@zinziii Jealous. My hob’s too crap to do good stir-fry. Just paid extra to get a wok burner on the one in the new kitchen, though :D
@Mouse_House I’m still boiling the water for potatoes. This is going to take bloody ages. #hungry
@thomasvenables My friend Emm is working there at the mo, and the food and coffee are fab…
After hours. instagr.am/p/ORsalFpC_y/
@rbrwr Cool, ta :)
@Lillput @DrHairbear @garycasamojo @rabidbee @andybeebristol @talkie_tim @WTF4Photography @rbrwr Yup! (Where’s the Hibes?)
@BristolZooGdns Use a smaller dinosaur next time.
@rabidbee Hey! This is the first cake I’ve had ALL DAY.
CAKE. @ Workhouse Cafe instagr.am/p/ORXcJwJCzJ/
@floyduk Cool. If you can’t find a list online, let me know. I’ll snap it from one of the books and send it along.
@Thehappyfatgirl I’m learning so much! Doing some work for them, so I’ve got a free pass ;)
My kind of bus :) instagr.am/p/ORR3JSJCwQ/
Waiting for a bus.
@floyduk Series by Gollancz, I think. Really well-chosen set of “SF books you should have read by now, damn it.”
@zinziii I’m hoping it’s possible to be both…
@floyduk There’s a lot of those in the SF Masterworks series; think that’s where I came across Ender’s Game myself…
@BTPcafes Oh, I love the Extract beans. Just found the last bag of medium roast (roasted last week) I bought was quite different, is all…
Gosh. Back to work, after a very long weekend involving balloons, alcohol and (near-)wild swimming. This morning might be tough.
@Narshada It’s a lily, dear. wildflowers-and-weeds.com/Plant_Families…
Mmm. Toasted homemade bread with honey. Coffee. Despite not sleeping that well, the day’s off to a good start. Mornin’ all.