@libbymiller Weird, huh? And possibly illegal, in places…
@libbymiller I might have to try that; not seen any of it yet, but it turned up in my Netflix recommendations t’other night.
@libbymiller You could put it into perspective by watching Starship Troopers 3 on 5USA afterwards…
@tsunimee Oh, Christ.
@libbymiller I’ve no idea! You’ve got to hope it’d be there a while, haven’t you?
Also, one more from the Bouncy Stonehenge: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
Random snap: Harley: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@guriben How will you play guitar now?
@MsMottram Just randomly bumped into Trevor!
@liveindetail You got arrested again, didn’t you?
Having a ginger beer. @ Sourdough Cafe instagr.am/p/OeLCK-pC8t/
Wow. Okay, rest of the South, now I’m out of my cool basement I see what you mean. *sweats*
Council House, and accessory. instagr.am/p/OeGHWFpC51/
Oh, yes. Of course. Inflatable Stonehenge. instagr.am/p/OeEwxKpC5O/

@donmcallister i.e. if logged in, I get this, so maybe they’ve a server down. pic.twitter.com/sjFRbabp
@donmcallister Pretty sure I’ve paired a fitbit under Mountain Lion. Their site is dead for me at the mo; maybe there are bigger problems…
@SpikyZebra Apparently it is an Assumptiontide service today. Not that I’ve any idea what that means.
@R2UK @bexxi Yeah, one isn’t going to hurt, by the looks of it.
@bexxi @R2UK Looks that way: poisons.ie/page.asp?pageI… Small numbers of berries == minor symptoms.
@bexxi @R2UK “The berries are toxic if eaten in large quantities especially by children” herbiguide.com.au/Descriptions/h…
@Bristolvor And we are VERY LUCKY that Unilever allows us to practise it in their BENEVOLENCE. #allhailunilever
@R2UK I sense this question may be child-related?

therutharnold Any plant experts have any idea what this is, and more importantly whether the berries would be poisonous? #fb pic.twitter.com/mtXceVJn
@Bristolvor Yes. Don’t say it too loud, or they’ll call down and ask Twitter to cut you off.
Photo at wedding/
Photo with a dog or horse/
Dating site profiles #haiku
chelway1 @AceroneUK @AndyCouncil @JodyTee @cheograff @Lokey @seenoevilbristol The Bristol boys instagr.am/p/Odur6NyCph/
@rhodri …”city centre” alternative to a Millets.
@rhodri As well as the other places mentioned, there’s a Blacks not far from the Debenhams in Broadmead which is probably the closest…
@claireellent You do indeed look gleeful. And soon to be pizzaful. :)
@BradleyLaw You work at the Equadorian embassy now?
@Lillput Never. Which will come a something to a shock to my cleaner when she gets around to doing the living room.

…the International Zen Association, between the betting shop and Miss Millie’s on Gloucester road :) pic.twitter.com/7jS4cvIC
Heh. You find Zen in the most surprising places. Specifically, this morning…