Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 2014

Trying an Old Moggie in the Port of Call :) @Dru_Marland

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Picklechu @gothick They also to take serious note of the dangerous driving on the roads after reviewing footage of Wacky Races.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:30 PM, Jan 31st, 2014 via Echofon)

In other news, government to launch investigation into shocking fatality statistics at Holby General.

via Echofon

David Cameron “…said TV crime dramas illustrated the value of monitoring mobile data.”…

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@corylus They’ll miss the signs, and end up third or fourth against the wall, having been told off by the conductor and tutted at.

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@Aeyoun Are you cramping my creative style!? A WEBFONT IN EVERY TWEET, DAMN IT!

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@corylus The kind of people who use their phones exclusively to shout “HELLO?! I’M ON THE TRAIN!” also have a blind-spot for door signage.

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valmcdermid “Because you listened to Handel, you might like Melanie”
Spotify, what drugs are you on???

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:16 PM, Jan 31st, 2014 via Echofon)

@corylus Yup. I decided, in the end, that the noise was, on average, about the same, but annoyance factor was higher in the quiet carriage.

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@OpinionatedGeek I used to do it a lot for my old Talbot, back in the day. But London had a lot of accessible scrapyards.

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@OpinionatedGeek I’m guessing they’re too rare to be easily found in scrapyards?

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@UrsulaWJ Unless you have a *lot* of food in, I’d say so.

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Just kicked the power cable out of the back of a RAID box. Lucky I’m not in a server room somewhere important.

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@LeArtCorner I’ve pretty much gone off Maplin, but that’s because of the blaring advert-TVs rather than the cottaging.

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@cabalgata Yeah. I’m going to be mistyping that for months.

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“Elsif”? Oh Ruby, are you trying to make me want to slap you? For the sake of avoiding typing an “e”?

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@OpinionatedGeek Ah, I’m okay with PHP. Maybe just because I’m used to it.

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@OpinionatedGeek At some point I’ll give it a go, but I might wait until it’s a bit more established.

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@OpinionatedGeek So seeing as I’m now used to it, it might be better to stick with. I’ve started using it for PHP debugging, too.

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@OpinionatedGeek I started using it again for Android; at the time it was either “Eclipse”, or “Well, you *could* use X, but…”

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Note to self: Avoid Avon Crescent, unless on foot and armed with a camera :D

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BristolCouncil Bristol on new flood alert

via twitterfeed (retweeted on 12:06 PM, Jan 31st, 2014 via Echofon)

@OpinionatedGeek When I first tried Eclipse I thought it was awful. Either it got better, or a modern Mac just helps a lot more than old PC.

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@OpinionatedGeek Emacs I can cope with. Also looking into RubyMine and an Aptana plugin for Eclipse.

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waxpancake In the vein of my old side project, @justinthiele released a list of 2,510 legible, available verb/adjective domains:

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 11:14 AM, Jan 31st, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@ahnlak I think the first time I used autocomplete it was in Emacs…

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@ahnlak …but I must admit to a fondness for a decent GUI environment for modern programming. Must be the Microsoft boy in me.

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@ahnlak Emacs. One of the nice things about modern computing is that it now looks lightweight and efficient compared to most other IDEs :)

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@guriben You appear to be starting to run a keyboard macro that hasn’t been defined. Did you mean Ctrl-X Ctrl-C? #:q!

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@guriben But I may simply resort to Emacs.

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@guriben Eclipse is one of the options I’m trying (with Aptana plugin for Rails) as I’m used to it for Android. Lots of other options, tho.

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Starting to learn any new platform involves a lot of yak-shaving. Now trying to pick an IDE.

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@ahnlak It has got better, apparently — Ruby 2 and Rails 4 meant to be much more efficient, I think.

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@ahnlak (Also, this would be for a project with an income stream of sorts, which helps.)

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@ahnlak I’ve heard that, like EC2, it automatically scales to the size of your wallet.

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@ahnlak I’m thinking it should be a breath of fresh air to someone who knows Symfony. Also, I have this VPS now… And there’s always Heroku

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Today I will be mostly learning Rails.

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@emmafurious I’m assuming the radio silence from @Jorence means I can offer these bookcases to @amberanima, yur?

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@guriben Hokay. It’s cued up for tomrrow.

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shwood This is an optical illusion that will target neurons & affect eyesight for up to 3 months…Do you try it? (Really.)…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:45 PM, Jan 30th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Sigh. Here come the Easter eggs.

via Instagram

Bah. Only just had leak fixed in the back of the car, now the front needs a new bumper. D’oh.

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@ahnlak @jacintuk I like the look of the latest Paperwhite, but not upgrading until my 3 breaks :)

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@jacintuk …so if you’re thinking of one, check out pics taken with different lenses first to see which you prefer.

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@jacintuk It’s interesting to play with. I think I would have been better with the “double glass” lens rather than the plastic…

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@mradamdubois @psidnell I also had the original as a kid. Maybe I will just open it up and play…

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@OldRoberts953 My only exposure is the Half Man Half Biscuit song “Deep House Victims Minibus Appeal”…

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Hrm. Another in the “should I eBay it or just play with it?” collection…

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@Hit_Delete I think mine’s a touch to the right, too, but it’s harder to tell because it’s behind other houses anyway…

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Playing with t’Lensbaby as part of my “do I eBay this or actually start using it?” decisions…

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@ahnlak I’ve never tried one. I do prefer the clicky buttons in general, though.

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@ahnlak Buy me a new Paperwhite and I’ll send you my old 3G with the keyboard :D

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Why don’t spam filters just throw away anything that starts “Dear Valued Customer…”?

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@ahnlak Was it an older model? i.e. is this an opportunity rather than a problem? :)

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sparky “We are offering to buy a new computer with a modern browser for any of our customers who are stuck with IE7.”…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:12 PM, Jan 29th, 2014 via Echofon)

@BlackDogDays @JonCraig_Photos Sorry, was being fed soup by someone who needed a computery favour :)

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noahlz Decided to start using Upworthy-style commit msgs: “This one-character typo may be small, but defect it causes will leave you speechless.”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:49 AM, Jan 29th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

idhunter22 How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter Username (@N_IS_STOLEN at @Medium)

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Creeping subtweet.

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I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of programmers all decided to go to lunch at the same time.

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Marcmywords2 LOOK A UFO!
Quick, grab the worst camera
money can buy.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:45 AM, Jan 28th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@boagworld I understand it’s excellent for one’s mental health, at least.

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@emmafurious @Jorence Little IKEA Billy ones, with some holes and minor damage to top. Any good t’you?

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Hrm. Wonder if I should store these bookshelves or give ‘em away…

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@liveindetail I think those would be the “jockey” wheels.

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Hicksdesign Peter Capaldi’s costume for Dr Who revealed! Simple and classy!…

via Twitterrific for Mac (retweeted on 7:20 PM, Jan 27th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@charlie_cat_esq PARTY RINGS. That’s all I need to be happy. Oh. Were you looking for actual recipes?

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Morning all.

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craftedpixelz Facepalm…@robhawkeses: Sky blocks the jQuery CDN.…fy”

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 9:47 AM, Jan 27th, 2014 via Echofon)

@DrHairbear Charged, paired to my account and working. Thanks again!

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NetflixUK Check your mood on the Frank-ometer.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:04 PM, Jan 26th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Ninja_lynneja @liveindetail Also: I’ve had great success overdubbing royalty-free music & fading live sound except for interesting bits.

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@liveindetail @Ninja_lynneja Well, I was thinking a phone recording somewhere more sheltered might help.

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@liveindetail @Ninja_lynneja nah. Wind is very hard to digitally filter. Better to record as little of it as poss up front.

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@liveindetail @Ninja_lynneja Also, don’t forget you can record the audio on something else and overdub later.

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@liveindetail What @Ninja_lynneja said. You can get little external mics with windshields. Some of them hotshoe-mount.

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@DrHairbear Perfect. Spicer + Cole, Princess Victoria Street?

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@hayles @waiyeehong @ockhamsshotgun I might have a mini-celebration tomorrow. No whisky in at the mo. And the haggis might be on sale :)

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Triggertrap New year; new job? We just posted 3 awesome new -based . Full details on our website:

via Buffer (retweeted on 7:59 PM, Jan 25th, 2014 via Echofon)

@waiyeehong @OckhamsShotgun I think they still might, round here, but that’s just the bagpiper.

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@adamgasson Those guys can pipe all night. Might be in for a long haul.

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@adamgasson Well, I don’t like to be unkind, so… I think I might just put some music on.

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@hayles Maybe it’s just the Scots reminding us what we’ll miss when devolution comes and The Wall goes back up :)

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@hayles Dunno. But I wish I’d known in time to buy haggis.

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Hope Chapel doing a Burns thang, then.

via Vine - Make a Scene

@Kavey No, this is to rationalise the huge-stacks-of-shite-all-on-top-of-each-other Alcove of Doom.

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Future archaeologists would know that this house contained much IKEA furniture, probably for use in sacrifices.

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@waiyeehong @BenPark I hate it when it goes wrong, and love it when it goes right. Enjoying my new shelves.

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@shezza_t Yes indeed. And nothing fell back off.

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UrsulaWJ @gothick “…why then, my son, you’ll be a man.” Rudyard Kipling

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:12 PM, Jan 25th, 2014 via Echofon)

UrsulaWJ @gothick “if u can put up shelves, & not have them fall down, & still not drop the hammer on your foot in exultation…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:12 PM, Jan 25th, 2014 via Echofon)

I love tree silhouettes at this time of year.

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I have three new shelves. They’re level and haven’t fallen off the wall, and everything. *Mops brow* *Stares into sunset, a changed man*

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@BenPark Or even, going for the hat-trick before having a tea-break. Gosh, DIY makes my brain not worky.

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@BenPark I have two new shelves! Going for the hat-trick before tackling the difficult third shelf.

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*DIY KLAXON* *Puts pencil behind ear, rolls up sleeves*

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RichNeville GAIN valuable age every time you read this tweet.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:27 PM, Jan 25th, 2014 via Echofon)

(And that’s *after* Freecycling, charity-shopping, recycling and binning a bunch of stuff. Sigh.)

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Current decluttering status: right in the extremely messy middle part.

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@food_writer @ArchHouseDeli HURRAH! I have had a (personally-delivered) @Brays_Cottage pork pie and it was the bestest thing ever :) @Kavey

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@BlackDogDays That tweet must be a figment of my imagination, then…

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Imagined brunch plan shattered by Thali Cafe not opening until noon. Too used to the Easton branch, damn it!

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Aww. Just bumped into @RachaelDadd on my way to North Street for brunch. (She makes great music. Check her out.)

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@Dru_Marland On the other hand, I imagine having missiles and a canon is a significant advantage on the Magic Roundabout.

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Hrm. According to my calculations, I’ve typed 523,107 words into Twitter so far. Bloody hell.

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Anyway. Morning all. I was woken by a dream about a crashing Phantom F4 in Swindon. Odd.

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@waiyeehong @ratsass @OckhamsShotgun Pretty sure Bonnie Tyler is breach of Geneva Convention. NO I DON”T NEED A F***ING HERO SHUT UP

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@waiyeehong @ratsass @OckhamsShotgun …while her and her friends jumped up and down on the floor above your bed.

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@waiyeehong @ratsass @OckhamsShotgun I’m guessing you’ve never had one that repeatedly played Bonnie Tyler full blast at 3am…

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Wolven Woman with muscular dystrophy applies to be a fashion model as a joke, gets the job [5 pictures] - Jillian…

via Tumblr (retweeted on 3:11 PM, Jan 24th, 2014 via Echofon)

@Saralimback I have no idea. But it seems to be.

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@DrHairbear Sounds like a great plan. Somewhere in Cliftonia? I’m free all day, can fit in with any plans you have.

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@adamgasson Just checked in case I could confirm a problem, but Netflix is working fine for me here…

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@DrHairbear That would be fantastic, yes please. Do you have hankering for any old cameras or film? Am decluttering.

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TheAnorak @BoingBoing ha! Victoria Line Suspended Because Workmen Poured Concrete Into Control Room –…Ll

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:56 PM, Jan 23rd, 2014 via Echofon)

Damn it. So, seems I lost my Fitbit Ultra at least two months before they’ll release the shiny new Fitbit Force in the UK :(

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daringfireball Photos of New York’s Graffiti-Covered Subway in the 1980s:

via DF Tootbot (retweeted on 1:28 PM, Jan 23rd, 2014 via Echofon)

@Phooto Sometimes I do miss the Saab. Could probably fit the MINI *and* the bike rack in the boot :)

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@DBDulley *SMASHES SOMETHING* *Looks apologetically at BMW dealer*

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@Phooto Yeah. I spent £47 on mine ;) Probably only use it a dozen times a year.

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@AthanSpod Good LED lighting in general needs a lot of work. Looking forward to decent LED home lighting at some point.

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@Phooto I just struggle along with Halfords cheaparse bike rack. If I had to faff putting the thing on more often I might be tempted.

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That price for fitting LED lights is 80% of what I paid for my previous entire car.

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Can’t imagine a universe in which this could tempt me. Quite glad.

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@hayles @dangusset Worked somewhere where new guy joined with same name as MD. Love to know how much misdirected embarrassing email he got.

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@archidave @andybeebristol pulling the plug out did help, it’s true. Had to squeegee water from inside windows just now, though. Not ideal.

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@Phooto (Apparently “diagnose” is “Barry gets in the back and Dave hoses the car until Barry shouts.”)

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@Phooto I guess we’ll see. They couldn’t see obvious problem last time, but didn’t have time to diagnose…

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@hayles “Must have AAT level 2, be prepared for flexible working hours, and be named Haley. Deed Poll changes acceptable.”

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@hayles I’m thinking you would have let the power go to your head and recruited an army of Hayleses.

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@guriben Mais oui. Global population estimate now stands at roughly 350.

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@hayles Yeah, but that’s only because you weren’t in charge of the company, isn’t it? :D

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@guriben Thank you. I’m sure it’ll be fine, even if it does involve going to Cribbs. Sigh. Enjoy your boxing.

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@hayles Yur. But if you were running a team, how many people called Hayley would you hire before you started to think, “hang on…”

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@Dru_Marland Sweet. My little car is only eleven years young this month, so I’m hoping they can Just Fix It.

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@hayles Matt’s the founder. I’ve often wondered if there’s (unconscious) prejudice about hiring too many people with same name for a team.

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@Dru_Marland …but it’s still coming in. Might just be the seal on the window.

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@Dru_Marland Yur. Round my way, uphill/downhill can make about 90 degrees of difference, so I’ve experimented with that…

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@guriben Mornin’. How’s you today?

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Today I will be taking my little car to the dealer to see if they can stop its boot filling with water. Hopefully this will not cost much.

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Morning all.

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(Paul Sieminski is the general legal counsel at Automattic, Inc, and I love the fact that he is known inside the company as “Automattlock”.)

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Paul Sieminski: Corporations Abusing Copyright Laws Are Ruining the Web for Everyone:…

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@tomdale (I have no idea how well backward search for mobile stuff works w/ GChat, but it’s well-made and pretty, so might be worth a look.)

via Echofon in reply to tomdale

Do any of you lot have a use for thin (7.2mm) hot glue gun glue sticks? Only I seem to have between 50 and 100 that I don’t need.

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Morning all. I am only slightly hung over.

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jr_carpenter 12 more viral photos that are totally fake.…  (via @SandiV)

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 7:17 AM, Jan 22nd, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Knight_cider No, though they do vegetarian and vegan options.

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@DrHairbear Err. Seeing strange DMs from you.

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@Squonk Yur. Never really done mixed backups on any scale, it does make things more complicated.

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@Squonk For that, I’d use something like this:… so you can just buy cheap bare drives.

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@BristolCouncil So, does that mean I can’t put them in the black box? (These are technical books that are out of date, so really just junk.)

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@Squonk (I do “live” backups to a RAID NAS box, plus I do a whole-disk backup to an external drive kept elsewhere now and then.)

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@Squonk It’s not so bad for me, as I’ve got less than a terabyte in total. So it all fits on one disk, and I just back the whole thing up.

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@antimitch (I kind of went the long way round!)

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@antimitch …exactly a signposted path, but it’s not hard to find from there.

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@antimitch There’s a map at the Leigh Court entrance to the woods, right at the corner of the arboretum. It’s not…

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Interesting for photographers looking for storage, perhaps: RT @theloop: Hard drive failure rates -

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Anyone know if it’s all right to put actual big books in the @BristolCouncil black recycling box?

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@antimitch That was pretty much my mission and reasoning for today :D

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Here is a better photo of the teensy tiny tree in Leigh Woods that I went out to find today.…

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@liveindetail Also: it’s rattling, and the zoom ring is jammed. Fairly sure cleaning the contacts won’t help ;)

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@liveindetail If I knew that I’d stop doing it. Neither incident stemmed from any harsh treatment I can think of.

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Lens repair arranged. Got to say, Domestic & General very good lens insurance. Had this lens repaired through them before. Glad I renewed!

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@antimitch Leigh Woods. Trudged all the way up to their arboretum. It’s nice.

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Back in from a Very Long Walk. Lovely day, marred only slightly by finding that my 17-55 lens has died again. Grr.

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@jessicaplautz Not true. Chuck Norris prefers them to pretzels. Crunchier.

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archidave no, YOU spent your whole lunch hour decorating Sir John Vanbrugh for his 350th birthday…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:57 PM, Jan 21st, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@weirdoldhattie I think you’ll find their “Technology Retreat Spa” package is actually £34.99 a month.

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This thing is not small. I guess the clue’s in the name. Only a young ‘un, planted 1860.

via Instagram

Giant - check. Red - check. Made of wood - check. Think I’ve found what I was looking for.

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