@EffBeeee It can sting if you actually immerse yourself in it.
Hoping that was fireworks.
So, @NetflixUK. You have a documentary charting the rise of The Big Lebowski’s fan festival… But not the film itself?
Jeff Bridges, on shooting with his Widelux camera: loopinsight.com/2014/03/15/jef…
Excellent! @JustGetFlux now has the option to disable f.lux for certain apps. Handy for forgetful photographers.
@archidave “vernal”.

Designering. pic.twitter.com/qScmGKTBYH
@hatsandbikes Bloody RPZ.
Park Street feeling very Springy. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
Snappity: Nice of The Framing Factory to leave these on the harbourside for me to use… flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@Lillput I am already home. If the police think their horses need riot shields, I’m taking no chances.
@MarcLucasHQ Traffic lights stop fly tipping?
Do you think a “no fly tipping” sign has ever stopped anyone fly tipping?
@Lillput I have no idea what that means, other than that I should probably head back indoors.
Framed. instagram.com/p/lkKHiYJC0p/
Hrm. Police escorting, pretty much 1:1, football fans down Cumberland Road. There’s one of “those” matches on, is there?
Nearly. vine.co/v/MbEuurbp6EY
Think I might wander into town and see if I can find somewhere to do a bit of design work while I watch the world go by.
Considering going out without a hat. This is my equivalent of those young skinny kids going shirtless on the first day of “Spring”.
@emma_cossey @BenPark …2) Or hit “Private”: one option it gives is to close *all* pages at once first. Then turn Private back off again.
@emma_cossey @BenPark For 20 pages, two tips: 1) You can “swipe” pages away more easily than pressing the “X”…
@emma_cossey I’ve seen this happen with a few different dodgy sites & apps where you can accidentally click on an add and it hangs around.
@emma_cossey Assuming iOS 7: open browser, hit the bottom-right icon to show all open pages. Close them *all* by hitting X top left on each.
@emma_cossey Likely it’s a dodgy web page stuck in Safari that fires off a redirect as soon as it opens.