@thekarleighshow That’s how you know it’s workin’. Though I prefer the “slammer” liquid version…
@Pinboard feedafever.com and yes, very much.
@amberanima @samsneed12 You should see it from start to finish. I had to.
@samsneed12 Excellent.

Bless. Never bumped into Michael Keating for the final autograph. pic.twitter.com/iJzN1Ou4h9
Still decluttering. Some of this stuff quite scary. vine.co/v/hL5Tqt5g9en
oliviasolon Woman At Red Light Hit By Car Driven By Chihuahua denver.cbslocal.com/2014/01/11/wom… - strong contender for headline of the week
@guriben These days I’m swearing at Photoshop, though. I’ve moved on a *bit*…
@shezza_t Tempted to retrospectively think of a pretentious title to write on the back. “A Sufficiency of Emotiveness, Number 131”

Twitter We’re now rolling out a refreshed twitter.com reflecting the look & feel of our iOS & Android apps. pic.twitter.com/Mb6qjjP8Dm
@laurakalbag But warm.
@guriben I didn’t. twitter.com/gothick/status…
JonStrickland Whoa! Google purchased Nest for 3.2 BILLION dollars? Google, for 3.1 billion I’ll manually change everyone’s thermostat for them.
@joshuatopolsky Someone just laid a golden egg.
antimega Google buy Nest. Google in every room. Google knows if you’re sleeping.
@DazeEnd That’s a good start. Maybe it’s just the colour profile in your icon that’s confusing Chrome (or Safari.) *No* idea about the text.
@DazeEnd Out of curiosity, what colour do your browsers see the car as: petapixel.com/2012/06/25/is-…
@DazeEnd Also: looks like your Action Lists icon has an embedded sRGB profile, but your others don’t. Might be confusing the issue, too…
@DazeEnd (Safari was the first browser I ever used that didn’t ignore embedded colour profiles in pictures, too photographylife.com/is-your-browse… )
@DazeEnd I was thinking it might be everything except Chrome, perhaps. That sometimes uses its own twisty stuff for things like that.
@DazeEnd (Oh, and if you use f.lux, don’t forget to turn it off first!)
@DazeEnd (My monitor’s been recently calibrated with a hardware calibrator, so that why I’m wondering if that’s the difference between us.)
@DazeEnd Perhaps try manually calibrating (Sys Prefs->Displays->Color->Calibrate) and see if it makes a difference? I’m only guessing.
@DazeEnd …the monitor colour profile, and one not?

@DazeEnd Looks matching to me. My monitor’s colour-calibrated, though — is one of them maybe using… pic.twitter.com/m1h4Zn50c6
@DazeEnd Where’s that page? I’ll give it a try.
@MsMottram Happy NY. Yeah, shop around and get quotes from everyone, even if you don’t necessarily think you’ll go for them; good ammo :)
@MsMottram Good things about Safestore: close, polite, well-maintained, clean and dry. My stuff survived very well for years last time.
@MsMottram @paulawhite_uk Sadly storage places are a bit like gyms — no prices on the websites, all try to undercut each other’s quotes.
@MsMottram @paulawhite_uk …before. This time I shopped around, and they matched the quote for a significantly cheaper place in Avonmouth.
@MsMottram @paulawhite_uk I find Safestore (one of the old bond warehouses, just next to Riverside Garden Centre) very good. Used them…

Ah! More art. This time from my charcoal period. pic.twitter.com/wxF0sxKZQl
@BenPark CNET still do downloads?
@C_J_Fox Ah. I’d offer to lend, but all my classic Who re-watching was on VHS or UK Gold.
@C_J_Fox Like I said, terrifying scripts. (But having Peri around was some consolation :) )
@C_J_Fox (_Silver Nemesis_ probably my fave story of either of those two, by the way.)
@C_J_Fox He’s sometimes good. He and Sly McCoy had to cope with some pretty terrifying scripts.
@C_J_Fox oh. The DJ? My sympathy.
@paulawhite_uk eBay would be my default choice for that kind of thing. Harder if it’s tough to package, though.
@paulawhite_uk I hired a little storage unit, mostly as a “probably end up recycled, after I don’t see it for a year” space.

Still decluttering. Wonder if I should charity-shop this old masterpiece of mine. pic.twitter.com/LDYJ0KLQHR
@hayles Cabot? Ironic, as last person who fixed my phone was girl working there…
@jakepjohnson His last name’s not Barrett, is it?
@psidnell And all the stylus you needed was a BIC pen lid :D
Android support fragmentation: “Can you go into your settings and check X, please?” “Where’s that?” Er. I have no idea, on *your* phone :(
@Kavey scary but true.
Mornin’. I am feeling like I haven’t got the flu any more. This is a good feeling.

amy_kate A company tried to pitch to us, looked on their company social media and they have this amongst others… pic.twitter.com/SyIrDPirux