Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 2014

MikeIsaac this is what you see when you go to from the Firefox browser

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:57 PM, Mar 31st, 2014 via Echofon)

downsy I bet you’ve forgotten to put the central heating clock forward haven’t you …

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 8:09 AM, Mar 31st, 2014 via Echofon)

@OpinionatedGeek I’m using the one on Seems pretty good for Bristol.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to OpinionatedGeek

@Kavey It’s very nice, and I found it here:…
miss igs: Chickpea, Butternut Squash & Lemongrass Curry

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Kavey

In the wake of @Kavey’s survey, tonight I’ve made curry completely from scratch :)

via Tweetbot for iOS

Kavey Survey on Ready Meals vs. Home Cooking… feat. @misswhiplash @FussFreeHelen @Cookwitch @foodurchin @gothick

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 2:03 PM, Mar 29th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@benjohnbarnes I used JodaTime’s LocalDate for Get Running for Android. Hurrah for a class that stores dates without times!

via Echofon in reply to benjohnbarnes

shuckle Original cast Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy on Radio 4 right now. Go iPlayer it.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:22 AM, Mar 29th, 2014 via Echofon)

Please make sure this leads to as much mayhem and chaos in your company as the job that runs twice on the last Sunday in October.

via Echofon

UK sysadmins: remember that tomorrow, the last Sunday in March, is the traditional time for your 1:30am cron job to be accidentally skipped.

via Echofon

@guriben Gah! I hadn’t realised. Oh well, my bodyclock’s already been fucked by booze and stuff this week anyway.

via Echofon in reply to guriben

@charlie_cat_esq Your mother is entirely made of WIN.

via Echofon in reply to CharlieEsq_

@betty_watson A perfect time to practise your “silent, yet all-knowing” look.

via Echofon in reply to betty_watson

@chubbybannister Emm did observe that I probably shouldn’t look for office space in Temple Studios if I wanted to keep up my diet.

via Echofon in reply to chubbybannister

Ironically, these days Pavlov would be too distracted by dinging noises from his smartphone to plan his research.

via Tweetbot for iOS

rsg Politicians: using “cyber-attack”, and “cyber-warfare” in sentences doesn’t make you sound smart. It makes you sound like Grandpa Simpson.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:14 AM, Mar 29th, 2014 via Echofon)

@guriben Yo. We should probably formulate Some Kind of Plan for lending you t’50mm. Will you be anywhere near St Nick’s market this morning?

via Echofon in reply to guriben

@hayles Well, I don’t work around the corner from there any more…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to hayles

@sstarr That came a very close second to the sourdough cheese toastie I actually had…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to sstarr

Finally made it to Harts Bakery :)

via Instagram

When does @HartsBakery open in the mornings, folks?

via Tweetbot for iOS

My friend Emm suddenly has short hair for the first time in her life! She’s still in shock.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@mikelloydjones Just started using up some of my accrued @BristolPound balance in Southville Deli :)

via Tweetbot for iOS

The best way to deal with an unexpected tax bill is to pay it as soon as it arrives, and then cry gently, I find. *cries gently*

via Echofon

@jukesie I can see how that could happen.

via Echofon in reply to jukesie

@jukesie Welcome to 41! Nice of you to join me. Sorry I didn’t make it over to your table last night!

via Echofon in reply to jukesie

Mornin’ all.

via Echofon

“It’s like exquisite seasoning for language.”

via Echofon

JoannaG Police officer who Tasered a blind man after mistaking his white stick for a samurai sword ordered to apologise

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 2:02 PM, Mar 26th, 2014 via Echofon)

Broccoli and stilton and education at Sourdough Cafe. @ St Nicholas Market

via Instagram

@Kavey It looks pretty deactivated. But that doesn’t stop me typing it in from habit when I’m not actually doing a reply :D

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@UrsulaWJ If I avoided trading with every company with a creepy CEO I’d be naked, hungry and homeless. Also, I’m buying £6 black t-shirts :)

via Echofon in reply to UrsulaWJ

@Kavey Oops! If you eventually find that tweet to @KaveyF, ignore it, I answered your email in the meantime :D

via Echofon

@BabsBat Tweetbot’s worth a go. It’s what I moved to from Echofon.

via Echofon in reply to BabsBat

@KaveyF Yo. Your survey, are we just talking evening meal?

via Echofon

@UrsulaWJ Oh, Christ, is this yet *another* company I shouldn’t be buying stuff from? What’s wrong with them, in particular?

via Echofon in reply to UrsulaWJ

Is this just a “trying to be cool” thing, or do American Apparel really not know that the £ goes before the number?

via Echofon

evankirstel BREAKING: Yahoo buys ViewMaster

via iOS (retweeted on 11:48 PM, Mar 25th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Oh well. That’ll save me some money.

via Tweetbot for iOS


via Echofon in reply to hayles


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Washer/dryers that do their finishing “beep!” and flash “0:00” at you BUT DON’T LET YOU OPEN THE DOOR YET BECAUSE FUCKWITTERY.

via Echofon

Damn it, @Peculiar, I’m on a budget here, and you keep releasing new books like that’s not important to you.

via Echofon

@A_Porcupine No way I’m installing the thing.

via Echofon in reply to A_Porcupine

@WTF4Photography I’m sure it’s incompetence rather than malice, but either way I’m shopping on North Street to save my £5 instead now :D

via Echofon in reply to WTF4Photography

@WTF4Photography Yup. An actual Mac app, and not just a standalone drag-to-Applications app, but a full-on installer.

via Echofon in reply to WTF4Photography

“Download and install the Coupon Printer?” Oh, for Christ’s sake, Waitrose.

via Echofon

Raunchy guitars and Margo Timmins. It’s like sex in my ears.…

via iOS

ahnlak Much love to El Reg for pointing out that the size of an allotment, at 10 poles, is equal to 12.1721 NanoWales…

via MetroTwit (retweeted on 11:03 AM, Mar 24th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@benjohnbarnes Yeah, assuming I don’t die in the attempt. This stuff looks *complicated*.

via Echofon in reply to benjohnbarnes

Okay. Today I will mostly be exploring background uploads in iOS 7. I may be some time.

via Echofon

Last snap from today, I think: A Dream of Daffodils…

via Echofon

It was very pretty out today. Maybe next time it’ll be warm enough to sit out and read.

via Echofon

.@benjohnbarnes RT @cultofmac: How an Under-Appreciated iOS 7 Feature Will Change the World

via Echofon

Not quite warm enough to sit out and read in the sunshine, though. Shame!

via Tweetbot for iOS

Apple crumble sundae with salted caramel and a view. Nice.

via Instagram

Yeah, it’s a very Brandon Hill afternoon in .

via Instagram

Just watched _(500) Days of Summer_. Lovely film. Great soundtrack, too.

via Echofon

@liveindetail Useless bloody audience. Also: that bag of sweets under your coat, was that bought here, sir?

via Echofon in reply to liveindetail

Experimenting. To view my latest pic you’ll need red/cyan 3D glasses:…

via Echofon

@isaiah My oddly OCD approach to unit testing (and coverage) certainly seems to help me. Gotta test ‘em all!

via Echofon in reply to isaiah

@MarketingLiz Still doing fairly well since my January decluttering. This is definitely one of its better days :)

via Echofon in reply to MarketingLiz

Only problem with finally getting nice speakers for my desk is that I keep on finding myself rocking out when I should be working. Oh well.

via Echofon

Everyone looked very cheerful on the @BristCitySights bus this morning.

via Echofon

@steevbishop Thanks. I think I’d still prefer a whole separate room—this a corner of my lounge—but it works well enough for now.

via Echofon in reply to steevbishop

@ShaneHudson I don’t generally play games. I don’t have any consoles. But I loved _Elite_ *so* much as a kid… Oculus might happen.

via Echofon in reply to ShaneHudson

Cold rain in my face/
Pero’s bridge saxophonist/
Playing “Summertime”

via Tweetbot for iOS

@benjohnbarnes Those two points are subtracted from the downvotees reputation.

via Echofon in reply to benjohnbarnes

@benjohnbarnes Bwa-ha-ha! Come, join us. Do not be afraid. Or I’ll downvote you.

via Echofon in reply to benjohnbarnes

New follower: “Accelerating wireless and business transformation by delivering end-to-end serv-” Dude, *I’m* looking for banter and kittens.

via Echofon

@psidnell @IFTTT Comes through every morning for me.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to psidnell

I have an @IFTTT rule set up to email me today’s weather every morning. This is why I went out early today.

via Echofon

How do I manage to accidentally hit the “change playback speed” button in @downcastapp *so* often?

via Echofon

Anyway. Apart from ooohletsclosethattabrightnow incident, lunch was good. Eggs Benedict in BTP Clifton Village. And I avoided the downpour.

via Echofon

@anildash See also Apple’s “Numbers” and “Pages”.

via Echofon in reply to anildash

@jakepjohnson I am in a cafe. I couldn’t tell you whether the nude people were in a cafe, because my tab-closing skills are exceptional.

via Echofon in reply to jakepjohnson

Eep! Note to self: don’t click on the “profile” link of Flickr mails from contacts whose photostream may be a wall of nudes while in a cafe.

via Echofon

Oh, give it a rest, sniffy!

via Echofon

Starting to go through my Lightroom catalog, looking for good photos. First sigh-inducing moment: realising I have 44,247 photos in there.

via Echofon

@guriben I think the film script would involve both Bruce Willis and Bill Murray. Not sure who would play the third Bogdan, though.

via Echofon in reply to guriben

If you’re *that* interested, here are *all* of my tweets:

via Echofon

technicalfault You know, everyone’s second tweet would probably be more interesting.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 4:46 PM, Mar 20th, 2014 via Echofon)

@guriben In my imagination, this is a euphemism for an assassination.

via Echofon in reply to guriben

No, Warwick, nobody wants to go for a quick tour of your store.

via Echofon

“…we crawled the iOS app store and grabbed the top 5 app icons in each category and ran a histogram analysis…”…

via Echofon

@Harkaway Have you considered a career in software development?

via Echofon in reply to Harkaway

Dorianlynskey I hope Grant Shapps gets his own series. What scrapes will he get into each week? Catchphrase can be Cameron shouting “Shaaaaaapps!”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:30 AM, Mar 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@waiyeehong Tiny tiny leprechauns with really good memories.

via Echofon in reply to waiyeehong

Dear @SanDisk: You may be taking small print a little too far.

via Echofon

A 32GB USB flash drive. They’re getting a bit small these days, aren’t they?

via Instagram

@codinghorror I’m seeing your latest RSS entry truncated to first three words because of bad anchor in the html…

via Echofon

@ahnlak @word_geek No, it’s not just you. Sigh.

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@word_geek I am now digging into the last of the wine and the Christmas Specials :D

via Echofon in reply to word_geek

“Where is Jessica Hyde?”

via Tweetbot for iOS

Risotto, wine, episode of Jonathan Creek from back when Caroline Quentin was still in it. Might go whole hog and fetch a comfort blankie.

via Tweetbot for iOS

Dangerous thing about cooking risotto alone: “Well, now I’ve opened this bottle of wine…”

via Tweetbot for iOS

@archidave Tell you what, you move your scenery down here and I’ll buy trees for you personally.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to archidave

No matter how godawful the surroundings, new trees are still better than no trees.

via Tweetbot for iOS

Librarians carefully remove a hive of books, drained of knowledge, from Bristol Central Library.

via Instagram

@word_geek The excellent @20thCFlicks is not far from me. Helps to live in a very studenty area, I’m sure.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to word_geek

Oooh. Interesting addition to the bottom of Jacobs Wells Road

via Tweetbot for iOS

@OpinionatedGeek …you don’t actually need a card to take stuff out if they’ve got enough details to ensure that you’re you.

via Echofon in reply to OpinionatedGeek

@OpinionatedGeek The main difference on that score is that I can see why they might want to phone me, plus…

via Echofon in reply to OpinionatedGeek

@OpinionatedGeek As it happens, they did double-check the number yesterday, so as far as that goes, they’re on a par.

via Echofon in reply to OpinionatedGeek

@xabl @20thCFlicks It does indeed. The only downside of their user experience is the sodding great hill in between me and them.

via Echofon in reply to xabl

I reinstated my membership of the local DVD shop the other day. They’re lovely, and have a far better UI than Amazon’s new LOVEFiLM by Post.

via Echofon

@rem Isn’t RSS fairly measurable? (I still get tons of shiny new information through RSS, but then I’m an old fogey.)

via Echofon in reply to rem

I know I’m getting serious about an app when I make my own placeholder icon :)…

via Echofon

@m1ke_ellis Heh. I was *going* to use it the other day, but I couldn’t remember what character to use! Got it wrong:…

via Echofon in reply to m1ke_ellis

RobGilroy I’m not a fan of the new pound coin idea. But then, that’s always been my problem: I don’t like change.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:17 AM, Mar 19th, 2014 via Echofon)

@hayles Mmm. Toast. Might need to blog about that.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

FallibleBabble My local school’s motto isn’t very inspiring.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:18 PM, Mar 18th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

simondebrux Question: if the sat nav on your hire car directs you down a narrow alley in which you get wedged,

via Instagram (retweeted on 8:42 PM, Mar 18th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@tyronem I always rather liked it, myself.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to tyronem

carrozo Jonathan I’ve must really hate typing his name on an iPhone.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:43 PM, Mar 18th, 2014 via Echofon)

@6sync I’m in a good position to leave it a half hour and try again, if you want?

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@6sync …also tried totally different browser: can’t even log in on that one.

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@6sync Got in to Cookie jar after a long delay; hanging while trying to switch to now…

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@6sync Okeydokey. Gimme a minute.

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@6sync Not seeing any difference yet.

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@6sync It wasn’t me! A big boy did it and ran away.

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@hondanhon Some people will never know, because they won’t want to sign up for Google+ in order to buy one.

via Echofon in reply to hondanhon

@6sync Don’t know if it’s any help with diagnosis, but it’s now progressed to a 500 “oh noes!” error.

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@6sync I’m now in a different area on a different network on a different machine, and still seeing this:

via Echofon in reply to 6sync

@6sync Everything okay over there? Getting timeouts trying to load up and Ta!

via Echofon

@simoneats @HartsBakery Damn it. I just had half a grapefruit and now I’m hungry all over again.

via Echofon in reply to simoneats

@OpinionatedGeek If I’m remembering correctly, my fave was probably the Psychopath Class ROU called “What Are the Civilian Applications?”

via Echofon in reply to OpinionatedGeek


via Echofon in reply to hayles

@mattgemmell Luckily, I’m halfway through my second cup. *dances out of reach of absolute cutting, slightly hyperactively*

via Echofon in reply to mattgemmell

Oh, Microsoft, you wags. A shiny new Mac note-taking app in 2014 and you don’t support dragging in images from the Finder. *pats on head*

via Echofon

@OpinionatedGeek This is what I tend to think of as a “Sick Drone in Extreme Distress” signal

via Echofon in reply to OpinionatedGeek

@skeddy No, a locked-down install on the web, so I can access from anywhere.

via Echofon in reply to skeddy

@skeddy On the other hand, I’m just looking to replace a MediaWiki install, so the bar’s not set high. I use Evernote for other stuff.

via Echofon in reply to skeddy

@skeddy Pretty certain all the non-Microsoft Mac apps for this stuff will let you just drag a damn picture into them.

via Echofon in reply to skeddy

@skeddy It’ll probably do what I want, but its lack of support for simple drag & drop of URLs and images is already annoying me.

via Echofon in reply to skeddy

Mornin’ all. Up early this morning, for good reason: I have a massage booked at 4pm, so I’m shifting my day up an hour or so to make room :)

via Echofon

Oooh. I’ve often heard good things about Microsoft OneNote. Now it’s free on Mac & iOS:… (via @theloop)

via Echofon

@compliciteve I used Tumblr to blog the last mobile app I developed: Figured this time I’d try something different!

via Echofon in reply to compliciteve

@benjohnbarnes That sounds like a lot more work than drawing around the top of a coffee mug.

via Echofon in reply to benjohnbarnes

I’ve been having a surprisingly hard time getting photos to resize and upload with the right aspect ratio. I have…

via Day One

This may be Bristol’s most precise street sign.

via Echofon

@tomtaylor Was watching Photoshop video the other day; at 3:45 shows how to visualise saturation. Might give a clue?…

via Echofon in reply to tomtaylor

Harkaway@IvanBrandon: fascinating “why americans are the weirdest people in the world” (via @GWillowWilson)” {}

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 7:28 PM, Mar 17th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@tsunimee Non :) I think it might be a place in Rwanda.

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

I wonder how many cafe signs there *are* in Bristol?

via Echofon

@mikedunn I just hadn’t realised there were any elements of it at all that might appeal to me until this week!

via Echofon in reply to mikedunn

This is just as well, as I’m too fat to fit into hipster clothes. And I actually need the glass in these glasses.

via Echofon

I guess I don’t have to dress like a hipster to enjoy the music. I never dressed like a goth when I was into the Nephilim and the Cure…

via Echofon

I have recently discovered lots of good new music from… erm… a “hipster” playlist on Spotify.

via Echofon

@BenPark @emma_cossey That suggests that Apple Insider (among several others I’ve noticed) has some rather scuzzy “advertising” going on.

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

Luke Skywalker, Left Unity and the Stuttgart Megabrothel: interesting take on the effect of fiction on politics……

via Echofon

@OpinionatedGeek This device doesn’t actually have a phone. It’s more the total bullshit coming from Amazon that’s making me hrm.

via Echofon in reply to OpinionatedGeek

AmazonVideoUK @gothick Most likely a security step, but check with your phone manufacturer if you’re concerned.

via SocialEngage (retweeted on 3:28 PM, Mar 17th, 2014 via Echofon)

RT @gothick: Why does LOVEFiLM By Post need access to my phone status and identity, @AmazonVideoUK?

via Echofon

I’m in an ENT clinic that’s run out of tissues. This is not a metaphor.

via Tweetbot for iOS

Just picked up some BUF beans from @TwoDayCoffee. Roasted about three hours ago :)

via Tweetbot for iOS

MooseAllain Very sad to hear about Nigel Farage. Nothing specific, just in general.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 1:10 PM, Mar 17th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@AmazonVideoUK The latest Android app requires a new permission: “Read phone status and identity”. Wondering why…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to AmazonVideoUK

Building a highly advanced photo aspect ratio validation tool.

via iOS

If this is your most helpful review, that might suggest your review system isn’t great.

via Echofon

charlesarthur Email arrives with subject line “Drunk Irisih Zombies - retraction of previous email.” Did not receive previous email. Interest piqued.

via Echofon (retweeted on 11:23 AM, Mar 17th, 2014 via Echofon)

@BenPark I have given it a stern talking to and it’s now stopped whining. I think the Extra Hard Stare may have helped.

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

Morning all.

via Echofon

“This accessory may not be supported.” IT’S AN IMAC YOU STUPID BLOODY IPHONE.

via Echofon

shazow Sometimes I worry the NSA might be spying on me through my desktop’s webcam. Then I remember it’s Linux and even I can’t get it to work.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:18 PM, Mar 16th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@MitchBenn @csoanes For some reason, I can only hear that in Woody Allen’s voice.

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@anna_debenham I’d completely forgotten those existed. *Sudden nostalgia burst*

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