Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 7th, 2012

@jacintuk I found Mantis looked quite good for self-hosted/open source. But I’d rather just pay someone else to worry about it.

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@jacintuk @ahnlak This may give some insight into the level of joy I experience with svn.

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@ahnlak @jacintuk That’s why I’m using hosted Mercurial. The server repository is my definitive reference.

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@ahnlak @jacintuk Though my main criterion was “it’s not fucking Subversion”.

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@jacintuk (So in fact I’m using Kiln, not Mercurial per se, but there’s not a lot in it…)

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@jacintuk Why not? Mostly because it integrates with Fogbugz best, and that’s what I’m using for bug tracking.

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@BlackDogDays That would certainly reduce the appeal. How’s t’PC?

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Have successfully imported my Subversion history into new Mercurial repo. For, er, what it’s worth.

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@BlackDogDays I don’t get Big Bang Theory. As for the other, the attraction would mostly be Alyson Hannigan :-)

via Twitter for Android

@johnfbraun I’m moving to it because I find fogbugz pretty good for bug tracking, and it should integrate nicely. *crosses fingers*

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@chrismarquardt @toastroom Yeah. Being scared of what else killing it will destroy is one reason I still have a Google+ account.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to chrismarquardt

In BTP. The table behind me sound like an out-take from The Apprentice. Slightly scared.

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Cloning. Don’t worry, not me, a Mercurial repository.

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@sarcastathon At least you have a title for your autobiography. “Broken Glass and Sex Toys”.

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@doxiescanner Me too :) Thanks for the help!

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@KellySibson I wonder if you can get matching wallpaper?

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@slicknic I also found their support very quick and responsive (via Twitter and email) when my first one arrived DOA (unusual, apparently!)

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@slicknic (That’s for the Doxie Go, anyway, which seems the easy one to get hold of in the UK.) On the whole, I like.

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@slicknic Haven’t played enough yet. Software excellent, small scans (receipts) can wobble a bit, works *better* not connected to computer.

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Thing is, I will probably not look at any of the scans any more than I’d ever look at the originals. But at least my desk is a lot tidier.

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I have been scanning things with my new Doxie Go, then sighing with relief and chucking the originals.

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@BlackDogDays I didn’t check, but I suspect it’s called ROÖLBRITTANNIÅ.

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I suspect IKEA may be trying to cash in on a wave of patriotism.

via Instagram

@zinziii Damn it. Probably shouldn’t enlarge that thumbnail in this cafe. *Adds to “read” later list*

via Echofon in reply to ZinziGraham

@GrainBarge Don’t suppose anyone left a wallet on board on Sunday evening, did they?

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Hrm. Wonder if anyone found my friend’s purse in Hotwells… The dangers of running down the road with your rucksack open :(

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heawood The eternal mystery, of who on god’s green earth actually answers Yahoo questions: solved. It’s Dave. Dave from Blur.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:22 AM, Aug 7th, 2012 via Echofon)

Gingerbread cake and green tea. Morning win.

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@Cookwitch We don’t need that in Bristol. The state of the bus service itself is already perfect incentive to get more exercise.

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@hayles If I went to bed at nine, I’d still be awake at 1am anyway. Need to rein in this coffee habit somehow :/

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@hayles Ouch. And I thought *I* was doing quite well today. 5? Don’t normally see that unless I’m off to a mass ascent…

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