Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 10th, 2014

*Writes browser plugin to hide all questions on Stack Overflow where the poster can’t spell the name of the technology they’re asking about*

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@bexxi It’s extra-odd with headphones.

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@bexxi That’s the one that’s particularly weird in stereo, isn’t it?

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@mulhollandbooks @ememess And the friction of abrasive co-workers that feels like it’s measured in geological ages. Or is that just me?

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Well, that’s something. iOS 7.1 update brings us a UK Siri voice that doesn’t sound like Douglas Reynholm.

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Getty Images: “Today we are announcing that we provided notice to terminate our existing agreement with Flickr.”

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“A pot that you scream, ‘OH WILL YOU EVER F**KING BOIL!?’ at never boils.”

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oldtownpaul Just had to explain Street Photography to a very nice police lady. Someone saw me ‘take a photo’.

Gotta love !!!

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Ri_Science “Using a tub of plain kitchen flour, they discovered an entirely new physical phenomenon” Great story from @BBCNews

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Okay. This week I will mostly be writing an iOS client for a web service. Don’t all be too thrilled and interested at once.

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@helenatron3000 (Or see if there’s an option to restart the web server, look for logs, etc. Looks like machine is alive, web server is dead.

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@helenatron3000 No probs. If you really don’t have clue, first thing might be to see if you can reboot it from web interface. Might work.

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@helenatron3000 …sadly, if the deal is that it’s a VPS that you’re managing yourself, it looks like they’re holding up their side of it.

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@helenatron3000 Ah. Not a good situation. Well, the server is up and running, and ssh and VNC seem to be there, so…

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@helenatron3000 It it shared hosting? A private server? How much responsibility they have depends more on business deal than technical side.

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@helenatron3000 Well, the issue appears to be with the server. But whether that’s their responsibility or yours depends on the setup.

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@helenatron3000 Not much to diagnose. It’s on the internet, it’s a Serverlove IP address ( and it’s refusing http connections.

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@BlackDogDays current status: making second strong coffee.

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@hatsandbikes @samsneed12 I’ve never seen Snatch. I’m quite rubbish at getting film references in general!

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