@AlasdairStuart Hang on. Airwolf is on Netflix? Well, that’s a fair chunk of my wet bank holiday sorted, then…
Yay! Being cooked for. instagr.am/p/OuVWCnpC68/
@guriben Sexeh!
@csoanes Did you make the train, fella?
@guriben Nice. I love the smell. Opening this counter up just now was a serious sense assault :)
@guriben Had a valve oscilloscope for a while, but I couldn’t really justify the space it took up :)
@guriben Mmm. I’ve had all sorts of stuff. My granddad worked for Plessey, & I also appropriated stuff during work experience for Gould.
@liveindetail It will be doing no blasting. It unlikely to even turn its light on unless I can find a military-surplus 60V battery.
Portable Trainer. instagr.am/p/OuEFgcJC_E/

@guriben This is great stuff. Engineered as only 1970s military kit can be :) pic.twitter.com/gaC714xw
Serious kit. instagr.am/p/OuDFiZpC-R/
Safe enough for now, then. instagr.am/p/OuCojrpC-G/

Proud Panther #bristol #roboworldcup pic.twitter.com/qjksxO3f
@derekarridge @talkie_tim @Phooto The heart of the gear is an Arduino Uno. arduino.cc
@stillawake I have a Café Rouge pinnie. Is that close enough? I didn’t budget for a lab coat.
@derekarridge @talkie_tim @Phooto I IZ MAKIN TOP SEKRIT SUPER SILLY THING.
Watching robots shoot hoops. instagr.am/p/Otqt5HpC-w/
Ball grabber. yfrog.us/fk8xzgvpqzhicb…
Hello robo. instagr.am/p/OtnjUfpC87/
Oooh, new electronic things have arrived :) instagr.am/p/OtZKlkJC1w/
Hah! Bristol shoplifter makes terrible mistake: theregister.co.uk/2012/08/23/red… [via @MatStace]
@mcmackme It’s fine to skip back to a week you’re more confident with and repeat it until you feel ready to move on…
@ahnlak I am eponymous with a gang in William Gibson’s _Count Zero_, technically…
@tsunimee Eponymous = something is named for other thing or person. e.g. Oliver Twist (boy) is eponymous hero of Oliver Twist (book).
@jamieharrisesq @archidave Scared.
@ArchHouseDeli Nah, it’s like they’re chopped into quarters along the length. They are A Thing, honest ;)
@JessTheChemist Yes. I wanted to put an h in it myself, but who am I to argue with M&S ;)
@ArchHouseDeli @stillawake Thanks! I grabbed your flaked almonds as my substitute yesterday. Think slivered might be unusual in UK!
I’m assuming that “low fat natural probiotic yogurt” is what we just used to call “yogurt”? #recipeshopping
@benjohnbarnes Ta.