@BradleyLaw Gosh. Knightsbridge must have gone downhill recently.
@VeraR2010 I think it’d look even tastier if I’d used a metal loaf tin. But I’m experimenting :) Smells great, at least…
I couldn’t be bothered to go to the shops for bread for the morning ;) #baking instagr.am/p/OPY9k0JC2J/
@KellySibson I’m normally the same, but two 5am starts, plus a lot of cycling, drinking and sunshine was enough to wipe me out!
Scrambled eggs and Mazzy Star. #sundaymorning
@KellySibson I had been sleeping, on and off, for about twelve hours. All good things must come to an end…
Finally got to my morning coffee. Updating my LiveJournal intervened. That’s been a while.
@jbrownridge I saw some kids’ morning TV the other week at a friend’s house. It was wall-to-wall guns and violence…
@jbrownridge I haven’t seen the advert. But I’d assume that firing a rocket launcher at the Go Compare man would be justifiable.
@Alicia148 Abbot’s Pool. It’s lovely. goo.gl/maps/OP3WX
@VeraR2010 Here’s my video from Friday morning’s launch, give you a flavour: youtube.com/watch?v=n3Yys_…
@VeraR2010 Near-simultaneous multiple hot air balloon launches. Most I’ve ever seen was about 140 launch in one session :)
@archidave @Dru_Marland We were here: goo.gl/maps/OP3WX
@hayes (As I found out again quite personally, after this photo was favourited, of course… flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… )
@Sirius7dk @Dru_Marland It’s more of an issue in areas where your local electricity comes to the house on poles, rather than underground.
@Sirius7dk @Dru_Marland Being a geek, I have a UPS with lightning protection. But even when I didn’t, I never bothered unplugging.
@hayles There are some very strange people on Flickr.
@hayles That one plus the previous photo: 165,000 views, so far(!)
@hayles I watched the first series after people at work had to explain who I’d taken a photo of one morning: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@Dru_Marland We braved terrifying hangovers to start our day at 5:30am, and it was *still* worth it. Admin should go hang next time!
@Dru_Marland …and all wrapped up before 1pm. :D
@Dru_Marland It was magic. Coffee, cycle, dawn launch, cycle, swim, cycle back across bridge, lunch from Chandos, all with fab company…
Right. Yes. COFFEE.
@Dru_Marland I think the balloon fiesta might have helped draw people away, plus we got there early. Went straight from the mass ascent.

@Dru_Marland Nope. One fisherman who was just packing up when we arrived. Mostly had the place to ourselves. pic.twitter.com/yLzgeuZw
Ah! I thought I recognised the pond I was swimming in yesterday morning! It’s the one from _Skins_, where Emily and Naomi get it together!
So, I guess Friday and Saturday were the right two mass ascents to attend. Just as well, as I was in no state for a third 5am start today…