Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 2011

@hayles “AAARGH!” *snap* *post* *burrrrp* *snigger*

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles Get your camera ready. I think the look on his face when he comes down and sees just you and some crumbs will be worth a twitpic.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles Cheese tip: get hold of the cheeseknife first. This will increase the ratio to 8:1 :D

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@MatthewTosh I’m going to wander out to Cumberland Basin and see if I can get some snaps with reflections in the high tide :)

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@KeithGough1 Maison Touareg. I’ve heard not-so-good things about it in the last couple of years, though.

via Echofon in reply to KeithGough1

MatthewTosh @GreatGeorgeWMB @marksearlegolf Indeed there will. We fire at midnight from behind the Avon Gorge Hotel, . Enjoy!

via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 10:21 PM, Dec 31st, 2011 via Echofon)

GreatGeorgeWMB One for @MatthewTosh RT >> @marksearlegolf: @GreatGeorgeWMB will there be a decent firework display around the clifton sus bridge tonight?

via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 10:21 PM, Dec 31st, 2011 via Echofon)

@tsunimee I have a tin-opener, if that’s any help?

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Notebook The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works for 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth until you fall in love.

via Buffer (retweeted on 2:55 PM, Dec 31st, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

geofficate Oops. Arts centre spire is on fire from the fireworks!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:32 PM, Dec 31st, 2011 via Echofon)

@KaveyF That’s about where I am. I have Lemsip, Strepsils and cheap whisky.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@stillawake Oh, yes, I should probably set the video.

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@crookedfootball Sorry, don’t think I’ve ever sent a zip file from a Mac to a Windows machine. Any idea of the exact error message?

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<voice style=”zombie”>Uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrghghghghghg.</voice>

via Echofon

@Bob_at_BH It must’ve been repeated, otherwise I’d not have remembered it as well as I do.

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Bob_at_BH …that talked to the children that lived there. Not much to go on, I’ll admit. Everyone knows the show, but no one knows the title. :(

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 2:52 PM, Dec 29th, 2011 via Echofon)

Bob_at_BH UK friends, a quest! I’m trying to remember the name of a children’s program, mid-80s(ish) that had a golden bird on top of a wardrobe…

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 2:52 PM, Dec 29th, 2011 via Echofon)

@Bob_at_BH Hrm. The only vaguely golden birds that spring to my mind are Professor Yaffel :) and the phoenix from The Phoenix and the Carpet

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@danoliver I was *delighted* to find a bag of carrots in the fridge last night. Strange time of year, this.

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Running bloggity-thing: On New Year’s Resolutions…

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@thekarleighshow Mmm. I have scrambled eggs. Seems to be helping.

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@caitlinmoran I am *so* glad that your Weeping Jotter is about crying.

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Right. Lemsip. And coffee. *lurches from bed* *heads zombie-like for kitchen*

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@thekarleighshow I should be so lucky. I could croak forlornly until you took pity and fetched the Lemsip.

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I am lying in bed feeling slightly sorry for myself. At some point the desire for Lemsip will decant me.

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@MrGreenGus @PenStar_words Plastics as well? Hurrah! Hopefully by then I’ll have worked out my new collection day…

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@BlackDogDays Happy post-birthday, dear.

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@thekarleighshow And to think they say that romance is dead.

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In other news, I have acquired an HTC Wildfire to do testing on. Wow. It’s like a phone, only much slower.

via Echofon

Bah. I think I am ill. At least earlier, when this was a mere suspicion, I bought Lemsip, just in case.

via Echofon

@word_geek While it would probably motivate me, it seems quite an expensive solution to the problem :)

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@Nose_in_a_book I am going to have to force myself. Backlog of podcasts to the rescue!

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@emtiu It’s *far* easier to pick locks than open that plastic stuff. I’m going to heat-seal my house next time I go on holiday. @doctorow

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@lukejonesme Lanacane or Bodyglide helps. For a more certain solution, eBay is a great source of small round plasters :)

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*Looks at utter tip flat has become over the holiday period* *sighs*

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@nitsohara If not, then two guys turn up in a detector van. One holds your eyes open while the other plays the episodes you haven’t seen.

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@nitsohara It’s actually part of the licence fee requirements that everyone over the age of 40 has seen them all.

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@liveindetail @Thehappyfatgirl As long as you’ll make a matching donation for the 70-200 f/2.8 L…

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Right. I’m off to spend some quality time with a cat.

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@BlackDogDays Happy birthday, whippersnapper :)

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AdamRutherford The Imperial March, played on 8 floppy disc drives. That is all.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:43 PM, Dec 27th, 2011 via Echofon)

@mikedunn Ah. You have my sympathy. Hope you get out of there alive.

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@indiaknight *snigger* I look forward to the photo that I assume everyone else is also currently demanding :)

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indiaknight Everything I ever said about onesies, including “freaky adult babies” and “what is wrong with people?” was a lie and I apologise.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 3:44 PM, Dec 27th, 2011 via Echofon)

@Jorence Will do! Most of my plans for tomorrow do rather depend on whether I get up before 2:45pm, mind :D

via Echofon

@Jorence I may make my annual cinema visit this week, and maybe go see Sherlock Holmes.

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@Jorence @emmafurious Cool. Whatcha going to watch?

via Echofon

@Jorence Steady on, now!

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@Jorence Ooh, that’s a good idea. Been meaning to get to the exhibition for a while. And I have to head in that direction to feed a cat.

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@Jorence I like the time between Christmas and New Year. I do very little with an unusual lack of guilt. Maybe I’ll go for a walk tomorrow.

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@Jorence Is this a bad thing?

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Hmm. Apparently, I needed to catch up on some sleep *stretches*.

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@KaveyF If someone doesn’t stop me soon I’m only going to be able to indulge that kink where people like perfectly-spherical lovers.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

RellyAB Remember to turn on Adblock with this one weird old tip.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:01 PM, Dec 26th, 2011 via Echofon)

@archidave These are the big chocolate balls. I have no joke here.

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@BenPark I’m quite prepared to come to an arrangement with someone in the BDSM scene if it stops me hitting eighteen stone…

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

Someone needs to come and tie me up. This isn’t a kinky request; it’s just that otherwise I’m going to overdose on Lindor chocolates.

via Echofon

@stillawake Heh. No, a slightly tired and bemused cat whose house is unusually full of those noisy human things :) Good name, though, aye ;)

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@daycoder It usually comes as a surprise. I think it’s only actually offered when you hit the max authorisations.

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@Jorence I am sure it will. Yesterday was pretty ace, and today should be more of the same, really.

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Ugh. Second coffee going down nicely after last night’s insomnia. Soon I will be sufficiently caffeinated to face Boxing Day.

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Oooh. The room I’m being put up in has most of the Asterix books on the shelves. Sleep may be somewhat delayed.

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So far, I seem to have survived Christmas.

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Slightly knackered merry Christmas to you all.

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@Ninja_lynneja A couple of hours ago, I thought “I’ll get up early and do it then,” and went to bed. Here I am, still awake. Bah.

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Okay. So I only really have two cuboid things to wrap. I can get up in the morning and do that. Night all!

via Echofon

sophiehardwicke Thinking of those who may, for one reason & another, find Xmas a little difficult. Hope you get thru it & I’ll see you on the other side x

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 11:45 PM, Dec 24th, 2011 via Echofon)

mattleys When you cut through a whole strip of wrapping paper without snipping the scissors? Nearest I get to being James Bond.

via Echofon (retweeted on 11:09 PM, Dec 24th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Jorence I look forward to bring proved wrong. Good luck!

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Ah, nothing better on Christmas Eve than eating cheese and watching Blake’s 7. “Maybe he was cleaning it and it went off.”

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@Jorence I think it’s likely there’s a good reason that “as reliable as Firstbus on Christmas Eve” isn’t a well-known saying.

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Oh, Harry Hill, Christmas music, and canned laughter. Yay. *turns off telly*

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@jeffscott Just spreading the joy :) Have a good holiday!

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@jeffscott Update on that podcast playlist sync problem — yup, that suggested workaround did the job!…

via Echofon

@KaveyF I added bacon, too. What the heck, it’s Christmas. *burp*

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

GettingShirty RT @TwopTwips: NEW PARENTS. Shake a pot of glitter into baby’s tea tonight and a festive Christmas poo will be awaiting you in the morning.

via TweetList Pro (retweeted on 4:12 PM, Dec 24th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@AlasdairStuart Nothing wrong with that. Also: Archangel gets my vote for uncle who would buy me inappropriately violent toys.

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@DaveHamilton I thought mine would tell me, too, but if they gradually go flat as a pair, not so much. Down to 7psi last time I pumped ‘em!

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@amberanima @BlackDogDays Ooopsie! Sorry, hadn’t fathomed your particular extenuating circumstances. Yes, probably not recommended…

via Echofon in reply to amberanima

Well, seeing as I’m on the port, it’d probably be rude not to break out the @HobbsHouse bread and the stilton I just bought from Mall Deli.

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@amberanima @BlackDogDays I suggest smashing all barriers between you and port with a combination of fortitude and a Big Stick.

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@BlackDogDays Also, I would still be in PJs if I wasn’t (a) on cat-feeding duty for friends, and (b) hadn’t still had a pressie to buy!

via Echofon

@BlackDogDays If I’m honest, I also have skanky unwashed hair. It’s just harder to tell with me.

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@libbymiller She was in the novel, from what I remember.

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@utterben Technically, I suppose this makes you a rebel without a flush.

via Echofon in reply to benhorsleyco

It’s just possible I’m going to start on the port.

via Echofon

Right. Off to feed a cat.

via Echofon

rabbitinahat Yesterday’s blog on making Christmas dinner… IN A PIE. CHRISTMAS PIE.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:24 AM, Dec 24th, 2011 via Echofon)

I wish this headache would go away. I have not had a fantastic day.

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@runnerbeany Stungry. Got a nice ring to it, that. I am, thankfully, over my hanger. For the time being, anyway.

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@oxfamcothambook Thank you. I will, assuming I survive the holiday period.

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@BristolBites It’s just possible you want to look into this year’s Booker Prize winner.

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@DavidClappPhoto I’d have said the chances would be fairly low of finding that in a Chinese restaurant in *Devonshire*. Odd!

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Tired. Headache. Still not ready for Christmas.

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@KellySibson I don’t think I’ve ever had anything but home-made mead! I guess I’m spoiled…

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@OldRoberts953 You and me both. *Raises fictional glass*

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@Phooto The closest we came was laughing at some sheep.

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@Phooto Though I did not partake of either the chanting, nor the drinking-mead-from-a-horn parts of the service.

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@Phooto Very good thanks. Lovely sunrise, chilled atmosphere, the odd druid here and there, bit of chanting…

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@word_geek You’ll have more time next year, when the solstice goes back to the 21st :D

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@Thehappyfatgirl Thanks. It was a lovely morning, all told. Avebury’s a fab place.

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(And this is the whole set of 12 photos, if you’re interested!… )

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A couple of snaps from my morning at the Solstice celebrations in Avebury:

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@Mouse_House You should learn to channel Evil Mouse. Repeat after me: “Hush, weirdo!”

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@ruskin147 Interesting! Looking forward to the response.

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@ruskin147 Is there anywhere Amazon actually admit that? Very hard to tell as a customer what/whose VAT rate you’re paying.

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@stillawake Snapped a few. Just whittling them down to the decent ones.

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@Phooto The druids tend to celebrate around sunrise, rather than worrying too hard about astronomical accuracy :)

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@stillawake It’s an Avebury thing. But we should have left more than a quarter of an hour ago, and my ride’s not turned up yet. *paces*

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Waiting for late people. Come on, we need to beat the sunrise.

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@RamonYouseph Headache pills. Caffeine. Hydration. Keep away from children.

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@hayles I’m up and dressed and about to go out. Unusual, but true.

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*yawn* *stretch*

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@Jorence We’ll only have to give it back when everyone else wakes up.

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Morning, all. *cries with the earliness of it all*.

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@Jorence What, you pick the *shortest* day? Can’t we conquer it in June instead?

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@ollieflips I’m useing it right now.

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Anyway. Off to bed now. Got to be up early for tomorrow’s solstice, apparently.

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@ollieflips Interestingly, Fowler, the pedant’s friend, is pretty one-sided. Not entirely sure it matters that much!

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@ollieflips I’m not sure which one I use. OED doesn’t seem to make a distinction, and cites Coleridge using “usable”…

via Echofon

@BlackDogDays Twas nice. But I’m afraid it’s destined for Avebury. Assuming I can drag my arse out of bed tomorrow morning, that is…

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@BlackDogDays @stillawake @ali_slater @nicki_britton Damn it. Now I have the theme music going through my head.

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@KaveyF Looks good. Smells good. Now I just have to have dinner and I can try some :D

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF @BlackDogDays Win! I think. Wonder if I should try taking it out yet.

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@BlackDogDays @KaveyF Well, the “before” looked okay. *Crosses fingers*

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@BlackDogDays Likewise. So far, so good — just gone into the oven.

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@shezza_t Yes, that’s why I like it, too. There will probably be others there tomorrow, would just be reassuring to know in advance!

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Now I am going to lie down for half an hour and uncompress my poor spine.

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Exhausted after a long shopping walk. Bonus feature of the walk was bumping into @BlackDogDays and our mutual friend Mandy at the end!

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Re: my raised eyes at “Bristols Best Coffee”, it’s actually pretty good coffee, and @dialageek was right about the schnitzel sarnies, too.

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@stillawake Top of Whiteladies. @dialageek suggests the schnitzel really is good, so I might walk back and try the coffee, too!

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I can’t quite bring myself to believe that this cafe serves Bristol’s best coffee. Anyone know for sure? ;)

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I’m getting nothing done at home today. I am therefore going out. Hoping all the Christmas shopping I need will fall randomly into my bag.

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ghostfinder Thirty years ago today, Avon shot Blake and the rest of the Scorpio’s crew were gunned down by the Federation. Thirty years? Wow.

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 11:11 AM, Dec 21st, 2011 via Echofon)

@Phooto @KaveyF Another reason to be cheerful!

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

Trying to find info on visiting Avebury for the winter solstice. Info point 1: druids aren’t great at making websites.

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@KaveyF It’s usually the 21st; some years it’s the 22nd.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF That’s tomorrow, isn’t it? I hope it’s the 22nd this year, or our vague plans to go to Avebury tomorrow morning are foolish.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

Bzzzzzzzzzzz! OH GOOD MORNING BOSTON TEA PARTY CONTINENTAL COFFEE BEANS. Wow. Quite a lot of caffeine in those.

via Echofon

@tsunimee Hang on. Doesn’t that mean you’ll be going to bed on the same day you woke up? Is that some kind of time travel?

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@hayles Pair 1 worked best for me (and that was before I saw you saying you liked them, too!)

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@utterben Goodness. *blushes*. Thank you.

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A moment of exchange. Snap from lunchtime at the Sourdough Cafe.

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@KaveyF I just assume you’re hanging poised over the keyboard to answer my culinary queries like batman in a chef’s hat.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF Fab! In fact, fabber than fab, because 3 medium-sized very ripe bananas is *exactly* what I want to use up.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF Got a bananabread recipe? Only this one I’ve found need 2 1/3 cups mashed bananas, and I have no idea how much that is! :D

via Echofon

@betty_watson One shouty incident per two hours? That’s a better rate than my local library. Definitely have to try BTP :D

via Echofon in reply to betty_watson

Royal Mail online postage tells me I need a customs form for this non-EU destination. Is there some news about Greece I’ve not heard?

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@betty_watson I will have to try a Monday breakfast-followed-by-working morning there to try to kickstart one of my weeks.

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@betty_watson I really need to get there early one day and see what it’s like to work there.

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@archidave It probably means I should get more sleep :)

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@MandinaM I’m running on BTP Columbian right now. Ground at home, thank goodness; I’m still in my dressing gown!

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@stillawake Most of the dreams I remember are that odd. Strange place, my unconscious.

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@dave_buxton Sadly, I have little talent for plot, and the dream started in the middle of things, so I’ve no clue why I was doing all that!

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Woke from dream where I was on my second try rescuing robot from sinister hospital. Had just discovered consultants’ secret prostitute wing.

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@philsherry Odd. I’ve Lion, an iMac, a magic mouse, and a trackpad, and no BT probs at all.

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@thesafetybat I need a garden first, but I definitely agree :)

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@MandinaM I don’t know, but when you catch up with them, please get mine back, too.

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@Phooto Yes, and you can rent TV shows on it in the US, too. This is a media industry legal problem, not a tech problem :)

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Phooto Anything confirmed? “Sometime in 2012” has been a vague speculation since the ATV2 launched…

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Phooto Bearing in mind I’m pretty sure you can’t even rent TV shows on the UK Apple TV, I doubt Netflix is an option.

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Phooto That would require me buying an iPad. I have an Apple TV, and I’ve never seen a Netflix option.

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Phooto The Apple TV streams Netflix? What, in the UK?

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@KaveyF Well-formed. As opposed to valid. It’s a long story, and not very interesting.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF Actually, it doesn’t need a DOCTYPE if it’s not HTML. <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”><pedantic>This is well-formed.</pedantic>

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF Just count yourself lucky Twitter doesn’t have enough characters for a DOCTYPE declaration.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF <very-sad-observation>It wouldn’t have been well-formed XML if I hadn’t.</very-sad-observation>

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@Phooto Yes, but then you’d need another shed for the tandoor :)

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@Phooto I’m not saying I’d pay ten grand for it. But if someone offered me one for Christmas and I had somewhere to put it… :)

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@Jorence Me too. Sadly, though, I’d need (a) a garden, and (b) at £10,890, to wait for the cheap IKEA version to come out. (SHĖDD?)

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@KaveyF <evil-genius>ANYWHERE! ANYWHERE I WANTED! BWAHAHA!</evil-genius>

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