Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 2012

@chubbybannister Though, with impartial head on, the food & coffee are lush… *shiftily collects bribe from owner*

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I could get used to sawn-off bus travel.

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@chubbybannister Just late getting there! The service here is fab (but I would say that, of course; good friend works here :D )

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@jesspants It’s nice in the future. Well, it is today, anyway…

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Lunch at last. @ Workhouse Cafe

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@weirdoldhattie I have a photo gig with the open-top buses at the mo ;)

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FOOD. Heading into town on tour bus, assuming it turns up.

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uliwitness MT @HanseNico: If Chuck Norris was really so great, he’d be behind me right now whacking my head into the key987yhuvhhg7iqwrt6fqfgvahsvbakb

via Echofon (retweeted on 11:40 AM, Aug 31st, 2012 via Echofon)

I admit, this is a linguistically clever result for a search, but it was really not what I was looking for.

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Ah, Netflix UK. Or “The Search Engine of Disappointment”, as I’m coming to know it.

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MaryFitzger Letter in today’s @IrishTimes: US tourist to Irish child: “Does it ever stop raining here?” Child replies: “I don’t know, I’m only eight.”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:25 PM, Aug 30th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@benjohnbarnes I’ll swap you for battling Facebook’s Open Graph “documentation” and developer backend.

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Some of the lineside equipment at Bitton Station :D

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@KeithGough1 I probably wouldn’t say no to a knee support right now, but I’ll probably feel better in the morning. Hold the Zimmer for now!

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*makes “old man” noises*

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Ah. So, I rode 20 miles today. That’s about 17 more than I normally do in one go. That may explain the aches and pains.

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@BlackDogDays I haven’t seen him around much of late.

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@hayles Oooh, that might get me out of the house…

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@OpinionatedGeek Ah! Thanks for the report. That’ll go on t’list. Which I am, gradually, getting through, honest :)

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Hello Twitter. Today I worked on Get Running’s Facebook stuff and then cycled to Bitton and back for a ride on a steam train ;)

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@Phooto It’s good enough to drive small speakers. Use multiple AAs rather than a PP3, though; better current == better sound.

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Emm was inspired by the hedgehog and is now making her own ;)

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@liveindetail There is one being constructed right behind me as I speak. It’s cute.

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@Phooto Much as I’d love solar, this is for the north-facing bathroom in a basement, so not entirely practical :D

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@Phooto I just used one of these for the amp. Small, but works well off batteries:…

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One of those days where I keep going to open the blinds, and then realise they’re already open. Sigh.

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@_pigeons_ @Bingo_Little @rabidbee @knautia No way. I’m not running the risk of going all recursive on myself.

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@_pigeons_ @rabidbee @Bingo_Little @knautia Oop! How did I miss you off that list? Dunno. I tried one. The result:

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libbymiller… “Woman takes part in Search for herself” via @swhack

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:59 PM, Aug 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

@KaveyF @petedrinks I should let you guys write all of my photo credit lines.

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@robsmallshire Random q: Are you still looking for pic of R3 Arduino Ethernet shield on an older Uno?…

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benhorsleyco Next on Jeremy Kyle, “I Really Want To Unfollow Somebody But I Worry About Their Fragile State Of Mind And What They May Do”.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:19 AM, Aug 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

Thing I made today: iPod speakers. They sound quite good.

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@rhodri 10-month gap between sightings? Poor thing. Must’ve got on a Rail Replacement Bus on the way to Essex.

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@Phooto @BradleyLaw If I tried anything that serious on an engine, it’d never run again. I can replace a water pipe, though :)

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@BradleyLaw I’ve driven a reliable car for years, but I keep a couple of litres of water in the boot because I was trained by old bangers :)

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@Dru_Marland @stillawake @Bristol52 Warning: this picture may be traumatising to dinosaur fans.

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@stillawake @Bristol52 @Dru_Marland Someone sticks a Microsoft product up on a archery range at at geek stag do, it’s going to happen…

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@stillawake @Bristol52 @Dru_Marland I once shot Barney with an arrow. True story.

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@Bristolvor We might have been underneath you!

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Mornin’, Twitter. I have a bit of a headache. I blame @rabidbee. Though actually, I think the Grain Barge might have been my suggestion…

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Netflix reviews summary: illiterate people really like this show.

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Political debate. @ The Grain Barge

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@rabidbee Hah! Me too. Leaving now. On bike, so won’t be long.

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@rabidbee @Lillput @Bingo_Little @knautia Can probably get to TF for about half one? Don’t worry; I only *look* like a large group of people

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Right. Back home after a nice jog happily punctuated by fussing a friendly cat. So. Shower, lunch, and then… Well, *something* outdoors…

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wood5y @gothick you’ll get funny stares running round BS5 if you’re not being chased by anyone.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:34 AM, Aug 26th, 2012 via Echofon)

@Mouse_House She will probably just hide under a bed and mew pathetically at me. She normally does.

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Morning all. I am about to jog to Easton to feed a cat. My chores get stranger every year.

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NASA To view NASA’s image gallery of astronaut Neil Armstrong, visit:

via SocialEngage (retweeted on 9:31 PM, Aug 25th, 2012 via Echofon)

@johnfbraun I should have used parentheses for disambiguation.

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Random lamb, pasta and feta bake. I blame that Twitter lot for talking about feta.

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@MsMottram No need for alarm. I REPEAT: THERE IS NO NEED FOR ALARM.

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@waiyeehong @guriben @stillawake I’m having something with feta for tea now, and it’s all your fault.

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Hoping this sound brings back worrying memories for anyone else who grew up in the _When the Wind Blows_ era……

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Trying BTP’s “Tzatziki for You to Say” wrap just because of the punnage.

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@claireellent I’ll probably get run over by an ark.

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@claireellent I’m going to risk it. While looking out for plagues of locusts.

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@claireellent That was pretty amazing, wasn’t it? Wonder if it’s safe to go out to lunch now?

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@KellySibson It’s important to accessorise.

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Why didn’t I go out to lunch earlier? Bah.

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@tsunimee A friend recommended Suits to me a while back, and I haven’t got around to it yet…

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@Jorence Ah, I did wonder which country you were in at the moment :) I am making something that goes “click”. It’s a long story.

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@Jorence Sadly, no robots. Have you been down to see any of the Roboworld Cup yet, though?

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Hrm. Updated iMac to 10.8.1. Logged in. Still stuck at login screen with beachball eight minutes later. Arse.

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A snap from Thursday. It’s clear where my focus lies when I’m with my friends. And a smoothie.

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@Mouse_House Well, I have both of those. But I’m still in my dressing gown, and it looks cold out. Sorry.

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@Mouse_House It’s okay. I consoled myself with Frosties.

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@Mouse_House Sorry. I burned my last slice of toast. (true story.)

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Morning all. By the looks of the weather, today will be mainly spent processing photos and fiddling with electronics.

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QuebecTango Did someone order a dozen drunk wankers? If so, they’re on the train to Littlehampton now. I can confirm they are exactly what you ordered.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:33 AM, Aug 25th, 2012 via Echofon)

@AlasdairStuart Hang on. Airwolf is on Netflix? Well, that’s a fair chunk of my wet bank holiday sorted, then…

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@csoanes Did you make the train, fella?

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@guriben Nice. I love the smell. Opening this counter up just now was a serious sense assault :)

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@guriben Had a valve oscilloscope for a while, but I couldn’t really justify the space it took up :)

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@guriben Mmm. I’ve had all sorts of stuff. My granddad worked for Plessey, & I also appropriated stuff during work experience for Gould.

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@liveindetail It will be doing no blasting. It unlikely to even turn its light on unless I can find a military-surplus 60V battery.

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@guriben This is great stuff. Engineered as only 1970s military kit can be :)

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@stillawake I have a Café Rouge pinnie. Is that close enough? I didn’t budget for a lab coat.

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@derekarridge @talkie_tim @Phooto I IZ MAKIN TOP SEKRIT SUPER SILLY THING.

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Oooh, new electronic things have arrived :)

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Hah! Bristol shoplifter makes terrible mistake:… [via @MatStace]

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@mcmackme It’s fine to skip back to a week you’re more confident with and repeat it until you feel ready to move on…

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@ahnlak I am eponymous with a gang in William Gibson’s _Count Zero_, technically…

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@tsunimee Eponymous = something is named for other thing or person. e.g. Oliver Twist (boy) is eponymous hero of Oliver Twist (book).

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@ArchHouseDeli Nah, it’s like they’re chopped into quarters along the length. They are A Thing, honest ;)

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@JessTheChemist Yes. I wanted to put an h in it myself, but who am I to argue with M&S ;)

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@ArchHouseDeli @stillawake Thanks! I grabbed your flaked almonds as my substitute yesterday. Think slivered might be unusual in UK!

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I’m assuming that “low fat natural probiotic yogurt” is what we just used to call “yogurt”?

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Flaked almond substitute it will be.

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Thank you for all your slivered almond help, folks. And also the silvered almond help. Sadly I did not have time for exhaustive search.

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@Thehappyfatgirl There are some really sweet ones in there :)

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@chubbybannister Not sure. Worf is convinced it’s a Romulan plot, but Jessica Fletcher has a theory involving the Ferengi and a replicator.

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@csoanes Bristol tip for tomorrow: dress for rain.

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Is there a way of copying text from Facebook message on iOS? (Safari or native app) Trying to get recipe out and now I want to kill someone.

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About to take advantage of Happy Hour :) @ Las Iguanas

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I expect the third, even more desperate sign will arrive soon.

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@DrHairbear That was my first thought, but apparently slivered almonds are also A Thing.

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@stillawake Good thought. I might head into town “via” Arch House.

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@guriben Oooh, maybe… Shame I didn’t know I needed them earlier on this week; I hang out with an Eastonite quite frequently!

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@DrHairbear Oh! Do they do ingredients, too? I buy virtually all my kitchen equipment there…

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Ordering a few bits & pieces from @oomlout. Have a silly Arduino idea I want to try out…

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MT @StNicksTraders: We’ve got a bit behind with posting photos of the scarecrows… <— Go @SourdoughCafe scarecrow!

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Hrm. Where would I get slivered almonds in Bristol, then?

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ZOMG! The face of an angel just appeared in an apple I was eating.

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@csoanes Ah, shame :) Meet somewhere central on your way back to the station, then? No. 1 Harbourside?

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@julienbob Oh! Sorry I didn’t recognise you! *belated wave*

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wowser On Who Do You Think You Are?, Gregg Wallace discovers all his relatives were eggs. “All of them?” The archivist nods.

via twicca (retweeted on 9:34 PM, Aug 22nd, 2012 via Twitter for Android)

@BlackDogDays Yep, no worries. Chances are I’ll be close enough for a last minute decision until about 1pm :)

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@ChloeAnnePhotos I can believe it! Sadly I had to keep going rather than stay and watch ;)

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@hayles @nixgeek As long as he used 13-amp paperclips, I’m sure it’ll be fine.

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@BlackDogDays But if you do fancy Galley tomorrow, let me know. I just jogged 13K, so I can justify CAKE.

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@BlackDogDays @MsMottram It’s like making appointments with cats! :) We shall have to rain-check on the three of us, then, I reckon.

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@BlackDogDays Yup. Nearly got to Pill, in fact. Was scared to actually go all the way in case I got tempted into a pub :D

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@cabalgata It’s definitely doable. Honest.

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Sorry, wasn’t actually intending to livetweet my jog. It was just prettier than I was expecting :)

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5.6km from Hotwells, and I appear to have found some Windows XP desktop wallpaper.

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@BlackDogDays @MsMottram Oh. Yeah! Galley? When? I’m fairly free tomorrow morning, and most of next week, by the looks of things.

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@hayles You just want to watch me livetweet being arrested, don’t you?

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@hayles Is it? More than I knew. *check website for purely educational purposes*

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DelroyHibbert tweeps, anyone know why some locals used to call the River Frome the Danny? Widely used when I was a kid.

via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 5:18 PM, Aug 22nd, 2012 via Echofon)

@hayles Oh, was *that* the suspicious package at Cabot Circus?

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twitmericks Prince Harry, the tertiary heir/Appears on the Internet bare/But during the frolics/He covers his bollix/& treats the crown jewels with care

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:34 PM, Aug 22nd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Oh. So much for my plan to get a drink from Bridge Stores :(

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Lunch outside today, I think…

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G2Bristol Plymouth robot looking quietly confident of success at

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Incidentally, if you’re looking for a good new vector graphics editor for OSX, take a look at Sketch from @bohemiancoding.

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This morning, I am mostly scaling shoes. It’s funny how life as a programmer has turned out.

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I just had a morning liaison with a web property:…

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@waiyeehong @chubbybannister I first heard it in Bristol, at my last job. Local word?

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@Nose_in_a_book It is currently saving us a lot of trouble on the Get Running forum. Well worth the commercial licence fee!

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Right. Cycling off to town.

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@waiyeehong Yeah, I hear even buildings can pass Twitter’s CAPTCHA.

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@ahnlak I think I’d prefer Judgement Day to this long drawn out death-by-forum-admin-frustration.

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@ahnlak You’d think the AIs would have better things to do than flogging knock-off NFL jerseys on my forum.

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@tyronem My thighs are already massive. It’s my heart and lungs that have the problems…

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@shezza_t Oh, I’ll be fine, ta. The bike’ll beat the traffic, and the actual trouble’s on the far side of my appointment.

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Whatever. Thank heavens for Akismet.

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Deleting spammers from our forum. Did gmail’s signup CAPTCHA get broken again, or are they just using cheap humans now, I wonder?

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@shezza_t Yes, well, I heard it here first. Definitely bike time.

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@liveindetail Ah. That would significantly increase the cost of my appointment, I feel.

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@tyronem It would be my Plan A more often, if Bristol weren’t quite so full of steep hills.

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Switching to Plan “B”. Specifically, Plan Bicycle.

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Been advised by someone I have an appointment with in Victoria Street that is basically gridlocked right now…

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FirstBSA Due to a security alert in Bristol a number of bus services are currently diverted, specific details are being posted to the website now

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Oh. And good afternoon, by the way. Sorry. It’s been a busy day so far.

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To be fair, they could probably evacuate Cabot Circus for the next month and I wouldn’t notice.

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BBCBristol Cabot Circus more: There was a security alert at Cabot Circus and as a result the Police have evacuated the main Cabot Circus shopping area.

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑