Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 6th, 2012

@MatStace Who the hell insures a professional fortune teller? Surely they’d only take out insurance if they knew they were going to crash!

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@benjohnbarnes Er. I was, back in March. Which of us just got very delayed with their tweet?

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@Mouse_House *Looks significantly more worried*

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@guriben You’re not *really* hungry until the *cat* looks tempting.

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@BlackDogDays Best offer I’ve had all month.

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@BlackDogDays Fair enough. If it’s still giving you gyp tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be around from about 2:30…

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@alexjbutcher Well, as I’d only just started using it, it’s probably best to abandon it before I get used to it!

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@BlackDogDays I could just pop around. Do you have gin?

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@alexjbutcher What? Fuck, I’d only just started using that.

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Are there any higher numbers in the drop-down list of screen resolutions?

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If it’s modern enough, it might be detected by the Screen Resolution control panel and have the model displayed in there.

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@BlackDogDays Dell? Um, written on the back? *helpful face*

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@BlackDogDays 1024x768 sounds pretty low by modern standards, but it’ll depend how old that monitor is.

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@BlackDogDays Coolio. And what *is* the screen resolution currently set to, and what make/model is the monitor, if that’s easy to find out?

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@BlackDogDays Pop it up in front of the doctor anyway, dear. Let me judge just how big things are for myself.

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@BlackDogDays Also — can you quickly try unplugging and re-connecting your monitor? And make sure connection solid at both ends?

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@BlackDogDays Still got woes? Can you take a snap of your screen so we can see what we’re dealing with? Ta.

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@Mouse_House Oh. Arse. Can you send one end of a very long straw in this direction?

via Twitter for Android in reply to mousedogbaby

@Mouse_House There may be some left if you get here within ten mins. :)

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Banana, lemon and basil smoothie. Works a lot better than I thought it would :) @ Delight Cafe

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Roight. Weekly review time. Three quarters of an hour late, but moving fast…

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@guriben Ah, I did wonder what that shadow with the pointy hair was…

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@guriben You’re missing a Dilbert cartoon on the partition :)

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benhorsleyco You know you’ve watched too many movies when your reaction to a colleague’s nosebleed is to lock them in a small room and call the army.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:34 AM, Aug 6th, 2012 via Echofon)

@pjakobs @Phooto I find that having the lot locally makes for fast & simple searching (and therefore makes the archive actually useful.)

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@runnerbeany My inbox is quite tidy. The bulk is just historic stuff.

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@pjakobs No; I’m currently at Inbox 11. The rest is just old stuff.

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It’s possible I may have a tad too much mail in my account.

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MarsCuriosity I’m safely on the surface of Mars. GALE CRATER I AM IN YOU!!!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:24 AM, Aug 6th, 2012 via Echofon)

blunt_ OH “The nerds just took gold in the 560 billion metres”

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:23 AM, Aug 6th, 2012 via Echofon)

@Mouse_House I will try. The garden party is only once a year, though. If I see any extra events, I’ll let you know.

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