeredness and be nice to myself.

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@Playleimagery No, don’t have any routers it works on. No problem; just don’t know whether I’m ADSL2+. World won’t end if I don’t find out!

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@sean_robbins yeah, but it’s the managers who are scared. The IT team on the floor don’t give a toss; they’re using Firefox…

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@ahnlak on the other hand, it’s the most-working router I’ve ever owned, so it’s a limitation I’m prepared to live with…

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@ahnlak It’s a Belkin N: (I got tired of Linksys breaking and Netgear getting overwhelmed by my mozy backups…)

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Thank you, spammers. Would never have had the idea to categorise all our claim descriptions using the naive Bayes algorithm without you :)

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@DavidSGI Yes, but today it feels like the bastard wants it back.

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So very tired. Sitting in Starbucks (unusual) having a non-decaf latte (almost unheard-of these days) and watching umbrellas go past.

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On the boat to the pub for breakfast with my erstwhile team.

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@ahnlak Can’t find it. Meh. Should probably just be grateful I’m still getting nearly 5mbps on my “up to” 24mbps ADSL…

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