@guriben Hrm. I think “The Accidental Wankers” is more catchy.
What? Oh. Didn’t realise #sherlock was on tonight. Hrm. Can I be arsed to watch this one?
@shezza_t That’s surely at least two too many.
@shezza_t Pretty glad I live halfway up a hill.
@MillieBooLewis They’re also selling off @BrisBeerFactory’s Bristletoe. I reckon it’s fine to drink that up to Twelfth Night, right?
Pieminister pie time. One of the less calorie-burning side-effects of my walk was passing Better Food Co.
Phwoar. #subtweet
@mattgemmell I thought I had, but this beer in front of me seems to disagree.
@bananza As a European, I feel I must protest.

Incoming! “@fergieweather: All very lively on radar…pic.twitter.com/iCytdwSDnUnU”
Makes a change. Looked like my afternoon stroll was perfectly timed for the dry bit of the day.
@njj4 Yeah, that’s exactly what I do when I need to separate eggs. About once a decade…
@hayles But the marketing worked? :) I was buying one of those drop-in-the-pan egg timers; my friends recommended them at Christmas.

Well played, marketing department. pic.twitter.com/IRoaaHNYGa
@joker5974 @KirstyHigginson Ah! Thought you *might* be, but I’ve never seen it…
@joker5974 @KirstyHigginson *Sound of something passing over Matt’s head*

Parked in a disabled space. For quite some time, by the looks of it. pic.twitter.com/oYjBT7IfYj
@antimitch It’s got competition. You should see “Little Paradise” in Bedminster.

Clifton. pic.twitter.com/VMrESJP43x
Might be time to head out for an afternoon walk. I know, it’ll probably rain. But that’ll be true for the next week, by the looks of it.
@Kavey At least I’ve not heard that fucking opera singer for a while.
@Kavey Has HootSuite got a built-in sentence scrambler, too?
@Kavey Seems to be the finance industry disease. Guess because “Sometimes you need really dull shit. Here’s our URL.” doesn’t work so well.
@Kavey I’ve defaulted back to Twitter’s own client on Android. But only because I don’t use Android very often.
@Kavey Finding a decent Twitter client is both so personal and so difficult…
@Kavey Ah, okay. I’m guessing from the names Hootsuite and Ow.ly are related, then?
@Kavey No? What the heck client are you using?
@Kavey Or are you saying the camera’s to dumb to put the EXIF rotation marker in there right in the first place? (!)
@Kavey I think other image services are clever enough to look at the EXIF data and rotate the image on upload — might be worth a go?

MitchBenn Top news story. Top NEWS story. TOP. NEWS STORY. NEWS. pic.twitter.com/Fox6IidzmQ
@Kavey Your Twitter pictures all come out sideways. It’s quite fun, like a “guess what it is” game :D
@BabsBat Show off!

…snap. pic.twitter.com/IWWmezvgmh

Snappity… pic.twitter.com/WH6Dklx6k8
escmum Dear internet, can you stop doing videos for everything? I can (generally) read info faster than you can say it. *rage*
@VoxPopple @Southvillenews @BedminsterTT If the Souk Kitchen is doing their brunch menu, that’s where I’d head.
In Explore again on Flickr. Sadly not for reasons of great photography, I think, more just that it’s a topical photo of flooding.
@libbymiller Surely bodging is unlimited!?
Levitation. streetartutopia.com/?attachment_id…
I’ve seen that picture before, but it’s still pretty cool. For perspective: you couldn’t fit an archive of my tweets on that.

HistoricalPics A 5 megabyte IBM hard disk is loaded into an airplane. It weighed over 1000kg, 1956. pic.twitter.com/yHUiB5C9lJ